
What does Sup Forums predict will happen to the US once it becomes Balkanized? What sort of layout will there be and who will ally with whom?

Or will the Americans be destroyed by their blackness?

>Implying Indiana would be in same balkanized region as new York and california

If the US were to Balkanize, Alaska, Hawaii, and Texas would all become their own countries, first and foremost. Secondly, I don't foresee many states wanting to join with other states, desu

I think it'll Balkanize in waves. The first will be along party lines, and then once that shakes out the second along cultural lines.


I don't even recognize this country from 20 years ago when I was younger. It's changed far too much with all the immigrants both legal and illegal. Not really sure what it even means to be an American anymore.

>yet another map made by someone who doesn't know shit about the US

Who made that map? There are a several ways the US could end up balkanizing, but that's more retarded than the even more obvious satires that have shit like "Federation of the Great Lakes and Great Salt Lake".

>1 post by this ID

Slide thread. Balkanization threads are soros and russian funded shill threads to spread seditious fantasies. Every square inch is rightful American clay.


Being American never means being white. And everyone has some black now.

Not sure what that even means. Sounds illogical really. I have no black in me meme flaggot.

>jew york
>russo-american alliance

Thanks, no

You’re American. You're not white.

>having a fucking alliance split in two
>making an Idaho corridor to separate Washington

Is OP retarded?

I'm American and white

GITS is cool and all, but this hypothetical balkanization of the USA is pretty retarded.

Idaho is 100% conservative.

Why are you lumping us in with the commies, faggots, and spics from california?

He's a Eurofag moron, that's why

what the fuck is this nonsense

Ghost in the Shell, proving Japanese people don't care to understand American politics.

The country didn't change you did.
If you really expect the country to stay the same in your eyes from age 6 to 26 or w.e, you are mentally deficient.

>The country didn't change you did.

Lmao, you really think America is the same as it was in the 1980s or 1990s?

>lumping Ohio in with Jew York

Economically, its gotten a bit worse, technologically and socially a bit crazier, but all around better and safer. It's like 95% the same, but the internet makes everything seem bigger than it actually is.




because soros and russia has common interested? Jesus christ you must be retarded. probably from the south.

This again Piotr?
>no more vodka
>just go to bed

Muh soros

Jews aren't white desu.

Democrats fucking wrecked this country. They inherited a prosperous free country and managed in a relatively short period of time to fuck the demographics up and turn us into a 3rd world shithole. Why do I even bother, you're probably some 2nd generation shitskin with no roots. Go back to fucking Pakistan asshole.

California begs to differ.

>imblying you wouldn't
Yankees raus


Came here to say this, but on a more direct note

>implying we would every join up with Illinois given any other option
we will take what we can from the southern half of the state, but every hoosier worth his salt knows that those fuckers should be purged with fire


>Nebraska and Kansas lumped in with the South instead of the Dakotas

Bitch have you ever even *been* to America?

Republicans and democrats both Jewish as hell and they run the good cop/bad cop schtick on the American whites. They both need to go.

Yeah, the RINO faggots definitely got greedy and had short term thinking. I'm not exempting Reagan from this, he had his own platter of fuck ups.

Right. Between the two the Dems are the slimiest, but the Repubs are absolutely reprehensible for their greed and treason as well. The USA is in the process of Balkanization along racial and ideological lines, the Northwest Front is the only group that has a grasp on what's happening but are very few in number at this point. I don't have much hope for the future, my fellow whites appear to be cucked beyond all redemption. There's only a few thousand of us in the USA who are actually redpilled. The rest are pinkpilled.

Forget the survey but the US had the highest rate of people saying diversity is our strength in the west. We're fucked except in areas that just don't have blacks for no other reason than blacks never moved there. Those areas are still cucked (Appalachia/New England/Midwest)

>What does Sup Forums predict will happen to the US once it becomes Balkanized?
nothing. Because it aint going to happen.

It will all have to collapse around them. No other pill than the jagged pill will wake people up, but it will probably be too late then anyways.

diversity is (((our))) strength...yeah so easily hypnotized.
Right. They need to be cut off from their bread and games. They remain children for life living vicariously through their favorite niggerball team.

