Posting this here for everyone who likes statistics and likes to follow up on how is Sup Forums progressing. I've seen such statistical threads over the years. archives locally on his computer Sup Forums and occasionally uploads it to his site with all images being put on imgur. He finally decided to upload more content, last time was last year at mid December. So, the data for about 9months or so: >pic related source: 20.Sep.2017
>Sup Forums -> Sup Forums -> /r9k/ fastest boards Makes sense
Benjamin Johnson
/gif/ clearly being a cancer here. I wonder how much their size would be if you remove all duplicated pictures.
Blake Perry
I too would like to leafpost incessantly and give free (You)s to Vatican and Virgin Island posters.
Henry Flores
How is /trash/ so big? Isn't that shit like 2 or 3 years old?
Caleb Jones
I just want to post ACE you stupidfuck user.
Benjamin Cooper
>leafpost Who else /hoc/ here?
Hudson Nguyen
>Leafs Y-you too.
Caleb Williams
I haven't seen you around, pt.
Josiah Young
I'm not, it should be more!
Levi Morris
>how is Sup Forums progressing.
Michael Phillips
rip /fitlit/
Christian Perez
What happened in 2014?
Levi Wilson
What are those random boards I've never heard of before?
Joshua Morris
I miss the old foolz archive.
Lincoln Nguyen
the le ebin raid known as "gamergate"
Luke Barnes
Nope, it was actually when the celebrities nudes got leaked.
Charles Davis
>you can see the r/the_donald slope quite clearly
Christian Nguyen
>Sipping an expensive Congnac while reading manga in your Armchair in front of your fireplace.
Grayson Myers
Nardo ended, duh
David Campbell
Why not both?
Aiden Gomez
>moot leaves >Sup Forums grows what did they mean by this?
Grayson Gutierrez
The fuck do people talk about on /r9k/.
David Mitchell
Hmm. Quality of posts goes down sitewide and Sup Forums is a ghost town. What could this mean?
Ethan Brooks
there's a reason why Sup Forums is the most active board now, and it wasn't the fappening
Daniel Hill
About how shitty their lives are but do nothing to improve them
Brandon Mitchell
Sup Forums is a honeypot for normalfags and underage people that visit Sup Forums for the first time
/vg/ is full of circlejerks that spam and blog 24/7
Kevin James
The celebrity one actually makes legitimate sense considering it was national news.
I still don't even know what the fuck gamergate is to be hones,t and I've been posting here since 2009. Probably because I don't play videogames nor do I browse any other board besides Sup Forums.
But the celebrities is really what brought an influx of normalfags.
Chase Evans
>Posts: 2327225
Isaiah Martin
>he doesn't crossboard /r9k/
fucking normie
Cooper Howard
Also, Sup Forums should have been chemo'd from Sup Forums a long time ago. It's clearly where Sup Forums migrated to now that I think about it.
Hunter Martin
Sup Forums is literally script kids and normalfags dumping porn and pretending to be haxxors on the deep web because someone told them Sup Forums is the edgiest place in the internet.
Jayden Robinson
And greenoval and easymodo and everything else? If not for the plethora of issues that desuarchive faces on a regular basis, I think I would much prefer it by sheer virtue of not having ghostposting. Normally I'd be all for it whenever Sup Forums goes down but looking at it when Sup Forums is up, there are levels of autism there that shouldn't be possible, the only one that's acceptable being the back and forth in the Yuyushiki ghost thread.
I decided to take a look the other day and it's both terrifying and hilarious in a depressing sort of way. I mean, I expected the misogyny but there's autism on par with the likes of old /jp/ but without any of the comfort of knowing they're weeaboo NEETs that are enjoying themselves.
Kevin Cox
>underage people that visit Sup Forums for the first time 99% Sup Forums
Charles Thomas
Sup Forums is a completely different entity of it's own. I feel it's a cumulation of the Sup Forums posters who grew up and started to get interested in "politics" right around 2015-2016, and the US election was kind of perfect timing for a mass arrival of posters, with increased news attention for the site, and Sup Forums in particular.
Adrian Cruz
>2 times more traffic since Hiroyuki is the owner
moot BTFO
John Wright
If you got rid of Sup Forums, they'd migrate in greater numbers to the other boards and make them even worse. There's no getting rid of this tumor.
Jace Foster
Sup Forums has gotten a ton of new traffic from Neogaf and Reddit. It is unironically full of redditors and neogaffers now. The paranoia that board had for years came true lol.
Logan Turner
To this day I still honestly cannot believe that Sup Forums became a fucking politics website.
Caleb Reed
A lot of the people on Sup Forums were originally from Sup Forums and got tired of the shitty mods banning all GG threads. Angry Sup Forums autist literally flooded the internet with shitty Trump memes.
Daniel Gonzalez
Please, during the time before the current Sup Forums was created, Sup Forums was THE board to start on Sup Forums. It's a crossroad.
Jackson Lewis
you can thank this man
Jaxson Morales
Sup Forums is a cancer container, just like /mlp/, /jp/ and /vp/
Zachary King
I remember that.
Dylan Rodriguez
this is fucking amazing
Lincoln Hall
I like to think Sup Forums is lucky in the sense that it has not been tainted by politics. Especially when you look at other hell boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums, at least we have enough self-moderation and regular moderation to filter out that trash. Well, I'd like to think so at least.
Matthew Edwards
OP here, how the hell did this thread grew so much :O i made it on pol, b, v, vg, no one gave a damn. i guess Sup Forums is the only true spirit and the best community on Sup Forums. god bless
Jordan Foster
I still can't believe some people think that Sup Forums is about politics.
there's also was HWDU and other thing before and after elections that attracts newses like flies.
