Why does Sup Forums hate this man?

>btfoes leftists on a regular basis
>is a libertarian
>redpills normies on an industrial scale
>offers quality content and frequently holds debates instead of pussying out
>criticizes islam
>believes that western values has to be protected
>supports Trump

Do I have to go on?

Other urls found in this thread:



>is a libertarian
this is why

He wants Whites exterminated my Marxist mass immigration.

He doesn't blame the jews for everything

He believes the only way to save the white race is to literally fuck as many third world shitskins as possible to spread our genes around.

>eceleb thread
neck yourself bong

>is a libertarian
Like hell he is

he called us white niggers and won't shut up about his wife's dinosaur.

why does this work for blacks but not for whites?