Imagine you're born in Africa, in 19th century. You're an adult person and everyone around you has Black skin...

Imagine you're born in Africa, in 19th century. You're an adult person and everyone around you has Black skin. But you don't know what Black means. For you they're just people. One day, you go to the shore to catch some fish for your family. But wait, what's that? 5 armed pale soldiers walking towards you and you try to run back BUT someone threw a fishnet at you. You're fucked. Then they take you to the ship. You see inside the ship that there are lots of your kind. One kidnapped from his home, has a wife and 3 kids. Will never see them again. One was kidnapped by a white man after his village was razed to the ground. One woman you see was brought here by a guy, she had 4 kids. All of them were killed by whites before her very eyes. Then a white guy comes down. He whips you. Tells you to start rowing. You row. You row. At nights, you row. When the sun is high in the sky, you still row.

Then they bring you to a country. You don't know where. They call it "United States", land of milk and honey. Hey, at least you're not rowing anymore buddy huh? But what's that? A landowner buys you for 2 cents. Before he buys you, he wants you to convert to his "religion". But you don't know what a religion is yet. You think there are just gods. Gods of Egypt. Days later, he forces you to work in his farm. You pick cotton for him while his fucking kids insult you for having a different skin color. You pick cotton for him for years. You pick that motherfucking cotton for the rest of your fucking life until you're not able to move your fucking legs or arms anymore. You pick that goddamned cotton while those motherfuckers ravage your civilization in your native continent.

Then the landowner comes up to you. He has rifle. He loads it, points it at you and says that because you're no longer useful, he has to kill you now because he does not want to feed you. Bang. You're dead.

This is the story of the Black people in USA

this is why we hate whites.


That image is retarded. Very little of value has been extracted from Africa. The things that were (Diamonds) you didn't even realize they were valuable until whites told you they were.

What about the 6 million black Africans held in slavery in 2018 by their fellow nigger. You're clueless and the little "knowledge" that you do have has been distorted by the jew.

Imagine we don't care.

Check my fields.

fucking white people white-washing our history again, black people were enslaved by other black people, not fucking cumskins.

you fags should hate yourselves for bein thin skinned
the whole slavery thing was just a joke
get over it

didn't readn sage

How much money, charity, aid, has been poured into Africa? What have they got to show for it?

I want a refund.

Heh, nothing personnel kid.

It would have been blacks enslaving you and Jews buying you
Also imagine having a continent that can fit India china us Europe and Japan but you completely squander the potential

Lol, read a book of history, whites never captured to black people, was black people that sold black people.


That's not how it happened.
Set few African leaders made their fortune conquering other African tribes and kingdoms to sell the defeated as slaves to the Europeans.
Many great African civilizations were left in ruin unable to defend themselves effectively against guns and cannons bought from the Europeans. much of their male populations were enslaved making it difficult for those who survived to rebuild.
For the Europeans in Europe and the Americas slavery has always been a unsettling topic. especially for those who haven't been fully introduced to the practice. nevertheless, with out industrial age agriculture slavery at this time was essential to feed their large populations. So in order to justify the immoral act of slavery, the Europeans convinced themselves that Africans were less than human and like horses were made to be enslaved. this justification carried on to the revolutionary war and the forming of the United States were the founding fathers set down laws distinguishing whites over blacks who were seen as mere slaves.

>Imagine you're born in Africa
No thanks.

>thinking his nigger relatives rowed.
>thinking niggers work.

gr8 b8 nigger.

>while those motherfuckers ravage your civilization in your native continent.
top comedy

The US didn't import slaves in the 1800s you stupid nigger. It was against the law.

>Imagine you're born in Africa, in 19th century
>and that means you still haven't invented such a basic thing as a fucking wheel

>You think there are just gods. Gods of Egypt

If it wasn't for the Jew Benjamin Franklin, you'd still be picking cotton.

Yikes dude, your little story is so filled with error and fallacies. Captured with fishing nets?! Surely the kangs of old deserve more respect than that!! Nets cannot trap kangs. Bought and paid for my dude, hardly stealing! Fucking idiot

Imagine you're a peaceful European commoner, and one day Arabic pirates or raiders come to rape and pillage your town, kill a bunch of people and take. Like, the entire community just up and killed or kidnapped, only a razed ruin left behind.

