Immigrants in Poland - important

Many of you think that we are based and don't take "refugees". The truth is our ruling politicians are constantly lying in media and television that we are safe and no immigrants from Africa and Near East will come to Poland.

The reality is different. More and more black apes can be seen here. I study in Cracow and I go out every weekend with my friends and we walk through Main Square. Before it was almost impossible to spot a nigger but now? Shit skins on every street, probably coming from Germany or France. I was in Warsaw a week ago and it's even fucking worse.

If you are a Pole please how's the situation in your home town!

We are getting fucked in the ass while filthy jew Morawiecki and rest of this khazar government tells us it's okay.

Other urls found in this thread:


Last time I was in Poland, the only shitskins I saw were one middle-eastern looking guy in Poznań, and a lone nigger in a town a couple weeks later.

>Shit skins on every street, probably coming from Germany or France.
Sorry, Poland.
W..we'll change. I promise.
Then we can deport them together, Poland.

In Zabrze, none.

Lots more interracial adverts which took me by a huge surprise.

Saw actually a few more mixed kids. Half cast. I couldn't help but stare. Hope the single (lol!) mom felt shamed.

Polish girls want the BBC, you can't deny that

Can confirm, saw few of them, even mixed couples. No idea where are they getting from but i heard a rumor that church is importing ones that say they are catholics.

Ya, they must be coming from other European countries, because once shit skins become citizens of other countries, the EU allows "flow of labor" from country to country, because Poland is part of the deal, it creates loop holes for these people. Poland should offer nothing in terms of charity and welfare to broom out these roaches, but dumb liberal cunts here are butt hurt about that. As for what I've seen in Poznan and Warszawa, the only blacks I've met were American, and I've also seen a few African Clerics studying in Poland to become a priest. In terms of Muslim shit-bags, I've seen none. Maybe I'm just lucky.

looks like you got quite a experience there

Quite a few niggers and shitskins in central Warsaw. Their numbers deplete as soon as you exit the center though.

Implying that refugees are the one who commit crimes in Europe is sadly mistaken. You guys listen and take right wings news too seriously.. It's mostly sensationalist to stir the pot up when native European commit more crime than refugees, but you won't hear th at on the right wing news..

How long ago was that?

We are gonna be best allies in the future Germany

Those disgusting la creatura half-breeds are indeed getting more common. I hope that disgusting sight didn't ruin your stay in Poland.

Only the fat and ugly ones. Might be just me, but I've never seen even a good looking polish girl with a shit skin.

I think you might be right. We go to church every sunday with my gf and her family and we've noticed that there is an unusual amount of niggers during the mass.

we have quite a few niggers in bydgozsczcsc as well. niggers from afraica are taking your jobs and your women and snowniggers like myself are taking over your universities because we're unable to get into med school at home

I used to speak to one Pole who was living in some viliage near Kielce and he told me there were some blacks nearby living there, but as far as he knew they didn't make any probs. Problem is that media focuses only on "muslim" immigrants ignoring others.

July of Last year.

The niggers I see here are university students

t. Lublin

I can confirm I saw a wild negro a month ago in Warsaw. Send help.

Ummm...are you sure those aren't niggers from student exchange programs or rich niggers paying to study in PL universities?

I'm from cracow, there are some student exchanges and tourists. When I go to the old town I sometimes see non-polish but they are mostly tourists. I'm not alarmed as of now. I even go out with my Sup Forums bias glassess on and can't find any shitskins. It's true, it's not a nigger free country but there is literally like 3 niggers in Cracow that I know of that live here.
But maybe I'm not up to date, if so, don't worry, we'll form a militia and terrorize them bro.

Thank you for your well wishes. My partner is actually Polish and we were visiting her family in Hekenka, we also went skiing in Wisła.

God bless.

You wanted to suck EU dick and you did it.
Whats so strange?
You think that welfare and EU money comes without a price? There are no free lunch.

After sucking for a while it starts coming sauce, didnt u guys know.

If you wanna know how your country will look like or what will be left of it in 30 years, travel to Stockholm and take the subway any day of the week. Thats really how fucked up it will be.

