>user just because you're a christian and I am a satanist doesn't mean we cant be boyfriend and girlfriend, trust me I am psychic I can see our future together!
User just because you're a christian and I am a satanist doesn't mean we cant be boyfriend and girlfriend...
You're a Jew.
has a vagina and is slim
I'll fuck her
No i am not
>gauged ears
Deal breaker
this is the thread I can bust out my witch pics
>implying i don't want to fuck the paganism out of that bitch and make her my traditional Christian housewife
yeah that's gonna be a "burn at the stake" from me dog
Whats wrong with wicca
((LaVeyan))) Satanism is unironically red-pilled. The virgin Ten Commandments pale in comparison to the Chad Satanic Statements.
>Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!
>Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!
>Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!
>Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!
>Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!
>Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!
>Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!
>Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!
>Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!
Book kinda sucked though IMHO
>Satanic Bible
so edgy with the pentagram necklace
The fuck is this.
>trust me I am psychic I can see our future together!
Oh no... it's retarded. :(
You're not a satanist, you're just an edgy thot.
>Falling for the satanist meme
I hope you are ironic. Satanists are cringier than Christcucks
Why are you using ghetto lingo
God doesn't exist, just let her LARP as a witch/satanist and fuck her.
a buldge
o-ok. How do we marry, honey?
I'm not Christian.
I'm a paganist.
Oh look another whore trying to be edgy.
What's what?
People love to talk like niggers despite claiming to hate anything niggerish. Why do you think they word filtered t.b.h and s.m.h?
I'm an atheist, and Satanism is the only religion I can consider non-harmful.
jokes on you bitch I'm jewish
Yeah. That is a big turn off.
be a Satanist
get demon possessed.
so much fun!
I bet she does anal
God doesn't exist though, and consequently neither does "Satan".
I can write better fiction than this low-tier Tolkein bullshit mate. Religious people of any flavor are guaranteed to be uncreative impressionable brainlets.
I should start my own religion. It would be full of fucking pants on head retarded Satanists and Christcucks.
>meme Satanism
>not Setianism
pshh step off pleb, do you even Xeper?
It's just rehash of Ayn Rand with the word SATAN thrown in a whole bunch, It's a garbage religion and a school of thought on all fronts.
Pagans are Christians that are mad at their parents.
It passes.
Why are you using a meme flag?
Look at this y'all
>implying i wouldnt return her to the right faith with my dick
>fuck the pagan right out.
Why do virgins believe this. Just having sex with a woman doesn't do anything. It doesn't change anything
What a broken individual.
I couldn't imagine the amount of torment her emotions bring her.
Well, I don't have to HAHAHAHAHH.
She's not wrong, you know.
There was a time on Sup Forums when it was standard?
Wew laddy lad
I hope Putin uses his new nukes on you guys first
not with the amount of beating I put in...
What an ugly tot. Is this suppose to be temptation?
Im sorry your just bad at sex leaf bro
cool. I'm a scorpio too...
I get it?
>t. satanist
That is what we connoisseurs call jackpot, Jan.
What a bunch of bullshit.
You walk on sacred grounds Witch! Speak with caution, or you will be burned for Heresy.
>short hair
I’d rather be with a satanist than an Athiest
As long as she is conservative I don’t care what magical deity she worships
We found the 17 year old
>You will never have a Mansonian Aryan Satanist QT3.14
Paganism is reality.
hopefully a BENIS :D
This one came censored
It is probably a maxi pad you idiot.
I busted out my witch pics
I'd suck her dick, if you know what I mean.
That's it? you're out?
Don’t fall for this one boys, trust me. Listen to your big head.
I dont even fucking see anything out of the ordinary in the pic fag
I guess this leaf has no idea how to fuck women correctly.
Time to bust out the short hair collection.
It is the kikeyness that bonds us.
I might have some more let me dig. This was the most overtly satanic stuff I had, most of the rest is just edgy degenerate slut or fat girls in pentagram dresses
Lavey was a huckster. Poor man's Crowley.
fuck her in the ass hard, this will show dominance. then slap her around and fuck her in the ass again. keep telling her that satanism is bullshit, and she will come around. Then marry and have at least 5 white children with.
She needs the 10.2 BBC
>As long as she is conservative I don’t care what magical deity she worships
You are a pathetic balllesss conserva cuck piece of shit low test soyboy fagworshipper
You and your ilk are as much of the problem as her kind are
>just because satanists rape and sacrifice children doesn't make them harmful.
>most of the rest is just edgy degenerate slut or fat girls in pentagram dresses
>good enough
What a waste of time playing dress up to pretend to be a character. Drooling kook-aid everywhere and trying to be edgy. The mental illness is strong. I wouldn't touch that pile of crazy with Bill Clinton's dick
>just because you're a christian and I am a satanist doesn't mean we cant be boyfriend and girlfriend
Pretty sure that's exactly what it means, but goth chicks really do it for me, so let's fuck and I'll worry about penitence when we go to Mass tonight.