Checked. Best thing to do is seek out like minded whites and disassociate from white guilt or "that's racist" whites. Purge those shitheads from your circle.

That's the right move but finding those people is very difficult.

Not as difficult as you think. More people are drawn to our message than you might believe. It may depend on where you live I guess.

Don't you ever fucking paint the Delmarva peninsula as liberal. Delaware and Maryland will be split in half and DELMARVA will be a RED state

If we agree to remain in a political union with leftists we will lose it all. They will import enough shitskins to the point where the GOP is reduced to a powerless minority with no hope of ever winning the White House or either chambers of Congress. If we were to split up the country based on ideology then we could finally have our own coherent country with a government that serves our people's interests. Balkanization is our best hope.

I live in a liberal town in Washington so options are limited.

We owe commie traitors no safe have or country of their own. Total war, conquest and subjugation of the conquered is de way.

The koran lets you get on the internet?

We exterminate everybody in Seattle and Portland, then take British Columbia and Vancouver Island from the Chinks. Then you have seaports, nuclear reactor, oil refineries, hydroelectric power and agriculture.

I imagine it was nice at one point in time. Too bad I never was able to see it.

Speak for yourself, desu. My forebears were ethnic cleansers of the highest order

It still is but has now become overpopulated due to white flight.

Hang in there desu. Keep hope alive.

I just hope when Balkanization finally happens I'll be able to team up with my rightwinger comrades and purge th emore virulent libtards from my homeland.

>Southern California: nothing but Cartels and chicanos. The beaners tried to rejoin Mexico, but the Mexican government took one look at that fucked economy and said 'merida!' They lost the educated part of their populace after they ran off the whites, had to waste precious manpower on Nigger control, and the state of Jefferson has a bone to pick with Jose. The future does not look bright to say the least.
>The Southwest and Texas: The Mexicans welcomed them into Mexico. Native Americans were deported into Deseret. Thankfully, they're overstretched and certain cult leaders are attracting converts...
>Utah, Colorado, and Neveda: Deseret. The Chad Mormon's embraced Polygamy and built a wall, a wall virgin beaners still try to jump over. The Mormons are planning an crusade to retake the Southwest.
>Las Vegas: dumpy free city stuffed full of white and nigger refugees fleeing Mexican attacks. Used mostly as slave labor, and as window dressing for journalists. Gotta get that foreign aid man.
>Mid-West: America. The true successor state to the Union. Mexico still fears it's nuclear might.
>Rust belt: Free States of America. Pretty faggy successors, but mostly white so they get a free pass.
>The old south: 'New Africa.' KANGZ. Basically the place where everyone dumped their blacks and, needless to say, they hate everyone else. They hate the Blacks for getting deported, they hate the whites for getting resettled, they hate the Carribean people and Venezuelans for raiding the Mississippi and Florida, they hate other blacks for not buying their bullshit, and they only have themselves to blame.
>New York: Corp central. PMCs brutally keep order.
>Northwest: Columbia!

>Northern cities accent
>midwest accent
>country accent

naw fuck off, basically all of indiana has a weird accent thats a mix of appalachian/midwestern with a bit of drawl thrown in in recent years. the only place anyone has a different accent is in the citties or right on the lake. If you ain't been here i cant really describe it, but ive been to every state on this side of the Mississippi and a fair chunk of the ones on the west side, and there is no accent in the world like a hoosier accent. I can pick a hoosier out from a mile away by the way they talk no mater what part of the state they are from.

>Not including the Northwest White Ethno-state



>American empire

GDP of what, three buckets of chicken?

>Idaho, Utah, and Montana turning blue or siding with faggot commies.

(((OP))) you really are a faggot.

All that Red.

>Pennsylvania annexes Delaware, New Jersey and Maryland
>West Virginia and Virginia unify
>Creation of the Penn-Virginia Empire

Oh shit what are you doing nigger

The second we got nukes is the second it became all or nothing balkfags