JQ redpill thread

JQ redpill thread

Celebrities redpilled on JQ::
Stefan Molyneux: pastebin.com/Cj7B3tRK
Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn:

The issue with the Jews pastebin.com/HpFU16QQ

The Jewish takeover of our education system and why our colleges are the way they are
(Culture of Critique for normies):

The reason we keep going to war in the middle east (Top congress members all jewish):

World War II justified by former German soldiers (fighting against Bolshevism, had nothing to do with hate) youtube.com/watch?v=LQdDnbXXn20

This was written 6 months prior to the holocaust becoming a thing and directly heightened racial tensions between the international Jew and German racialism en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany_Must_Perish!

The original goal was to segregate the Marxist promoting Jews from the German people en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust

Historical record of every instance that jewish people have been oppressively and anti-semitically expelled from nations - imgur.com/gallery/xh8ksP8

Germany was fighting for something larger than itself. After WW2, nationalism, positive eugenics and all realisms were thrown out the door for degeneracy in all of the west imgur.com/a/nrocH (although National Socialism continued in the middle east until America got involved to defend their corporations and Israel en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d'état).

Other urls found in this thread:


Eugenics - Our genotypic IQ has been dropping due race mixing and a promotion of negative dysgenics, like birth control and state welfare which the least intelligent of our population takes advantage of. This is true even as our phenotypic IQ rate rises but that has started leveling off youtube.com/watch?v=ZDkrgVyI5fE
Positive Eugenics vs Negative Dysgenics - youtube.com/watch?v=cqsrybphO4U
National IQ correlates with gross domestic product per capita at 0.82, and with the rate of economic growth from 1950–1990 at 0.64 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQ_and_the_Wealth_of_Nations#Outline
7 uncomfortable facts about how IQ affects your life businessinsider.com/how-iq-affects-your-life-2017-5/#breastfeeding-may-be-linked-with-better-performance-on-cognitive-tests-1
Heritability of IQ - nature.com/articles/mp2014105

Racial differences - RageAfterStorm: RACE IS REAL youtube.com/watch?v=pvJgnnUYPcE
Fear of Race Realism and the Denial of Human Differences youtube.com/watch?v=K2sUW8q7uWI
The Bell Curve: IQ, Race and Gender | Charles Murray and Stefan Molyneux youtube.com/watch?v=6lsa_97KIlc
Nobel Prize winner, discoverer of DNA structure, James Watson on racial differences independent.co.uk/news/science/fury-at-dna-pioneers-theory-africans-are-less-intelligent-than-westerners-394898.html



The JQ is the BEST redpill because it redpills race realism, racial perspective, the media and leftism






























