Canada is now anime.
Post some anime that features Canada.
Excuse the image content, it's all I have.
Outside of Anne of Green Gables, I don't think there are any
I want to see her fuck a Canadian stud while her bf/husband is forced to watch.
Gundams =/= Robots, get your shit together Metro News
Well, at least we have Lumber Gundam.
What is this? I assume it's just a tourism promo?
Yeah by the same dude who did kimi no na wa
Same dude or just same studio?
>white people
Yea I have no idea what the fuck the nips think canada is but it aint that anymore. Change it to 50% indians and 50% chinks and now you have my country
Wasn't the MC of the original Gundam from Prince Rupert as well?
Yeah, Amuro is Canadian. He's Mexican in Origin though.
Maybe if you live in Vancouver or Toronto, but the rest of Canada is still pretty much a white supremacist's haven. Hell, a good number of ex-Nazi soldiers fled Germany to settle in my podunk mountain town; a good number of people my age around here are their great grandchildren.
Sure, if you only look at Surrey and Richmond on the west coast, and similar cities in the east. They're all within fairly small regions where businesses exist that can serve them in languages other than English.
I mean more than half of op's video was van or toronto. I suppose that sure maybe the interior is still ok atm, but the cultural enrichment is coming there too my friends. Even places like C A L G A R Y are starting to fill up with the hordes of third worlders. There is no escape
Wizard Barristers.
Wtf I love Canada now!
Our girl Kate is Canadian
Deadmenton will deadmenton.
What's your towns name? And where is it located?
What the fuck are you doing in Hongcouver if you cannot comprehend Cantonese or Mandarin?
I don't understand why you people hate foreigners in Canada. There way better then there American counterparts who are blowing shit up everyday. They assimilate pretty well.
t. Taiwanese who fled after the missile crisis of 1992. Take it from me.
They have assimilated to the point where everyone else is the outsider and it's their country.
Well, simple.
Unlike how you Americans are getting bumrushed by dirt poors from Mexico, the ones coming into Canada have something called money, to the point that you are laughed at if all you can afford is a new 3-series Bimmer in Vancouver and you can't even put a down on a 'cheap' $400,000 (in American dollaroos) unit over the suburbs 10mile from downtown core.
It's not your country anymore if you ain't responsible for much of the real estate revenue.
Canada's full. A two-bedroom house on a 3000sqft lot should not cost $400.000.
That's not how assimilation works.
It wasn't my choice to be born here, I could have been living in some comfy small town in Britain if my parents weren't retarded and decided to move here. Instead now I live among disgusting chinks and indians who can't even speak proper English.
You meant to say Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary.
The rest of those couple of acres of snow aren't full the slightest, but you'd have be a dotard to consider living there.
Is it that way in the boonies? I'm pretty sure it isn't.
>Canada's full
Not really. Everyone just decides to move to Toronto. Give global warming a few years and more people will start to move up north
That's not how that works.
You're funny
Wait so your angry that they have money and are contributing to the economy. Shit take our food stamp mexicans then
Learn Mandarin already. The whole service oriented industry in Vancouver depends on Chinese money by and large, far more than of Punjab.
>t. FOB or poo in loo
Get the fuck out out of my country
Yes it is.
It's our country now.
>canada made anime real before trump made anime real
did we perhaps vote for the wrong man?
Fuck off goldberg.
Pretty much. The Chinks, Hindu and Iranian bring in so much money that they actually speculate on houses in pure liquid cash, and you have kids coming in with student visa who outright launders around 2mil in cash on car and detached single home.
>my country
The country is as much as mine as it is yours Sup Forums
if there were simply significantly less of them it would be fine. We simply let too many in too quickly
>contributing to the economy
Now THAT'S a good joke.
Why so I can speak to the money hungry asian jews? I would rather deal with actual jews than chinks, most jews i've met at least pretend to be nice.
fucking white supremacists can't keep their shit in their own board.
Your loss.
Were letting in a fraction of refugees compares to America though. It's harder to immigrate to Canada then the usa. And they'll deport you much quicker too
To Americans:
Ain't nobody got the time to compare to those who's doing worse than we in Canada are.
the best anime out there has realistic canadian characters appearing in some episodes
How about you visit other places than your neighborhood once in a while
Canada is overwhelmingly white.
Shhh. He doesn't own a car and has to bike in Vancouver.
