Condoleezza Rice Tells Adam Schiff: You Know It's Time For This Russia Thing to End, Right?
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based condi, she's one of the good ones
That's gotta be the creepiest dude ever. It's funny that none of the pics are photoshopped.
literal russia expert tells commiefornian to fuck off lmao pottery
Shut it down.
It's so hilarious, because the USA right now is closer to Russia than it's been in years and the media sidesteps that fact. really makes me think.
I like her ever since the Bush administration. She seems extraordinarily competent.
Here's the clip
i guarantee you 90% of the people who voted for him have not seen how he looks like. If they did he wouldn't be in office
>By the way, I just want to say on Rober Mueller, this is somebody I know, I worked with him, he was FBI director, Natinoal Security Advisor, I have enormous respect for him, and he is going to do this in a very fair way."
-Condoleeza Rice in the same segment
during the bush era there was a shift
you still had some of the old guard who worked and studied during the Cold War days and these people were PROS.
nowadays more unprofessional retards got hired by the day
illiterate press secs, dipshit advisors, the whole lot just poured in
I guess the american public tolerates it, because media has finally dumbed you down enough
sort yourselves out
Possibly related?
She's the foremost expert on Russia/Former USSR in the country right now, and that's been true since the 1980's. The Russians know this, too. Rice is able to easily call them on their bullshit with decades of academic and real-world experience. Any administration that doesn't at least consult with her on Russia is a dumb one.
If look up “pencil necked geek” in the dictionary...
Except for ONE thing. The 2nd Amendment. We read “How we burned in the camps...”. Not here. Not ever.
The Russian thing is fake bullshit.
The real reason they are staling is because of the Epstein case.
Trump hired a man (Acosta) that buried one of the biggest spy/underage sex trafficking rings in US history...bigger than the Franklin Boys Town Scandal.
With Acosta's plea deal, Trump was protected from a lawsuit against him and Epstein for threatening and raping a 13 year old.
Trump is at war with the FBI because they are trying to push him to make a move that will allow them to re-open the investigation. Once that happens, Acosta will roll over on Trump and they will throw him under the bus. Bill Clinton and Hillary will get away with their crimes in the process.
Pic related.
I wouldn’t say we are “tolerating” it. We just have yet to firmly commit to shooting the bastards but it is getting close.
Trump isn't at war with the FBI. First of all, LOOK AT YOUR FUCKING FLAG. You're a shill. Second of all Mueller is about to start indicting some big names.
>Trump is dirty
>SHILLLLLLL the fuck am I a shill?
This topic was covered over on Voat during pizzagate...Trump is part of the elite and is just as much of a treasonous cunt as the rest of them.
Pic related, Trump's name in Epstein's little black book
Psychopath eyes
No it isn't if it was then you could show it.
what if condi rice is the manchurian candidate?
manchurian rice?
studied in Moscow during the Cold War, fluent Russian.......
Whose punching all these old guys?
where do you think I got all these pics?
Trump is friend's with lucky larry and was one of the first people to push the jet fuel meme on 911.
Trump is such a psychic that he spewed out the exact official narrative 2 days after 9-11.
Seeing how Trump was involved with Mrs Maxwell, her father, Mr Cohn, Epstein + lucky larry and pushed the official narrative...his ties with mossad are undeniable.
Moreover, Maxwell's dad was associated with the British chapter of the Mossad...Epstein was protected and helped by Prince Andrew
Potus is a usurper.
Lesser of 2 evils is still evil.
The common enemy of mankind is the elite.
Have you seen Mike Pence, or Paul Ryan, or Gary Oldman in Hannibal, or Trump, or any of Trump's kids?
The elite may have squabbles but their war is against the common man.
Yes. Have you seen Pelosi sucking her gums? Hillary hacking up a whatever in a glass or passing out?
Just redact my shit up
>cherry picking particularly bad moments when everyone i listed looks like shit in every situation
Belosi has called Trump George Bush multiple times. Are you defending Nancy pelosi right now? Holy shit you are lame.
>Cherry picking
You don't know what, "cherry picking" means, do you??
Any 12 year old retard can see that the only ones being played are Democrats and liberals. Russia has all these fags so ass blasted all they do is talk about Russia and Putin 24/7 instead of focusing on actually important matters
MSM is ignoring real news on purpose.