It will never be even close to getting that bad. Poland is not a good environment for the shit-people so they won't be coming here.

i'm 27 living in western poland (from the looks of it the most uncucked region) and i've never seen a black man in my city

just some gypsys and kebabs, and many ukrainians lately - though i dont have problems with them

fuck off with your fake news, stop living in that caliphate

This does look evil.

I saw about 2 sandniggers in Warszawa Śródmieście and a nigger nigging around hotel Mariota when I was visiting the dentist there. That was months ago however so probably just tourists and an isolated incident since I didn't see any since.

If any niggers appear they probably might have simply nigger across the border because Schengen undetected, which was an already existing concern given the camps are so close to our border


Schengen Agreement (flow of labor) is a very good idea, just not when we have negroes and muslims in every part of Europe.

I love marple syrup.

>t. larping as norwegian

No, they are typical backpack somali stinky niggers.

That's what I'm afraid of. It's going to start slowly - first it will be just a few niggers, then few hundreds, Poles will get used to seeing them so importing more of them won't be even noticed. I swear if I hear about darkie doing shit in my beautiful city of Kraków it's ape hunting season.

Expect more immigrants in Poland because it must be half empty. Most of you are in England washing cars anyway

To accept (((polaks))) as white people was a mistake

W mojej małej 25 tys miescinie jest z 3 murzynów, a to jest tzw. polska-powiatowa, gdzie psy dupami szczekają. No i jest turek z kebabem.

W większych miastach gdzie są uniwerki to pojawiaja sie studenci z wymiany i coraz więcej turystów

Nie wiem w jakiej dziurze siedziałes przez ten caly czas, ale w Polsce jest porownywalnie duzo niebialych ludzi.


>the camps are so close to our border
they were polish refugee camps

how do you stop this french invasion?

Have a (You)

Have a (You)

Mieszkałem w Skawinie dopóki nie przeprowadziłem się do Krakowa, bo wynająłem wspólny akademik z dziewczyną. Powiem Ci kurwa że się lekko zdziwiłem, myślałem że zobaczę co najwyżej trochę Ukraińców ale łaziło bardzo dużo czarnych w grupach po 3-5 osób. Tydzień temu byłem w Warszawie i jechałem pendolino, szukam przedziału, wchodzę a tam kilku czarnych od których jebało na kilometr.

Byłem na zachodzie we Włoszech, Francji, Niemczech i jak tak ma wyglądać Polska w przyszłości to nie wróże nam przyszłości.

Najgorsze że te głupie bydło widzi tylko dwie partie PiS albo PO a one niczym się od siebie nie różnią, skurwysyńskie bękarty okrągłego stołu.

>No, they are typical backpack somali stinky niggers.

The only time I saw those were a year ago at a mcdonalds. Didn't see them again after that.

fajnie masz że widzisz gdzies murzynów w krk, mieszkam tu całe życie i nigdy nie widziałem dwóch murzynów koło siebie a co dopiero grupek.

>tries to insult Bulgaria
>post picture of gypsy
>ignore 60000 of the same gypsy scum in Poland
>be polak, not even proper slav

Widzę, studiuję tu już dwa lata i jest ich coraz więcej (nie mówię o studentach).

>be polak, not even proper slav
Poles are 100% pure slavs unlike Bulgarian turko-slavic mutts and rape babies
now go make me some kebab

a, już czaje, jestes niedojebany.
> PiS albo PO a one niczym się od siebie nie różnią

nic dziwnego że widzisz gdzies w krk bandy murzynów jak masz cos z główką nie tak

PiS i PO są chujowe, ale po tym poznasz debila że mysli że takie same.

That video is from India.


LOL, look how crazy these shills are.

90% of the niggers are western european tourists.
Most non-europeans living where i live are Vietnamese.

I thought the PiS administration refused to take in refugees? Those darkies must be students or something. Or (more likely) they are simply the remnants of the immigration policies of your previous gov't. I specifically looked it up and your current gov't is NOT taking in any refugees except ukrainians.

Idź ssać obrzezanego chuja Morawieckiemu. Jesteś kompletnie niedojebany psychicznie jeżeli myślisz że te partie się od siebie różnią. Byłoby PO u władzy to miałbyś to samo. Wpierdalają murzynów tylko po cichu "kanałami humanitarnymi" a Ty łykasz to jak kurwa którą jesteś. Ludzie Twojego pokroju pracowali na polu 500 lat temu i kurwa mam nadzieję że takie piękne tradycje I RP jeszcze wrócą.