They just have more chinamen. We have our own culture to overcome
for now. mexicans are taking over thanks to your retarded presidents decisions
I know Mandarin and I married a Canadian.
Should I move to Canada? It will be in BC
All the americans in this thread are just mad that our immigrants aren't raping people and blowing up shit. MAYBE if you actually screened them before opening up the floodgates that wouldn't happen And the funny thing is were lauded as the progressives and have a better global image even though our policies are way more stricter
Kill yourselves scum
Mexicans hate staying put north of the 49th. They want California back as I remember.
Kill yourself you stupid burger
All the beavers become cute girls with elemental powers due to a strange aurora, as the new found humanity the super beaver girls try to mesh with the locals while society adjust to a bunch of girls with the instincts to build dams over anything and the ability to control fire, ice and gravity causes millions in damage to the infrastructure we meet Francesco a graduate veterinarian trying to teach a girl that claims to be a beaver he once helped during his childhood accommodate to Canadian civilization.
The fact that every beaver turned into biologically exact replicas of human females(And I say EVERY BEAVER) sends a bunch of college sissies into a fit for bonus points.
sorry, you're probably not american. just used to talking with them on this website
>Nazi Larper
Figured as much.
Whites are more likely to commit suicide then minorities.
canuck here too
I have and do, its hard to move right now for me and doing so would lose me all my childhood friends. I have almost no family or connections outside of this chink infested shithole
We also don't have a nigger problem. Is there something in the USA's water that's making them retarded
We aren't getting bombed, Europe is. Also, Trudeau is paying former terrorists 8 million dollars, so there's that.
>tfw it's the current year
You meant Japanese, but well Caucasians are up there too.
You can choose to be in Slurry, the Punjab stronghold.
>I visit anime board
>Get political opinions
There's a board for this, but I understand it's fucking shit. Go make a thread about it
I thought you Americans don't consider anything outside of your border as political opinion.
Only if in each episode there's something stereotypical like bumping into a random person in public and both people going "S-Sorry...."
You know what Sup Forums. I love living here and going to my paki friends house and eating there food nit worrYing about them trying to recurt me into isis. Then I love taking the ttc down to spadina and shopping at Chinatown. As I'm going back home I say hi to my black neighbour's who don't holler like monkeys and shoot me. At home I have a nice meal with my white family. See its easy to get along with other races when your not American
The only problem about brown communities are those fucking kids trying to be hip. They try too hard to be black with those dumbass hats (and I'm not talking about a turban) sitting ten feet above their heads
Already been there done that my man, I remember waking up to the smell of shit and curry everyday since I couldn't afford to live anywhere else. Nothing makes a man more racist than actually having to live in the same condo as the savages
I heard that all newly accepted immigrants get a framed photo of Trudeau and a personally signed and kissed letter from him.
Is this true? How hard is it to move to Canada?
You need above 30 points
This is a thread about Canadian anime.
It's just that half the time Canada is mentioned on here it's either about politics/housing, or old ytv/teletoon shows.
Then have fun living like a 3rd-world second class citizen over Richmond and downtown where you are a pleb for not having a GTR at the very least as Chinks drive poorly on the road.
t. Taiwanese here since 1997.
>immigrating to canada is hard meme
Just stop. Half the people in the street of chongcouver cant even speak basic english
Canada is one of those countries that can't escape being recognized as a political nightmare outside of Sup Forums, much like Sweden. There can be no discussion divorced of Politics
>Go north a bit
>Now have to pay an extra fare for YRT because TTC doesn't go there. And if it does, you have to pay a 2 zone fare
Who the fuck thought this public transit system was a good idea?
I married Canadian before Trump became president, does this change anything?
Why does the hot topic inside Eaton center only sell fujo shit? I swear to god I could only find fag black butler merch there
Why should you be surprised about that?
If you've been through the shit that is the Cultural revolution where you ratted out your mom and dad for shits and giggles, then you'd butter up and get your kids and your surviving relatives out of the cesspit that is People's Republic of China.
Money's no object when it's not even yours to begin with.
figured as much
It was hard, now Canada is actively seeking as many nonwhite Migrants as possible.
I was aiming more for some cities suffering serious damage over a flash flood caused due to a bunch of beaver girls building to many Dams with their enhanced super powers and thumbs.
Then having weird situations with the veterinarian having to deal with a yandere beaver girl that professes her undying love by causing a nearby creek to take a detour into the vetboy clinic.
You know, romcom with superpowers and improvised rafts, the usual stuff.