>Also Vikings do this sometimes as well

Then, now that you and everyone you know and love (if you're still alive) are slaves. If you're male, you're lucky if you aren't castrated right away, but either way you're going to be literally worked to death for the rest of your short life as a rower in a galley of those same pirate ships which raided you in the first place, brutal conditions of being chained en masse at the bottom of a sweltering hot stinking ship, just constantly forced to row till exhaustion or death lest you be whipped and brutalized. If you're female, you're in for a whole lot of rape till you end up in some far flung slave market to be bought as some Arabic merchant's mistress or end up in a harem. And if you're a child you're most likely killed outright in the beginning.

Now imagine all of this goes on for much longer than the African slave trade, and many more of you suffer this fate than Africans did. What do you do as a result? You most certainly don't carry a permanent chip on your shoulder about it, bitch and moan constantly forever, and unforgivably hate Arabics even if they were to willingly end your slavery, constantly apologize and give you reparations and preference, and bring you along in their advance of civilization and share the bounties of it. Which is good because the Arabics never do any of those things, never show any remorse for it.

Then imagine being forced to take these people into your own societies..

>Imagine you're born in Africa, in 19th century. You're an adult person and everyone around you has Black skin.


Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.

Doesn't sound too bad compared to the alternative, living in Africa, sucking the ass hole of a warthog for sustenance and then dying from old age at 25.

>not even the ocean wants to fill the void

Slavery dates back as far as one alpha ape made other apes gather gather food for him.
>get that into your thick heads
Blacks sold blacks, whites sold whites, arabs sold arabs, romans bought and sold everyone even in debt romans who couldnt repay debt.
It takes subhuman intelligence to not see how humans took advantage of one another everywhere.

Dumb nigger, your own people sold you to Jews.

Great because they hate you too and they outnumber you 5 to 1. Also, whites didn't catch slaves. Blacks did. They sold out their own kind on a scale never seen in history.

First of all your Fucking ungrateful. The master clothed you fed you and housed you and your new Negro family as soon as you got here for free.

Then you got your civil rights so fuck you.

Did you know the Jew's lost 6 million in the holocaust I care about providing for them more then a nigger that doesnt want to be here. Go Fucking back then I'll wait.

they didn't cross the ocean in rowboats either

Niggers can't into history
>19th century
>slave trade
Slave trade was a thing in the 16th, 17th and 18th century. Britain banned slave trade in 1807, Spain in 1811, the Netherlands in 1814 and France in 1817.

>But wait, what's that? 5 armed pale soldiers walking towards you and you try to run back BUT someone threw a fishnet at you
Lol no, Africans took other Africans as slaves and sold them to Europeans at European forts along the coast. In fact, African slave trade was already booming before Europeans arrived. In fact, the existence of the slave trade is why Europeans set up trade posts in Africa in the first place.

>Gods of Egypt
Now you're just trolling

you and everyone else buddy

Africa is a shithole and always will be a shithole because of, among other things, its shitty geography.

This. All i read from his thread is whaaaaa whaaa white mayne steals white mayne baaaad
we wuz kangs and shiiiet
Stupid nigger proves once again stereotypes based on truth.

>Implying this is what happened

You realize that lighter skinned niggers went deep into the jungle.
Got the niggerest of niggers and sold them to Americans?

Whites very rarely hunted them.

Blacks weren't captured by white people, they were bought at armed trading ports from black slave catchers. Learn your history dindu, there is no race on Earth that has not participated in slavery, nor has slavery ever been entirely enacted upon one people by another.

Except the person who sold you was black too

and stupid niggers like this OP

Thats not how it happened.

Here is how it happened.

You went to the shore, you notice some huge boats and a smaller boat full of men approaching the shore. You run back to your mud hut village and tell the big bigganiggadingagrunga. He gathers some men with sticks, shields, spears and sheeeeeiiit then proceeds to the shore. There he sees the white man with his technology and what not. Next communication begins. He, the bigganiggagrunga wants to trade, he has been capturing many slaves in wars with other tribes and also has some semi retarded cousins and such he wants to get rid of.

