Am I the only one scared shirtless after watching the show? Monster Rei and Lilith still give me nightmares.
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Eva fucked with me pretty hard.
The thing that messed with me most was Eva Unit 01 drifting in space with Yui's soul locked inside, forever.
I think we all know what this universe's story is really all about
It's one Japanese autist's wildly overactive imagination
I know you know what I mean but allow me to introduce this retard to you once again
> tfw too upset to be scared
I felt more sort of gut-punched. And I still do.
put your shirt back on
And the basic moral of the universe's story is as follows
That face Rei makes is one of the only things that has ever unsettled me in an anime.
Reichan is pretty much a lovecraftian eldrich godess.
Yeah, that shit got me really hard back then when I was like 14 watching this.
Literally all I even remember about this anime is the cute girls and the battles
I haven't rewatched it since I was in high school and I never watched the rebuilds
Maybe I'm subconsciously saving it up for when I go all in on another acid trip like in college
>cute girls and the battles
Come on now
>watching Eva on acid
I implore you to reconsider.
Remember when she flew through Maya in EoE?
The funny thing is I don't think she's an eldritch horror so much as a not so far off take on YHWH.
No I'm serious
Why? I have rewatched the battle in episode 2 while high as fuck like 50 times by now and it's as good as ever
Get with the program user
Maybe it's just me but anything that involves body horror and suffering in general is too much for me on acid, And i'm not very impressionable when sober. One bad trip was enough for me.
Yes but the whole point of this show is to send you on some kind of bizarre psychoanalytical trip, so why should that be a problem?
Not recommending acid to anyone but this is a legitimate way to watch it I think
I think i should rewatch it stoned one day, but the problem is i remember the whole thing ebtirely.
I was a crazy fan and rewatched it fuckloads of times.
Actually this is what I like about being stoned
It makes every time a lot like the first time
The danger is addiction and becoming a hippie burnout loser, which is seriously actually not a joke at all
Like I had friends in college I used to smoke with who were some of the brightest kids I know and they were all gradually failing out of school because they were doing all their homework stoned, which makes you more intuitive but very lazy
A lot of them dropped out
I just think Eva might lead you into places you don't want to go to while tripping balls based on personal experience, If you think there won't be a problem then there probably won't be one. All i'm saying is that you should be more careful about what you expose yourself to in that state.
Yeah sorry for the blog I just felt like I had to elaborate after apparently recommending people to take drugs that are illegal basically everywhere
Fuck no
It never really scared me but not too long ago I went a couple months of taking big ass doses of DXM 2-3 times a week and watching EoE every single time and I think I did some psychological damage to myself
Now the most insignificant things give me fucking flashbacks to that movie
Best girl is gonna best girl.
haha that's a cute pic
Honestly that just looks silly.
Yeah, like saturday morning cartoon bandages everywhere.
Ok but this is presumably from like a burn ward or something, how is it a bad illustration?
I wasn't really that scared afterwards, but what really scared me shitless was when EVA 01 went beserk.
Haha yeah me too, actually what scared me more was when it didn't stop
>bad illustration
Well first of all, it looks like somebody took a photo of a fucking screen at 290p.
And second, the pic looks like one of eva 01 with cartoon bandages.