Turysci też się nie liczą. Czasem przeciekają bambo z francji i niemiec ale to prawie zawsze turysci nigdy nie będą problemem bo to nie jest dla nich korzystne srodowisko. Niskie zasiłki + kibole i+ nacjonalisci i jak będzie ich faktycznie więcej to też ja = mocna bariera antty-murzyńska. Panikujesz.

I live in a small town near to Czech and German border, I haven't seen any niggers or sandniggers here yet. But my mom's friend already got fucking muded by some sri lankan shitskin and she lives close. I was thinking about teaching her a little lesson and their unborn little shitskin.

Shut the fuck up jew bitch, we know they based israel the fuck out, now quit all your god damn crying
Not all jews are bad people but the kikes on this website are fucking disgusting

Żeby mieć problem z imigrantami najpierw ktos musi chcieć tu emigrować debilu, a niema ku temu powodu kiedy masz otwarty zachód. Jak ja nienawidzę takich ciot które ubzdurają sobie jakis pogląd który absolutnie niema logicznego sensu i się rzucają że ich ktos im powie jakimi debilami tak naprawdę są. Jak ktos tu pracował na polu to raczej taki ciemny patałach z cebulastym kompleksem wyższosci jak ty.

Oh no! 0,1% of our population are Gypsies and extra European immigrants!!!

That there is an observable difference between UK, France, Germany, Portugal or even Italy or Greece and Poland is all the evidence we need that Poland has not succumbed to the multiculti idolatry.

Add to that how your politicians talk and make a mildly strong stance against the E.U.
You're still much better than the rest...

There are many shitskins here but I think most of them are tourists. Most of the kebab places are owned by sandniggers tho. Also there's really a lot of asians here

Our jewish government is very clever. It won't take immigrants but church will, that's why other refugees than ukrainians don't figure on gov't list.

Panikuje bo byłem w tym roku na zachodzie i tam kurwa rzadki widok zobaczyć czystego białego w miastach

> Jak ja nienawidzę
chuj to kogo obchodzi
kys faggot

>Our jewish government is very clever. It won't take immigrants but church will, that's why other refugees than ukrainians don't figure on gov't list.

A jaki byłby w tym cel co? Merkel głównie przyjmuje imigrantów żeby pokazać jaka jest humanitarna. Po chuj rząd miałby przemycać bezużytecznych imigrantów którzy chcą stąd uciec? Widzisz po prostu ciapatych którzy przyjeżdzają wydać swoje euro od Merkel w tańszym państwie i sobie dopowiadasz chujową konspiracje, które nie ma nic współnego z rzeczywistoscią.

>but church will, that's why other refugees than ukrainians don't figure on gov't list

Any sources on that? Anything? At least names of bishops or cardinals who facilitate that maybe?

Also, who do you vote for? prove me you're no jew shill trying to give your gov't a bad rep

Polishfags, redpill me on polish parties. Do you have right wing parties that oppose multiculti? PIS? Korwin?

in Krakow?

Dupa pirdaliona, speak English or KYS

morda mohammed

Throw the Jew down the well. Then your country can be free.


>Merkel przyjmuje imigrantów, żeby pokazać jaka jest humanitarna
Ja pierdole, załamałem się. Merkel przyjmuje imigrantów bo takie dostaje polecenia od swoich przełożonych. Najważniejsza osoba w państwie nie robi nic bo ma taką zachciankę czy dlatego że chce "pokazać że jest humanitarna". Żydzi nienawidzą białej rasy i chcą nas zmieszać z innymi rasami, dlatego wpierdalają do Europy to czarne gówno.

I've spoken with my local priest about it and that's what he told me. Also in Corpus Christi Basilica (Kosciol Swietego Ciala in Krakow - where I'm going every sunday) they give people brochures that say we can help church by taking a refugee family or donating to them. I cannot give you any official info, I will look for it tho.