So, the trade talks begin. The white man has made these trades before, and so has bigganiggadingagrunga. Captured enemy and retarded family and tribes men traded for decent long lasting goods.

On the ship you go, you made out with the bigganiggadingagrungas 13yr old love pet at the biggaboogaboogaceleboooga.

The poor white man, not realizing he is about to import retards, rapeists ends up selling them off as fast as he can to farm owners.

Niggers sold other niggers for packs of cigarettes. Your own kind is comprised of ignorant opportunists. You betray each other at every turn, which is why so many of you inner city types love to shoot each other's kids, and use your own kids as bullet shields.

>sucking the asshole of a warthog
fucking kek

>H >>>N
>A >>>I
>T >>>G
>E >>>G

You forgot the rest of the story:

Other white men work to free you and fight a war partially to make sure none of those 5% of Americans owns you or your family. But then a groups of social engineers called the Democrat Party decides to pay you to live in the cities and do nothing but take up resources and vote for them. So you do that for generations and then become a megaphone for BLM to screech for yet more resources. They also make sure you never learn that it was another tribe of blacks that originally sold you into slavery because that's what everyone was doing before white people said 'ok we need to stop owning others.'

>that image

Even the oceans don't want to invade africa.

R-selective breeding. Not even once.

Sorry we got winter and developed delayed gratification, but we tried to share it and they keep ruining it and blaming us.

We should enslave all of you again and make you work like good farm equipment that you are nigger.

You think, you rowed your ass here?

You actually think, your rowed your asses here?

Public school is obviously a failure for these people. You can put a nigger in a school, but you can't make it read.

>This is the story of the Black people in USA
You're so fucked in the head you aren't even able to see the error in your logic.
Learn your history fool.



Jesus fucking christ you niggers never shut up do you? I don't hear Indians or Arabs complaining about slavery or a shit tonne of pheasants from almost all of human history. You do realize slavery has existed since the dawn of human civilization and has happened to every race? You also realize that humans have invaded territory and land and massacred natives since all of fucking history don't you? But no, like always you stupid gorillas have to blame your problems on everyone else. Now go back to robbing that store you were planning on doing.

>19th Century
user please. And Europeans have been visiting Africa since the 15the Century, Arabized Muslims since the 12th Century. Any African who didn't know there were people with different skin colors in the 19th Century either lived in Pygmy lands or was dumber than you.

Except your own kind enslaved your people and then sold you to whites. You think a white man would go humping through a jungle full of subhumans to catch a primate that can’t even put in 8 hours of work a day without having to be whipped. Niggers sure are dumb

>You're an adult person
hol up

Just had to tie Egypt in to your fantasy lmao
we wuz etc

Cry me a river you fucking nigger. Just because gran pappy had to pick some cotton doesn't entitle you to free shit.


Most famous black on earth were born in usa.
Rap or hip hop culture came from usa.
Without atlantic slave trade none of this would have happened.
It's just a short list. The quality of your live would be very different if you were born in africa.
Maybe just be grateful for once?

One post by this ID.

Anyone who believe this shit to be anything like the truth is truly fucking retarded.

You don't know history.

I wouldn't have stayed in America if my family wasn't with me

Except blacks were sold into slavery by their own leaders, and the slave trade itself was organized by jews.

The thing it doesn't matter if it's 19th century or 1st century. Africa is still the shit hole it was thousands years before white people tried to bring civilization to a bunch of savages.

> Be white man. Visit black country. King wants to impress, gives you slave as gift. WTF is this. Only shit they have to trade are slaves. Wait we can make a business of this.

Slave trade born.

africans enslaved eachother you kike

this is bait. but just in case you're actually retarded, let me explain this to you.

slaves were bought from african tribes who captured the slaves in war or whatever, who then sold them on markets/to markets. it's not the specialization of the slave ships to hunt for slaves - they just buy them from markets like any other good they transport.



