Friends are turning into communist

My friends are becoming increasingly liberal and socialist. Talking to them is like listening to someone read a thread from Reddit. It's weirdly obvious that their opinions aren't even their own and they don't have any original thought. People would probably suggest that I drop subtle red pills but I don't even like talking to them anymore. Is anyone else dealing with this?

Other urls found in this thread:

you should listen to them

Ignore them and move on with your life. Every few years its wise to shed people who no longer help build you. These friends of yours will be repeating the same tripe ten years from now.


Shove the red pill up their ass

It started slow building up to the election, then they went full retard after the election. I thought they would normal out over time but they managed to get worse.

Honestly it'll probably get worse before it gets better. I know I was that way before going full fash.

They were never your friends to begin with,now man up and start hanging with real friends

This. The successful ones will become Champagne socialists and the unsuccessful ones will become drug addicts, perverts and mass murderers.

Im dealing with you

Socialism opposes liberalism.

You lost your friends because you're a fucking cuck and didn't bring them to enlightenment when you had the chance. Take it from someone who already lost this fight that they're fucking gone now

now you have a purpose in life user.
exercise your oratoria and show them the light.

Go on a trip with them to Venezuela for fun.

Why would he want to take them to a social democratic country?

For fun?

can't you read?

>it wasn't real communism

like clockwork

>Communism = Stateless
>Venezuela = State
That's a weird kind of communism.

bury their asses in redpills until they break contact. then go find friends who arent faggots

Funny how the all powerful state never seems to disappear. Really makes ya think.

So you agree it's not communism.

The stateless communism you describe is a lie to empower an endless "transitional dictatorship". There will never be a communist government that relinquishes power that it accumulates.

so you agree the only reason communism hasn't been tried is because it literally can't be tried

What do you think Marx meant by dictatorship of the proletariat. You ever look into that?

Where did I say it can't be tried? I

They probably have Cluster B disorders and aren't real people. Shills aren't real people, either, they all use narcissist/sociopath logic and mindgames.

Sure. Just say fuck it or bully them- it's one way or the other for any self-respecting man

>It's weirdly obvious that their opinions aren't even their own and they don't have any original thought.
Sounds like you just don't understand what they are talking about and you misinterpret it as them repeating talking points based around buzzwords that you consider meaningless. Maybe your friend is just learning and they aren't good at articulating their ideas in their own words yet, so they use words they pick up from literature.

If you try reading a book you could expand your vocabulary too and it might be easier to have a meaningful dialogue with your comrade.

wow, I never thought of it this way. All we need is a very specific thing to happen, that appears to be impossible to happen, and goes against everything we know about human nature, and THEN we will have a stateless utopia that ALSO goes against everything we know about human nature. And all we need to do to get there is limit everyone's freedom, kill those who disagree, and hope it works out!

>but gyse communism is freedom its not about an authoritarian left wing ideology
Fuck off loser

you agreed when you pointed out a nation could only be defined as communist upon reaching an unreachable state

It's all lies written by a clueless NEET to justify his useless existence as a freeloader. Simply look at the results of this theory being put into practice. Every time it's an endless dictatorship that keeps accumulating authority until it collapses. Really no different from neoliberal capitalism if you put aside ideology.

For some odd reason the transition to a stateless society always seems to require an all-powerful state to oversee the process, which then never actually happens

OP, it happened to me in 2012. Lost all my friends during the election. Been alone ever since.

Is that bad? Without them I've achieved more than they ever will. I'm in grad school for math, have well paying career options, and trade stock; I made 10k last year, and this year might be better.

I promise you, in a few years my life will be worth living, and in a few years my liberal friends will have died from OD, suicide, obesity, or drunk driving

>All we need is a very specific thing to happen, that appears to be impossible to happen

What is it communism needs. I'm sure you read Marx and know what he says. Right?

>and goes against everything we know about human nature,

Why does it go against human nature?

>reaching an unreachable state

heres the actual solution

>choose one or two to dedicate your time to redpilling,if you chose smart ones or ones who live in the real world it will be easier
>forget the rest

How would you do it?

>Is anyone else dealing with this?
is this a joke?
Commies are out here like its a zombie virus

Reminder that communists are not human and killing them is self defense.
>they do not respect our rights so we don't respect theirs

This might help:

yeah pretty much

I mean people that are starving tend to steal food etc, people who have enough food tend not to steal food.

if you change the material conditions of society then naturally human nature would adapt to fit those conditions.

or do you think human nature is created by god and eve ate an apple so we are all sinners and evolution is false?

if you weren't born this way, this is just a fad for you

Do you care they we disrespected the rights of the feudal lords?

