Tfw I have never been to a party ornightclub or had female attention ever

>tfw I have never been to a party ornightclub or had female attention ever
>tfw I see pictures like picrelated and realise every single girl goes on the hunt for chad dick every friday and saturday and every day if they are at university
>tfw feels bad to be too ugly to get a gf or anything at all
>tfw eternally bitter
>tfw demoralised after seeing Staceys everywhere and knowing they all have 100 tinder matches with Chad
>tfw I will never have the extroversion and alpha personality to even be seen as human by Staceys
>tfw ugly face dooms me no matter what

stop reposting this, it has nothing to do with politics

>get face tattoos and sell dope

Dude just find friends who take you. I knew a lot of partiers in high school and the ones who couldn’t get girls normally just aggressively hit on super drunk sluts. Her standards when drunk or high are different than her tinder standards

Look on the bright side dude.

Plus if you're never been w a girl or hung out w them or whatever you shouldn't be scared of rejection. You should be like a little retard running around and saying whatever you want. Study some game stuff if you want to learn a thing or two about women- it probably won't help you though because you'll be acting rather than applying the lessons.... You're better off just letting it fly and taking shots at anything that catches your eye. You've got to really eat some serious shit in life before you can be 'afraid of rejection'.

Plus how ugly can you be?

>tfw I have 1000 matches on tinder
But sit inside on friday night eating macaroni and reading your pathetic post

Dere erwige copy pasta

find email contact, talk feels , probablem solved, gym books learn stfff go out etc job

You just enjoy being miserable. If you actually wanted Staceys you would work hard, earn money, get plastic surgery and take steroids and become the chad.

Instead you spend your time here.

>tfw ugly face dooms me no matter what

You're really putting yourself down my guy, my flatmate is butt ugly. His nose is huge and he slays pretty much every other weekend he's not ((())).

Get to the gym, force yourself to talk to people and if that doesn't work take some friends out and get drunk.

I grew up as an expat in the middle east and girls were understandably frigid as fuck. I had your mentality, I had the same bitter resentment towards girls and thought I would never lose my virginity. When the Elliot Rodger thing came out, I immediately understood his frustrations.

4 years after moving back to the UK, I have a gf. Have fucked multiple girls ranging from 5s to 9s. There is hope user.

What city are you in, user? Maybe consider moving to a bigger city like Leeds or Glasgow.

Avoid London like the plague.