This is cgi. If kyoani makes a 12ep series of cute girls at school will it be anime
/future/ - is this considered anime
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Nothing different from Final Fantasy: Spirits Within
Watch her try any kind of facial expression and tumble right back down to uncanny valley.
CGI is used because it's cheap, not because it looks good. Fuck off with this shit, it's terrible by nature.
>Husband and wife artist having a literal virtual daughteru
That's like a plot of anime in itself.
if you're gonna use "realistic" CGI why not just use actors (who end up looking a lot less weird and sterile than even 'good' CGI)? this kind of thing is just using technology for the sake of using technology
Fuck off. I watch anime for cute anime girls not arr rrook the same asian slut.
Dead actors.
At the end of the video you even see the real person who was used as model to scan into the computer.
It's not like that 3D model was created out of thin air, you know?
If anything, realistic models will always be used for movies, not for anime series.
>single image render
choose one
I doubt this will be used for anything else but a show of technology. Rendering it must take months.
Gantz "live-action" movie looked fine. Fuck off with this eceleb clickbait though OP. Fuck off.
Waifuage will come soon.
Not even anime-related. Fuck off shill
this type of cg is totally used in hollywood-tier budget stuff for special effects.
hope not. 3D asians look soulless
it'll take them another 15 years to get the hair right.
It's really creepy the way she only blinks with the top eyelid.
God that was garbage.
the gantz movie looked amazing and more expensive than any other shitty anime movie besides maybe some ghibli
Uncanny valley.
>said netizens in 2017 unironically
I wish I could delete the video myself.
wow, it looks fake
Actors will startasking for bigger and bigger wages.
Fuck them.
Its nothing special, video games do this.
First we need to see her move. That's usually where the uncanny valley lies.
The lips look really bad for some reason
see It's planted firmly at the bottom of the uncanny valley.
>muh reddit valley
It's proven that it looks natural once you get used to it.
People think anime girls look fucking creppy because of the huge eyes and small chin, but you don't even notice them after you have seen then enough.
>it's proven it looks natural
If you need to prove something looks natural then it obviously doesn't look natural you retard.
For the record, was the first to bring up reddit.
Funny how they only show extremely abrupt 1-2 second clips of her moving. They KNOW she looks like a possessed atrocity.
>being such an ignorant fucktard to think reddit invented the uncanny valley
>reddit valley
Holy fuck.
the reddit valley sounds genuinely terrifying
It will consume us all one day, there's no escape. I hope I'll die by then.
>he says on Sup Forums
what the fuck japan
Think about it.
With meatbag actors you need them to have
>look good
>have a decent voice
>acting skills
With CGI you can separate those tasks into motion capture, voice acting and modelling.
This separation of concerns means that no individual person will be as important to the whole project since they don't need to combine so many attributes in a single person and thus they can't charge exorbitant amounts of money.
Read the fucking wiki link. That thing you posted looks vaguely human, so it doesn't trigger the same alarms in our brain as something pretty close to humans but not quite.
Yeah and having a dream about making lots of friends, just like ME. Not only is she more real than real life, she's also funny. Japan is truly centuries ahead of us.
Whatever you say user. I am fine with our new CG and silicone overlords.
Loli Crysis when?
I have Kizuna Ai, what use is this slut?
Holy fuck it's 3am man, don't post that shit.
So when do I get to steal her panties?
I don't think you know what uncanny valley is your fucking mongoloid.
Well, I wasn't worried about being murdered by a living doll until now. Thanks.
Setting his reddit comment aside, he is correct. If you can like some freaky looking shit like anime character designs then you can like this.
But anime character designs don't even try to be close to real life and are often artistically idealized or something similar, while the 3d girl is aiming to be indistinguishable from us and isn't quite there yet. I mean it looks great but it's still a prototype Frankenstein.
The real terrifying part of this is how they'll use the technology to have "footage" of things that never happened.
Need to frame a politician? CG him hitting his wife.
So it's a mocap with 3d model, it has nothing to do with animation whatsoever so far.
Why should I care about 3d model of Jap girl just because it's Japanese?
No matter how good models are, their animation is 99% shit, models are not the issue.
Baby steps user
We are entitled to see her naked body to fully appreciate the CGI tech.
>inb4 dick
what the fuck is a plebbit valley?
serkis will be the top payed actor in history then.
>those muscle boobies
For every serkis there are hudreds of never-knowns.
Hollywood papers CGI over stunt doubles too these days. And who recalls stunt doubles?
>a facsimile that tricks the human brain into thinking its human looking
>it's real form is incomprehensible to humans
>call it saya
How the fuck can I ever trust that I'm video conferencing with a human and not a shoggoth now?
Looks near close to being out of the uncanny valley. I think most here are exaggerating. It could easily be confused for a human if you weren't actually paying too much attention to it. I only noticed the uncanny valley feeling when looking closer and making it full screen on my relatively small monitor.
Those fertile hips
CGI isn't cheap. It's an industry with a lot of competition outside of the anime or TV drama industry. This means producers and publishers can't abuse them as much as animators, "idols", or lowly TV actors.
CG in anime is literally used for cost cutting.
>AI advances to the point where it can perfectly create the illusion of a real living waifu that is very cute and loving
>the AI is put into a robot
>robotics has advanced, but because of physical limitations, the uncanny valley can never be completely solved
Would you, Sup Forums? Can creepy robots be waifus too?
Just slap a visor face or something like that in it and call it a day. Goodbye uncanny valley.
Trying that hard to emulate the human body and it's expresions is understandable, but futile in my opinion.
we already had this discussion 20 years ago, and the anwser was an outstanding yes.
>actors can get fat
>actors age
>actors die young sometimes (fast and furious dude)
>actors constantly blackmail the producers for a wage raise