>technology creates smart people and not vice versa


Before the election my liberal friends treated anyone with conservative views with a condescending attitude, sort of, "oh, the poor thing is to stupid to know any better." This is because they were convinced Progressivism was inevitable and conservatives would be forced to see the error of their ways. After the election they all flipped the fuck out, I guess because reality didn't mesh up with what they believed to be true. It was bizarre. Any attempts to have a rational discussion with any of them about why Hillary lost resulted in fanatical wild eyed pronouncements of racism, Russian hacking and Hitler, not necessarily in that order. I watch normally rational and functional human beings go batshit insane. I still can't quite believe it. A thirty year friendship basically ended because I wouldn't declare that Trump's election was the beginning of the Fourth Reich. Well, that and yelling that a useful idiot like him would be the first one the Communists would put up against the wall and shoot if they ever got their Revolution.

Give them what they want in spades! If they want to "help poor people" that badly, you drag their ass to a soup kitchen. if they want "open borders", find the sketchiest illegal alien you can possibly find and make them move the alien in. hell, if they want socialism, then straight up take half of their shit because you want it. and then when they inevitably complain when you expose them to the utopia they want for everybody, then you redpill them. you break them, and then you redpill them.

unironically, this

I have a feeling you're not a stranger to putting things in your ass.

"True Communism" is unobtainable. Therefore, it cannot exist, and you are an Idiot.

They’re probably talking behind your back about how retarded you sound with your conspiracies and right wing politics.

Muh red pills


How do I find mew friends?

>People would probably suggest that I drop subtle red pills
This wont work. Yuri was right. The only way to stop them is the coming conflict.

Get a load of this guy:
“I'm American first, Constituionalist second, Progressive third.

I value individual liberty, private, public, and co-operative property ownership, gun rights, and economic opportunity for all. I support a strong social safety net, paid parental leave and universal healthcare. I support capitalism, but with a heavily progressive tax code, heavily enforced anti-trust laws and anti-corruption laws to keep greed in check. I support the sciences and public education up to collegiate level, as education is the backbone of a modern western society. I support environmentalism because planet maintenance is important. I do not support bigotry.

If one were to claim they love freedom, this is the hard truth they must face:

A free individual is only free when they grow up well supported so they do not fall into the habits of poverty.

A free individual is only free when well educated, so that they can make informed decisions on their future in a field of their interest.

A free individual is only free when they are determined to make their name in the world because there aren't systemic boundaries to keep them in place.

"Conservative" values objectively increase poverty, destroy education, and reinforce systemic barriers to entry (economically, culturally, racially, et al.).

So if you love liberty, why would you cling to values that are a net-negative for personal freedom? Why would you wish other Americans had *less* freedom than you?

We're in a time of great distress, and it's time for everyone to rethink their values.”

every single communist ive ever met was dirty.
not only did they never work, but they never clearned up after themselves either
never woke up before 1pm
smoked a pound a week a week, which they bummed from other people
and sat around all day, doing absolutely nothing, but trying to radicalize high-school kids, and getting poor people fired from walmart for passing around fliers and conning them into attending a union meeting.

how do you excuse your despicable appearance, smell, laziness and just all around parastic existence to someone like me, who works, takes showers, benefit those around my having extra-disposable money and talent and keeps a clean living environment

>people who have enough food tend not to steal food.
Sure, just like people who have enough money tend to not steal any more money, right?

Are you me?

Just the other day, one used the word "cis" without a hint of irony

Marx was a couch surfing mooch who wouldn't have known what hard days work was if it jumped up and kicked him right in the ass. And this is what you base your political philosophy on.

He later on elaborates on his personal beliefs: you are born indebted to the state for building society before you that you will benefit from knowingly or unknowingly and if you have a problem with taxation or this progressive tax policy, you are a "leech." Claims to be a "left libertarian" but is really more like Mao Zedong or Joseph Stalin.

**autistic screeching**
>im not going to be mainsplained to by a cis gnered fucking white male
**autistic screeching**
sorry to say, but this is not a meme. This is the young generation

Define communism please and tell me why it's unobtainable.

>technology creates smart people and not vice versa

I get that its hard for you to think beyond two steps (A->B) but both are true.

Smart people create technology that enables more people to be smart.

Babies born in countries with adequate healthcare and nutrition due to scientific and technological innovation have significantly more intelligence than babies that don't and from this they can then build more science and technology.

The foundation of knowledge builds on itself, we cant have rocket scientists without a literate citizenship. If you give the public the ability to read and do math they can innovate at a much faster rate.

Change the material conditions you change the nature of society.

Or do you think god made it so white people could read better naturally and so thats why they invented le science first?

you guys arent really this stupid right

They have trained aspirations, low self confidence, and convictions formed from their peer's opinions.

I was pretty successful, would talk about my aspirations, and ask about theirs in conversations.

Once they realized their goals of "starting a restaurant", were really insignificant, they started to change their views. That particular guy decided "I want to try and improve food for everyone to affect the output of humanity as much as I can. Now he's a medically educated health auditor and process architect for several large grocers and delis.

They're all also hella' afraid of putting any risk on their own skills, because that isn't the trained and expected path. None of them would gamble on being given $10,000 and producing $11,000 with that investment.