You do know that most of the slaves were simply sold to the Europeans by their masters who'd captured them from another tribe, right?

I mean, nice fantasy you've written there, but that's not how it went down bub.

This thread again.

Slaves were tribes' pow bought with gold/spice/fabric.

>. But wait, what's that? 5 armed pale soldiers walking towards you and you try to run back BUT someone threw a fishnet at you.

The majority of slavers at the time of the Atlantic slave trade were black.

They were previously paid by the moslems who had been pillaging slaves from Africa for centuries, and the Greeks and Romans again for years before. The white northern europeans came in later, industrialising it and displacing the slaves West to the new world where they would be allowed to breed and enter a now society, instead of East where they died out.

The irony is that the only civilisation out of that list that gets the rap for slavery is also the one that both outlawed slavery, and left civilisation behind in Africa. It's also the one that didn't partake in practices such as castration.

Slavery is still happening today and as per history, it's africans and middle easterns doing it, as it ever was.


That's what you get for being a nigger

So, you want to go back in time, and make it so there are no rappers.

Please do.

must suck to be a member of a race that couldn't even invent the wheel

Hey, it could be worse though right?

You could have to see a lot!

Everything you said is true. How many generations is an acceptable period of time to hold a grudge? Whites launched a civil war to free you. Whites drafted and passed an amendment to the constitution making slavery illegal. Whites in politics and on the street passed civil rights laws. They passed affirmative action. Whites give a massive amount of their paycheck every year to provide housing and medical care for the black poor. America sends billions every year in aid to African countries.

At what point will you stop blaming white people for the actions of 200 years ago, and start taking responsibility for your own sorry state? Did you know the vast majority of white people today have zero ancestors who were slave owners? Did you know most white people's ancestors arrived in America from Europe after slavery was abolished?

Will you ever grow up? Life is hard for everyone. Its a lot harder when you spend your life blaming other people for all your ills. Its even more pathetic when you blame an entire race.

Whats the matter with the iberian peninsula in that picture?

You can return home, whenever you wish!

>I'm a stupid nigger who is completely unaware that every nigger sold into slavery was sold by other niggers.

I hear they have child day care over there. We will buy you a one way plane ticket.

How brainwashed are you, you stupid nigger? Your nigger ancestors sold you to whites. Your own kind, black skin, were the slavers. They conquered your inferior tribes then sold you to the whites. Stupid nigger.

If that was a true story there would be no black people in the United States.

This. Keep in mind that black families were actually a thing before the democrats destroyed the economy and introduced feminism. You were advancing, you were taking your place in the country and the world. Then the democrats destroyed you and you still vote for them every year because you cant live without your free shit. Blacks that vote for dems are like children. Grow up, be men, stop enabling your whoring women, and take your place in the world. And for fuck sakes stop voting for your democrat masters that keep you as dependent pets. Frankly the same could be said for many whites today.

Its a common narrative but not true. There had been loads of wars where slaves had been taken. Not all of them black either.

and yes, this is a bait thread.

They even have wonderful restaurants for you to use your ebt card and or other gibs.

>1 post by this nigger

Change the word white with jew and try again.

They would be so happy to have you back, that they will let you ride their low riders.

So when you want us to send you that one way ticket, homie?

Reminder - Austria dindu nuffin, we a good boy.

>everything you said is true
Apart from (((forgetting))) to mention that niggers were the ones selling each other

p-pls someone respond Is it because we are irrelevant?

>jews and blacks enslave blacks
>"this is why we hate white people"
in other news, i would like to profess my hate of cats because sharks eat people

Mother fucker you niggers sold yourselfs on the slave trade the fact that you used that to say why you hate whites is the most goddamn hypocritical thing i have ever heard stop listening to your goy boy friends and think like an average person


>Is it because we are irrelevant?
You only had like parts of Maroko and a few islands, who cares, and Africans hate Arabs anyway.

that isnt how it worked
black people were selling black people to us, we didnt capture anyone...

Click your timbs together and fuck off back to Wakanda nigger

>they think slavery was a bunch of whites running around africa picking up black people with fishnets
Being a british soldier must have been fun.