I voted for Korwin. (read next)

I will explain it as best as I can Germany. In year 89' we had so called Okrągły Stół (round table - where communists made a deal with ((OPPOSITIONISTS)) that they will work together and no harm will happen to them. "Solidarnosc" betrayed Polish people and sided with communists. All the main parties you see today are controlled opposition, even if they are called as right-wing (PiS, PO, SLD, PSL, Nowoczesna, Razem).

We have a good choice of parties that didn't participate in Okrągły Stół like Kukiz 15', Ruch Narodowy, UPR, Wolnosc (Korwin) etc. but people are too retarded, so we end up with crypto-right-wing party that pretends to be christian.


>You're in the EU
>Millions of Black EU citizens

Many blacks travel to Poland to hook up with the Polish girl they were fucking in London/Paris/Berlin/Stockholm when she was working as a cleaner

Millions of blacks are moving to France, not because your government is smuggling them in, but because your women are importing them.


Our Prime Minister doesn't even try to conceal it. He openly admitted he is a jew:

We are as fucked as the rest of Europe guys. Also, we have no guns. I'm sorry but don't count on us if shit hits the fan.

*Reposted due to typo
>You're in the EU
>Millions of Black EU citizens

Many blacks travel to Poland to hook up with the Polish girl they were fucking in London/Paris/Berlin/Stockholm when she was working as a cleaner

Millions of blacks are moving to POLAND not because your government is smuggling them in, but because your women are importing them.


mmh I do not like that whole bowing to Israel and US deal at all... Korwin's plan to align Poland's interests with Russia (if I've heard correctly) sounds way better.

I think your Catholic priest knows what's up. One or two Syrian (Christian) families is nothing. Bringing in Muslim men, however, that's a different story.

Also, on an unrelated note, when does the Polish army decides to take matter into their own hand by hanging all the remnant communists lurking in public life?

Fucking hell, why do they shove niggers everywhere these days? Niggers all over the world, niggers in Paris, niggers in Toronto, niggers in Santiago, niggers in Moscow, fucking niggers even in Poland now. What the hell, niggers are like cancer, spreading across the human body. Arghhh, this isn't normal, someting wrong is going on here.

I hate niggers

>a pierdole, załamałem się. Merkel przyjmuje imigrantów bo takie dostaje polecenia od swoich przełożonych. Najważniejsza osoba w państwie nie robi nic bo ma taką zachciankę czy dlatego że chce "pokazać że jest humanitarna". Żydzi nienawidzą białej rasy i chcą nas zmieszać z innymi rasami, dlatego wpierdalają do Europy to czarne gówno

Chyba nie wiesz jak działa żydowska władza. Oni kontrolują przez kłamstwa, media i donacje. To że jej żydzi wyprali mózg to nie znaczy że robi rzeczy, których nie może sobie racjonalnie wytłumaczyć. To jest bezdzietna stara wariatka, która jest łasa na pokojową nagrodę nobla i której żydzi wpoili że rasa niema znaczenia. Na tym polega kontrola żydowska, bo to żydzi rozdają noble, i dlatego robi to co robi. A jesli przypadkiem jest wprost skorumpowana tak samo jak reszta EU to niemcy głosują na nią przez żydowską kontrolę mediów. Niemcy też myslą że multiculti jest mega humanitarne. Ogólnie te same sztuczki nie działają w Polszy. Mediom nikt tak nie ufa, szczególnie żydowskim. Kupili partię PO, mają władzę nad kosciołem ale nie mają bezposredniej i całosciowej władzy nad PiS i to jest pewne. Inaczej PiS reprezentowałby interesy Izraela na pierwszym miejscu tak jak to robią partie kupione przez żydów na zachodzie. Poza tym musisz się pogodzić z faktem że nie wszyscy żydzi są częscią konspiracji i nie każda relacja z żydami jest dowodem na współprace z nimi. Ogar.

>but the church will
As always, the church is poisoning the well

Why Korwin has a bunch of followers that go into conspiracy so far they stop looking at facts and live in their fantasy world. You need to check your fantasies with reality dude. You're drifting off.

This is because of the Schengen Area nonsense, right? Once they're in Schengen, Germany and France and Italy can just "encourage" them to walk into Poland and then they're your problem, no?

No pooplack blacks coome from africa.

