Immigrants can never fully integrate into your cultu-
>he can only use an immigrant from a civilized country to prove his point
Japanese culture is probably the most similar to European culture but it still is foreign and some guy singing a song doesn't make him Swiss, Austrian, or German. Culture is deeper than language or dress.
>on the same level as Africans or Mudniggers
You are a dum dum
Fuck NOICE tune btw.
Literally any american artist it's an example.
Almost all modern 'American' music is extremely Africanized.
Jew doesn't understand the concept of Honorary Ayrians.
I don't listen to that shit.
I stopped listening to PopMusic when Robbie Williams was popular. Also some metal and rock stuff back in the day.
But all of that is now under attack for propagating white culture.
You fuckers are so damn ridiculous.
>my nigguhz my nigguhz
>my muhfuggin nigguhz
Couldve done without desu
How well you integrate into another culture, has a lot do do with how hard you try.
This is why the People Of Peace fail so hard.
I want this to be an Anime Opening
It starts with having any semblance of respect for the culture you migrate to, first.
These people lack everything that is necessary.
They like the money here though. Fucking leeches.
The japs were our greatest ally for a reason, bitch tits.
>tfw no german/japanese hybrid masterrace
I try to avoid it as well.
It might happen soon if your women continue being the way they are
I think they can but it will take a few generations and the stuff that remains might very well be adopted into the culture of the dominating culture.
Like food, expressions, games, mysteries and more.
I think most cultures are already a mishmash of many ancient cultures, we evolve, keep the good and useful and discard the bad.
>implying the Japanese aren’t basically white or are far off from Europeans
>posts 120 IQ asian
>HAHA accept all of africa to your country now BIGOTS
Wow, you're literally all cucks aren't you?
Look at Africans in America. It has been 400 years of living side-by-side and Africans there still have a clearly different culture to white Americans.
You will not magically be able to do better than Americans and they already have a 400 year head-start at assimilation.
You are a weak and stupid people who deserve your coming trials.
How do you assimilate your genetics into the host culture?
The assimilation meme only really works in America where national identity isn't based on ethnic nation states like European is but melting pot Civic Nationalism.
> Indicating i WANT to leave my superior culture that i love and know is superior, and integrate into some inferior culture simply because my grandad moved here, not because the culture of his home country is inferior, but because there were some economical problems and corruption, forcing him to find a better opportunity and work in some other country?
All i really need to do is to follow the law and contribute by attaining a good degree, working and paying taxes. I do not need nor do i want to walk around drinking beer, acting like faggots with a dick in my ass and being a cuck for my wife, who walks around cheating on me without me doing anything because "muh equality" as your shitty culture forces on us?
Fuck you, we are here for good, and we are here with our own culture.
So I'm not the only one to see this problem then.
No respect, no will, no try.
And so no success. Only leeching, the type only a Merkel can love.