What is your favorite death scene in anime/manga? Why is it your favorite?
What is your favorite death scene in anime/manga? Why is it your favorite?
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I can't think of a manlier way to go. People shitting their pants at the sight of you and you are dead.
A close second would be Zabuza
Scarborough fair
>one piece
Here, a free (you)
>I love you
>I know
Runners-up (no order)
Just because something is mainstream doesn't mean it doesn't have good moments.
Kamina's death was amazing as well
>Bothered to watch the first episode of this the other day
>It was shit
The fuck does everyone else see in this
>The fuck does everyone else see in this
smooth animation
smooth atmosphere
smooth jazz
So basically just nostalgia then
Already been confirmed that he could either be dead or alive. It's basically up to the viewer.
Light because he was such a bitch about it. Really humanized his character.
Misato hit me hard though
>critically acclaimed classic series
>loved by many
>'hmmm I don't like, therefore it's shit and they are all wrong'
Literal todler
This episode really fucked me up, and to date I think it's the only one I've seen. I really should get around to watching the whole thing some time.
The first episode at least was bad. No action to speak of, Spike did absolutely nothing except watch a spaceship blow up and throw a guy once, and they made the ending all dramatic like I was supposed to care about some outlaw whore. I know it's not just me because my brother watched it with me and he didn't want to watch it anymore either, and he's who suggested it.
I dunno man.
Literally no one died because of the the third impact.
Dude. Spoilers.
>No action to speak of
So I just imagined that fight scene and the chase afterwards?
Cowboy bebop will be 2 decades old next year. I think the expiration date on spoilers has passed
>fight scene
Which one, the slow-as-fuck paced one that was about 30 seconds, or...
No wait, that's the only one.
>Slow as fuck
Nigga... That fight scene was better than most fight scenes in anime. It was short yes, but it was great to watch
Later buddy...
>death scene
don't you fucking lie to me
I remember
Rule is first 3 episodes then you drop if you think its shit
fantastic screams
Probably this. Can't think of anything else that comes close off the top of my head.
Not as much a death scene, but it's what comes after that really hits me. Mostly cause I relate so much to both characters.
Pakunoda's death on '99 HXH
Not a death scene :^)
>appeal to popularity
You should just be ashamed of yourself.
He's an ADHD kid you isn't satisfied unless characters are screaming at each other and on fire while fighting.
My heart died so it counts.
I saw best girl Canon was posted already, here's to Captain Okita.
The best.
Too bad that the series went to shit after that episode
Came here to post this. Fucking Grimmer.
huh hes not dead. says so in the moive
What bullshit are you smoking? It was great from the beginning to the end.
user, I...
Came here to post this
>Doctor Tenma, I'm sad
Good taste, user.
>No action to speak of
Look dude if that fight between spike and Asimov doesn't even count as action to you then you're better off dropping it, if you're not into well choreographed hand to hand action scenes this ain't for you. The other main appeal of the show is the stories of all the characters they main cast encounter throughout the series. Most people agree that the first 4 episodes are the weakest of the bunch though. The episodes normally explore the story of a different character who only shows up for the episode, and the main cast is developed through their interactions with them, be it a bounty target they're after or someone from their past showing up again. If you prefer shows with big overarching plots, again, better off dropping it
>expiration date on spoilers
That's a fucking retarded mindset, "don't get mad at me for spoiling this old movie, maybe you should've been a bigger fan of indie art house movies when you were 6, fucker."
snape kills dumbledor
This glorious motherfucker.
this one, damn
it caught me off guard
Reuenthal .
Those three volumes might legitimately be my favourite volumes of manga ever written.
>death scene
I remember.
Pure pottery
Sorry if bad quality I'm on a phone
>literally spends his last breath fulfilling the yaoi quota
This, man.
This was the scene which Gunslinger Girl was all about.
I wish I could die such a manly death.
>death scene
user, I...
pic related