Retarded third worlder

>I've never seen a good looking polish girl with a shit skin

Ale wszystkich żydów trzeba zabić
to oczywiscie (((((sarkastyczny)))) post i ((((żart))))

Don't know much about your country, but have a little anecdote from a co-worker. Co-worker likes to travel and went on a trip to Berlin with his African friend. His friend has relatives there in Berlin. One day they all decide to get in a car and take a day trip to Poland. After they cross the border they stop and try to ask for directions, but most people ignore them. Then they find a mall, stay in the mall for an hour, and then head back. Co-worker says in disgust that they are all racists over there. I don't ask for details and just chuckle. Co-worker has never said that about anywhere else he has been to. Also, co-worker is pretty liberal and voted for Obama and Hillary.

racism is a wonderful gift from god

I fly today to Krakow, want to have a nice weekend with my girlfriend without all the niggers, muslims, refugees and other Untermenschen.

Will we be dissapointed?

its not about a skin colour
its about them not being visibly poles

just look up anything from our history - of last 200 years

we are not racist
we hate all of you equally

Kys Schlomo

>Also, on an unrelated note, when does the Polish army decides to take matter into their own hand by hanging all the remnant communists lurking in public life?
Our communists know that they would be lynched if they openly preached their cancerous ideology, so they stay in shadows. Poles hate communism dear Frog, it's one thing upon we as a nation are in agreement.

It's not yet as bad here my Russianbro but it's a beggining I'm afraid.

they are just a tool, but they are not even aware of it

I'm very sad to say it as a Christian Catholic but it's true. Instead of encouriging and protecting our European heritage, Church does what the Cult**al Ma***sts want.

Free market society based on conservative values is "fantasy world"

That's right dear Burger. Schengen Area is not a bad idea tho, but when you have shit skins everywhere in Europe then it's better to have control over your borders.

>posting a pornstar with tons of makeup to prove his point
>being this retarded

> and other Untermenschen
but we are the untermenschen.. don't you remember?

I moved from rural Podkarpacie to Chicago, I'm the only white guy in my block apartment. Stop complaining.

anonki chce wrocic do polski gibme polskie cycusie

Those are just tourists you fucking brainlet, nobody sane would want to live in Poland.

No, the problem is basically non-visible for tourists, it's just might be a beginning. Kraków is still a very safe and beautiful city and I'm sure you will enjoy it I recommend you try pierogi asap. Best food ever.

Żydowska propaganda powojenna, mniej telewizji kuhwa

You may be (how would I know before I have measured your skull carefully?) but the polish population in general is not and never was.

It's time you fags leave and get rid of that creepy corrupt Catholic Church.

t. Raised in a somewhat Catholic family

yeah.. niggers won't work
no gibs = no niggers, simple logic
in communism times there were more niggnogs from communist countries in Africa and Cuba than nowadays and somehow we didn't turned in mutts because of that.

Pierogi I have everytime, mostly with meat filling but I tried one with spinach and onions was very good, will also try Barszcz bialy Zurek.

Panowie, jak koniecznie musicie tutaj urządzać wojnę polsko-polską o psiego chuja, to rozwiążcie to po męsku a nie na 4 chanie.

A jesli jednak nie brakuje wam czasu ani kreatywnosci na cos innego niż te bzdurne wojenki to będzie trzeba pogrzebać w papierach. Mieszkam w Poznaniu i sądzę, że rzeczywiscie ktos po cichu pod nami dołek kopie.

Center of Gdańsk here, all the foreigners (predominantly 1.chinks 2. pakis 3. nigs) hang around the university of technology campus and dormitories. They're not a rare occurence nor something you see all the time.(and no one chimped out yet)

bo kosciu katolicki był pod kontrolem tych żydowskie kommunistci gdy Watikan II został przyjmiony przez koscioła.

Jest tylko naturalne zachowianie dla żyd zeby wpychać jego idelogie gdzie on może


>Sri Lankan

Holy shit. Polish women confirmed for having ZERO standards.

Warsaw is literally infested with them, they are actually getting hired and paid to hook up and fuck females. Arabs, indians also come there and get free sex from degenerate p0lki.

you are wrong, both fat and slim, pretty want BBC they were conditioned by jews to dream about blacks and shitskins and hate on whites



