
This is beyond pathetic

I hate anime protagonists so fucking much. Japan should be nuked

>watching a pathetic anime
>getting pathetic results

what's pathetic is you yourself.

I take it back

Kyousuke is the best protag of this decade

Jealous imouto a cute



Tsundere aniki~



They sure danced around the conclusion redundantly for a long time in this story. One of its major flaws.

>Let's just go back to the typical tsundere bullshit after this and pretend like we didn't completely establish that we're hot for one another

I love Kirino and everything but man does it bring all the autistic kids to the thread.

I know, right? We are SO above this thing we are currently doing. We're just so above it.


sagiri a shit


Two weren't enough


A question for Sup Forums:

If you were the author, how would you change the ending to be as conclusive as possible, while still not making it a full-on incest ending since your faggot publishers won't let you?

By implying that it is indeed full-on incest and releasing an after story that makes it completely conclusive save for a few autistic faggots


Throw in hints of NBR. Enough wiggle room to imply incest.

If I were an alpha I would make it full-on incest anyways. Since I'm a beta I would probably have the brother date Ayase or emo girl




Sagiri NTR's kirino
Masamune ends up with both yamadas
would fix both shows.





end on the church scene



Cute loli imouto



Why did she take a shower?


Kuroneko should have won.


What if they were actually having sex?

then everyone would get blown the fuck out

kuroneko is no longer pure and kirino got cucked




Because she wanted it to feel like they were a normal couple. That was basically the whole episode

Was it rape?

>man does it bring all the autistic kids to the thread.
>posts sagiri pedo shit








not your blog
fucking trash anime

t. bitter othergirlfag




say what you will about kuroniggers, but ruri has top tier armpits

A Miracle of the Universe

boy do I have some good news for you


>Throw in hints of NBR.
You monster.

Isn't that what happened?




Warning: lewd content








guy, dumpthreads of bestgirl with no actual discussion belong in /c/



Cock hungry bitches


Harem intensifies

Ayase-tan is a cute housewife

Tbh I can't just imagine siblings acting like this around each other.
And I don't have a sister.
Incest is just... weird.


Kyousuke a cute!






This faggot is pure cancer.

Poor Ayase~




