Was it rape?
Was it rape?
Statutory at least.
did she say NO?
She didn't say "YES".
utena a shit
anthy a shit
no likable characters by the end of the series
happy ending tacked on
bad anime, would not rewatch
>judges shows by how well he can self insert as the characters
Somebody call the plebe patrol, we have a live one.
>characters need to be likable to be good
wew lad
Yes and No.
He was totally "taking advantage of her"but she also totally wanted it.
This is supposed to be her "taking the forbidden fruit" moment and the "lost of her innocence" both in a literal and metaphorical sense. So I understand why some people call it rape, but for the sake of Utena's character growth, it "can't" be rape
In this moment, Utena is fucking a guy she knows is:
a)her best friend's brother
b)much older than her
c)engaged to another girl
d) not the guy she was after (unlike with Touga who she thought was her Prince, she ironically doesn't think Akio is her prince).
She was basically giving up on her "silly childhood promisse" to some guy she hasn't seen in years and taking some instant gratification from a hot guy, which is much more likely to happen in real life than what happens in most anime.
She is also losing her "innocence" two ways.
One, the waifufag and literal way, she is havong sex, willingly but somewhat nervously with a guy. Which to some would mean she is ruined forever and is not worth caring about (insert Milk page here).
But in a metaphorical sense, she knows what she is doing is wrong, for the reasons stated above. So now Utena's dark side that has existed since the beginning of the series is manifesting again, but this time in a manner that lowers her self-steem and makes her question her identity, unlike all the others that were just fuel for her ego trip. Now she is fragil, now she maybe found something she likes more than being a Prince. And if she doesn't wanna be a Prince, then what does she wanna be?
Utena is a great and this episode is a marvel of tv animation, every piece of symbolism fro, the subtle to the in you face stuff is great, specially how Anthy says she would rather look at the fake stars due to her guilt and the way Akio avoids answering all the Shadow Girl's questions, 'cuz he doesn't know the answer.
>"taking the forbidden fruit"
Fucking apples!
>it "can't" be rape
Like I said, it's statutory at least. she was a middle schooler. He was the head of her school. That's pretty clear rape. Your post is very good though, and you clearly undrestood what they were actually going for. I don't want to come off as disagreeing with you. Rather, I would say that whether or not she was "raped" seems a bit irrelevant to what was going on in this episode.
Age of consent in Japan is literally 13
>enjoying works of fiction in which every character is so deeply flawed as to be, on balance, a bad person
that's ok, i'm not trying to be in the "cool kids" anime club
Yet here you are, acting like anyone gives a shit about your opinion.
Stick to care bears.
do not reply to any users unable to effectively communicate in the english language
Do not reply to any users incapable of using proper grammar and punctuation.
die sentencenorms
die werewolf zombie
>Age of consent in Japan is literally 13
And the US has no federal age of consent law. Both these things are equally relevant to the reality on the ground in those countries.
This is my fetish.
I just finished this recently and there's one thing I don't have totally clear.
Anthy tells Utena that she's sorry because she's betrayed her from the very beginning, but how so? Help my dumb ass understand.
Dump pics.
She was in cohoots with her brother to make Utena the next Rose Bride.
I see you're a person of refined taste.
If any thing, statutory rape, but that's doubtful.
>insert Milk page here
I don't know, her rant seemed to be more on the joking side than anything else.
Was she the best characer in the show? Dona Dona...
Yes. Minami episodes were always my favorite.
It wasn't rape but it was incredibly uncomfortable to watch since we as the viewers knew that she was being used and that he was a massive whore. If anything, I kind of felt like I was being raped while watching it. THE SAME DICK THAT WAS IN TOUGA'S BUTT
Man, I thought something more would come out of her finding out about Akio and Anthy before anyone else did, but it was almost literally nothing.
Character development