Nolan Jenkins
Why is /h/ so slow? Its one of my fav boards
Carson Sanchez
WE meme wouldn't be so bad if it wasnt spammed rentlessly. But expecting basic logic from Sup Forums is too much.
Gabriel Baker
There's a reason people flock to Sup Forums in order to discuss things when a big happening occurs on Sup Forums. It's one of the few boards that still care.
Jonathan Miller
the purpose of a container is to store things inside of it. Sup Forums fundamentally fails as a container
Xavier Howard
Pretty much this. Thats why we cant stop deleting non-anime images and specially stuff like pepes. Its a little harsh buts it's the only way to keep the cancer out. Blatant /r9k/ and Sup Forums memes should be banned on sight.
Brody Morgan
>I like to think Sup Forums is lucky in the sense that it has not been tainted by politics.
Maybe not to the same degree as other boards but the spillover is most certainly there. Whether it's shitty memes or what part of the political and autism spectrum people, communities or entities rest on, it's almost impossible to avoid it completely on Sup Forums in recent times. Politics are fucking gay, I'm here to talk about Chinese cartoons and anime girls. Don't sully them with Sup Forums shit. Sup Forums has done a significantly better job at keeping it out but the presence is still felt.
Ian Wright
>Sup Forums still at the top
Huh, that's a meme. So much of the rest of Sup Forums never see's it I frankly have no idea what they do anymore.
Porn and banned Sup Forums generals
Ryan Turner
It always was. The politics were just different during the bush era and early Obama era. The majority consensus was "Dude athiesm lmao" (in a fuck you mom I'm not going to church way), a reverence for free speech, and unhampered technological progress. The shift in political climate has caused tech progress and free speech to be infringed by PC-culture, which has defined itself as a pseudo-belief/morality system that "secularists" have latched on to. Current reactionaries on the chan are just backlashing against the same shit they always have been, although the massive influx of unskilled/uneducated/uncultured from Reddit/Dumblr/Phones are being pushed a bit too far right by the forces trying to manipulate them.
Jayden Cooper
>I like to think Sup Forums is lucky in the sense that it has not been tainted by politics You really don't believe that, right? Slowly but surely we're becoming yet another Sup Forums I keep seeing political threads, about how "pedos should fuck-off", people using virgin as an insult unironically, people mentioning e-celebs and youtubers" and so on.
Just look at how shounenshit threads have taken over the board as an example of how the board has degraded.
It's gotten bad and we've yet to hit rock bottom.
Ethan Phillips
>/vip/ hahaha what a fucking mistake
Juan Martin
Not really. Imagine container under big pressure that has some pipes and vaults which reset that pressure little by little. Sure it leaks here and there but it doesn't explode and don't flood everything.
Connor Nelson
I definitely agree, the entire "neo-yokio" bullshit is evidence of this. But even things like this pass, it's not to the same degree/consistency that is a Sup Forums or Sup Forums. I do think mods care a little more about our board than the rest.
Asher Hughes
Ya know what, people say this. But I don't buy it. I am willing to believe that the initial 3 or 4 or even 5 months would be hell on Earth for the website but eventually they would tire themselves out and move somewhere else.
If there's anything you can say about Sup Forums it is that they do not have the attention span to keep things up for long.
Asher James
Landon Myers
Thanks for letting us know how new you are, bud
Carter Cox
>/d/ ahead of /h/
Eh, it's been worse. That and you try and work out sarcasm on intent on an internet post, the use of virgin could be entirely different from what you think. Though the YT's are troubiling, I'll give you that, mostly because at a minimum 95% of them are just crunchyroll or other advertising bots with nothing interesting to say about anything.
Noah Baker
Sup Forums culture has outgrown Sup Forums. It may have originated here, but it's something all over the Internet now. Specially on today's politically charged environment.
Tyler Edwards
There are some good threads.
Kayden Gonzalez
Why are people freaking out over Sup Forums? If you add up Sup Forums and /vg/ you surpass Sup Forums and even Sup Forums in traffic, so video games are clearly the biggest thing on Sup Forums And looking at the low amount of threads Sup Forums makes, we definitely need /ag/
Elijah Reyes
Do you think moot ever wakes up in a cold sweat at night wishing he'd never undeleted arcanine and /new/?
Jackson Roberts
I've been a newfag for like 10 years now man
Alexander Peterson
moot kept the reddit out. And look at us now.
Jaxson Foster
A board just for generals is clearly needed to fix up Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Charles Cook
Josiah Nelson
Goolag probably fisting him every night collectively for it.
Christopher King
That shit was too funny. They even opened the trailer with "WE."
Oliver Evans
The sticky was almost entirely pointless, much like the one before it outlining almost the exact same rules. You can't target any specific group because mod presence isn't always there and to know whether or not something should be removed when it isn't blatant, you would have to actually browse the board. Most things that were being removed during the beginning of that sticky simply went undetected by changing keywords. I'm sure everyone expected this outcome but it still sucks.
Sebastian Ortiz
Joshua Stewart
And he loves it like the sell out he is.
Imagine if Moot wasn't such a beta pussy faggot and actually has had the balls to take the handle of this website properly.
Isaac Garcia
Sup Forums changed the least. We probably have the highest % of oldfags.
Chase Ortiz
I was against /ag/ for the longest time but if it gets the crossboarding naruto/dragonball posters off our board it's worth it. We have gone the way of Sup Forums.
Cameron Peterson
Sup Forums already pretty slow now, if you forcefully remove some things we either will become slow dying board, or empty space will be filled with reddit/tumblr cancer.
Xavier Jenkins
Thank god a Nip owns Sup Forums, so Sup Forums will never get deleted
Anthony Bailey
But what does this have to do with anime?
Aiden Martin
Nathaniel Bennett
>so video games are clearly the biggest thing on Sup Forums Sup Forums is barely about videogames anymore