This ugly nigress cunt knows shit.
Trump is a traitor and will die on a rope
The only real news is the progress being made in the Mueller investigation, and that's pretty much 90% of what's on the news.
Not at all.
>Report: Trump Revealed Israeli Commando and Mossad Operation in Syria to Russians
>Trump to become first foreign leader to dine in Forbidden City since founding of modern China
>Trump’s ‘madman’ rhetoric may have scared North Korea to talks, analysts say
>Trump to Let Assad Stay Until 2021, as Putin Declares Victory in Syria
>Trump issues warning, but continues to honor Iran deal
>Donald Trump tells Israel it needs to make 'significant compromises' for peace with Palestine
>Kushner and Bin Salman Discussing a Saudi-funded Palestinian State, Report Claims
>Trump to UN Chief: Netanyahu Proving More Difficult Than Abbas in Peace Efforts
Mueller is a lame duck
If Trump takes down the Clinton crew, he will take himself down as well.
The elite have shit on each other
Mueller has 14k indictments and John kerry is getting indicted next.
"Trump spouts off some uninformed bullshit" isn't news, and neither is anything Dennis Rodman says.
>I decide what is and isn't news
Do you ever wonder why you're losing so badly?
Losing what? And election that happened over a year ago and now almost everybody regrets?
>and now almost everybody regrets
I legitimately feel sorry for you
Yeah, people still support Trump just like people still care about this thread Oh wait, that's you shamelessly bumping it.
does it bother anyone that all these shows have full on become propaganda outlets for the establishment?
Mueller is desperate to find anything that will allow them to say/imply 'we know trump did it but we don't have enough evidence'. Deep State can't be let off just because their coupe didn't succeed. This motherfuckers need to hang.
>propaganda outlets for the establishment
That's literally Fox News.
its all news you retard
His comment didn't prompt a response user. cant help the insane.
Fox news is controlled opposition owned and operated by an unapologetic leftist.
why do you think all the good hosts left to become independent?
You actually think the rest of the MSM is anywhere close to the level of state run propaganda as is Fox?
i feel more fucking alive than ever.
heres a tipoff; nobody is buying your bullshit
your demoralization campaigns fail left and right, and all the important information Sup Forumstards need has been extracted, and can be easily distributed to normies.
we have created a information network and you have failed to thwart it
Didn't expect condi to be the voice of reason. Thanks, lady.
>i feel more fucking alive than ever
How are you going to feel when Trump is indicted? Gorsuch is the only thing that isn't going to be immediately reversed.
I always wanted to fuck Mrs. Rice. So sexy.
Nah it's cool
If you don't want to skip through and hear "Russia" a gorillion times.
kek Did you see the way Schiff-for-brains kept glancing at Congo-leeza whether he was talking about Russia to see if she was visibly reacting to his bullshit? She did kind of roll her eyes at one point.
can anyone imagine being this much of a brainlet?
You have some wicked fetishes my dude.
people love to hate on fox but you can actually get reasonably informed watching fox, you can't say the same about any other news station. it's not perfect but nothing else is even close.
It's Tuck or nothin
>totally not propaganda
>best place to go if you want to be informed
that's not quite what i said, but go ahead and tell us your approved news outlet you stupid faggot. one other thing fox has going for it is that there are actual white christians on some shows, even if some of them are bimbo anchors. all the other news channels are nothing but CIA trained leftists and atheists.
According to you, what would you say are the most credible sources?
>not quite what i said
>you can actually get reasonably informed
>nothing else is even close
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that summed up exactly what you said. I mostly read, but if we're talking about TV news, I watch MSNBC, because they actually talk about the important issues and cite the most reputable sources.
i did not say that it's totally not propaganda, i said you can get reasonably well informed. fox has multiple MSNBC-tier leftists on it, but there are also people on fox who are somewhat close to Sup Forums. For the first time ever I think fox could actually be called fair and balanced. You can watch fox and know what both the left and right are thinking.
MSNBC is a total joke, total leftist in slant, but hey at least you had the balls to admit you watch it.
Her gaze destroyed Little schiff, he was losing it.
>having balls
>watching MSNBC