Why is Goku so merciful as an adult when he had no problem killing evil foes as a kid?

Why is Goku so merciful as an adult when he had no problem killing evil foes as a kid?

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Goku never really enjoyed killing per se, he just didn't really care either way and just got shit done. He eventually became better at controlling his strength to the point where he could easily take out foes without killing/crippling them.

Probably because he literally met God

He spares his opponents so he can fight them again later.

He grew up

He stopped being edgy when he growed up.

He lost his V-card and stopped being an edgy teen.

He's just learned that sparing foes gives him more interesting fights in the future. Don't assume he's doing it for the sake of moralfaggotry.

Who does he actually kill? I'm watching through Dragonball right now and I'm drawing a blank.

All I can think of is Tao and Piccolo's minions.

He was never edgy. He also spared Piccolo before getting it on with Chi-Chi, unless Popo got to his boyhole first.

>Who does he actually kill, besides these people he kills?

Because he literally had no concept of it being a negative thing, he grew alone in the fucking woods killing things to survive

Anyone I forgot?

He slaughtered lots of Red Ribbon Soldiers.

Mercy is mercy, doesn't have to have anything to do with morals. If anything, he's less of a moralfag than ever while being more merciful.

because it's shonen, and nothing that happened more than 30 chapters ago matters

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Also, Piccolo Sr.

He spared piccolo jr and he became a good ally, and raised his son.
Piccolo changed him.

His fights against King Piccolo and his minions were done for the sake of revenge. Not to mention how Goku was only on par with King Piccolo after drinking the Super Divine Water, so he wasn't in a position of superiority like he was with most of his other foes.

Goku massacred the massive Red Ribbon army.

Best boy.

I think the first person goku actually spares purposefully is vegeta. In DB he doesn't seem to purposefully kill people but he also doesnt seem too worried about whether or not he did kill them.

Buyon did nothing wrong

That's not slaughter that's typical shonen manga fodder bruising.

To appeal to moralfags

Wasn't Goku always underpowered compared to his opponents, though? I think the only opponents he was remotely on par with were Vegeta (thanks to Kaioken x3) and Fat Boo (thanks to SSJ3).

There was the fight on Namek where he was stronger than Freeza at 100%, and the fight against Majin Vegeta where he was holding back.

I mean on par from the start of the battle. Goku only got stronger than Freeza thanks to SSJ. For most of the fight, Freeza only needed 50% of his power to completely humiliate Goku.

he killed King Kai, Bubbles, and Gregory by bringing a bomb to their planet

The Ginyu Force, Nappa

>13+ kills in DB
>2 in all of Z and only in one arc

To be fair who the fuck was he gonna merc in the Android/Cell saga? Namek was all but done by the time he got there and he killed 2/5ths of the villains in Buu if you count all evil buus as one Buu