I have a communist friend and it's quite nice to talk with him.
He doesn't care if I go on a rant about Hitler and other spergy shit. He doesn't judge me. He agrees with some stuff and in other things he doesn't, but we keep a civil talk. I like to have that friend. Any other liberal/leftie person I know turns really aggresive when told things like "you can't trust the media" like they got their MK Ultra triggered or something.
The rest of my friends fortunately are very conservative/right wing or don't care at all about politics.

Spouting nonsensical word salads at people and calling it a political philosophy isn't smart. It's stupid.

Is journalism not a respectable career? Also how are you doing? Are you one of the most important philosophers of our time. Inventing half of the social sciences? How many pages have you written? A couple of tens of thousands?

They simply do not know. It is sad and not really their own fault.

Communism, N; a subset of Judaism implanted into the brains of lazy retarded cucks and faggots so they peddle the word of the Anti-Christ without ever realizing they are Jewish pawns

It doesn't work because its an ideology adopted by the absolute lowest common denominator, who are always retarded, drug addicted, mentally ill and usually a mixture of all three, to some degree

No. Start misconstruing what they say to call them Nazis and white supremacists. Do it jokingly at first but after a few times dial it up a notch. Show them articles about how much the left hates whites.

It might doubly help if you read a book so you can identify if you friend is actually a 'liberal' or a 'socialist'.

If he really is a liberal you can read a book to explain to him why hes wrong. It would probably do you good to actually understand socialism so yo can tell him why hes a fucking retard. Liberalism(neoliberal conservatism) is the greatest ideological contradiction known to mankind.

You either have capitalism or you don't.

If he is an actual socialist then becoming familiar with the terms would help you(try) to refute his ideology from a solid foundation.

Which fag said this?


Nice argument.

>not being first generation ascendant is to not ascend at all
absolutist out reeeeee

kill yourself kike

You guys took off the part of Marxist-Leninism. How am I supposed to argue against it when you do that.

>is journalism not a respectable career?

There's a time and a season for everything user.
Especially friends.
Family is what is important.
Friends are irrelevant and little more than "entertainment".

edgy. my 3 year old says the same thing when he doesn't know something.

just bantz them.

In other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generation of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism; American patriotism....

Is the real quote. Nice propaganda you are posting.

Yeah. All my friends in high school were Filipino or spics, and a few days ago I got a snap from one of them complaining about racism. A few months ago, he told me he was taking sociology in college.

At this point, I know its just a matter of time before we lose our banter. Its sad to watch, but I know its coming.

if commies are all lazy jewish drug addicts then how come they are winning? lmao

are you talking now, or 60 years ago?

A left "libertarian" on kikebook


Says the guy posting on a neo nazi imageboard. Do you even self-awareness?

Oh, wow, you're a fucking idiot who fell for the fake santa jew. look at this clown, (((Real communist))) will never exist you fucking idiot, you're just a goddamn useful idiot. if you like communist so much go on, take 50 people with your shitty ideology and take a fucking island, lets see if you fucking last 10 years, you fucking pussy, you should all burn in hell and be raped to death.

your three year old sounds like a fagot kike.
you got a serious judaism problem in your lineage
it must be nice sometimes to be a communist just to live ion a constant state of delusion that has no bearing on reality

>People would probably suggest that I drop subtle red pills
Why? If their opinions aren't their own, how will they be able to change them. There's only one solution: total war and destruction of all infrastructure. Refusing to accept this means that within a generation 100% of Americans will be trannies.

What does that have to do with it, user? You are also here.

I made a couple of remarks to the effect that I'd quite like a sane immigration policy and that Muslims don't seem to like gays much and people think I'm the reincarnation of Hitler now.
I have noticed that my guy friends are just about starting to realise that feminism is bullshit, which is where I was about 4 years ago, so maybe things will improve, who knows.

To add, I must fucking pay like 4 times minimal wage here to have internet from a private company since fucking idiots with your ideology always steals ADSL and internet wires to get the cooper from it and sell it on the black market.

It's much better to have conservative friends right now, you laugh and laugh.

The two liberal friends in our group are literal muh-russia I'm-with-her soylent-drinkers (not even joking). They're living memes and we rip on them and it's hilarious.

Buy AR15 go to range. Take classes make new friends.

Most of my friends know I'm basically NatSoc, they don't care, I'm still a fun guy to hang around and I only really get into discussions when I'm drunk. I'm a dependable friend, I always have time to listen and I can get them free food. Plus I'm a pretty great chef.

there's no words for the hatred consuming me, I would fucking strangle you fucking piece of shit I would enjoy every second from doing it, and I would fucking go to hell to keep fucking doing it

>jews control TV, radio, print, facebook, youtube, twitter, CIA, FBI, education, healthcare, military, the presidents daughter, all existing capitalism is a crony shithole, refugees everywhere, no wall, most people believe anyone who supports trump online is a russian bot, Sup Forums is constantly raided by liberals, Putin swining his nuclear dick, Trump silent on the tweets

may the best race with comrade!


I'm happy I'm jewish. I'm rich, smart, have a family of rich smart people. I can get anything I want. What do you have?

Fuck off, come to venezuela I would love to kill you, commie.

Imagine my surprice