Kokesh 2020

Is anyone else following Adam Kokesh's run for the LP nomination in 2020. I think his candidacy would be a perfect chance for the LP to split as much of the leftist vote as possible. Thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread:


He's got a great plan to use a bunch of sites nobody uses. He tried to drum up publicity by getting arrested for driving an RV stinking of weed but nobody cared about his am I being detained routine

Thoughts? He's a jew.

I'm down for it. Any guy that is literally trying to dismantle the federal government has my support. Only real way to take (((their))) power at this point is by knocking over the entire house of cards, and he seems to be the only guy willing to try it.

A literally autistic open borders idiot.

Yes, Kokesh 2020

spotted the shills


Worked for Israel as a translater and tried to create a fucking false flag against guns in Washington DC. so no...........

this guy is a fuckin legend
got persecuted and put in jail many times for his freedom loving beliefs
trump shifted the overton window way enough for him to be a hit

>Adam "open the borders first, dismantle the government later" Kikesh
jesus christ, even Molymeme tore this moron a new asshole

>t. russian bot seeking collusion

>implying a guy that can barely afford to get out of drug charges has enough money to pay shills on a basketweaving forum

Sucks that you'd rather bitch and live under the boot of the feds than recognize a way out when you see it. Honestly, what exactly do you hate about the guy and can you provide a source?

i think the whole kept his gf as a slave thing might hurt his chances

Juden. No.

member when he cocked his gun and got btfo with no REAL consequences?


Dead and irrelevant organization, all of the good libertarians have already abandoned it. Who cares?

I'll definitely vote for him in the primary

Adam Kokesh is an open borders Kike. This is a video of him shilling open borders on Molymeme.


Do Democrats ever really vote for the Libertarian Party? I confess I haven't dug deeply into it, but all the LP voters I know or have read about have been Republicans or Republican-leaning.
>inb4 libertarian party are basically liberals
That may be true, but it doesn't change the fact that Democratic voters seem to be far more loyal to their party.

>go to prison for a non-crime
>no real consequences

checked. what is wrong with these people? so damn evil.

Adam kokeh. Another Jewish, Canadian born Greenberg actor. Buyer beware

>kill all the jews
>jews make up 1%
>1% correction

my problem is with 2nd and 3rd worlders infiltrating american online infastructure to attempt subversion of 1st world countries. It's especially bad when the propogandic messages are coming from inside the country itself.

i could care less. I'm more upset at the decline of Sup Forums. Im tired of having discussions with bots,shils, and idoits

Second that, that or Trump again, but keeping the left from getting power is priority #1
He just showed us the "un-freedom" we live under.

Me too dude. But they arent coming from Kokesh. They're coming from the people that actually have money, aka government shills who are threatened by the idea of somebody letting people vote to dismantle their regime.

They're trying to make you focus on trivial shit instead of realizing what this guy actually wants to do. This goes way past borders, which is something he wouldnt have a say in even if he won. This is about ending the federal government. Do you want decentralization or not?

get mad, get angry.
jews kill you with no effort
because they are lazy parasites that have been living off of YOU forever

He has literally gone insane.

He lives in an RV and preaches ideas that are on their face enticing but in practice would be entirely unobtainable barring some sort of Armageddon which kills everyone not on board with his ancap ideas.

No. Gay.

>letting people vote to end central control and bring government back down to the local level will basically kill everyone

How do those boots taste?

show flag hippie

Option A: Nationalism - side with fellow man and pleb citizen over powerful politicians (commies and globalists and other countries love this)

Option B: Loyalism - be uncle tom of classism, bootlick and asskiss upperclasses, throw fellow man under bus, support establishment (globalists and other countries hate this)

Both options are shit to be honest.
Remember that our country has the best logistics in history for making money. All other countries besides america hate that fact and spend their time trying to convince americans to turn against their own gov. In my opinion it's their only way of attempting to build their own countries by tearing ours down.

I'd prefer to spend effort on building a business instead of shilling for foreign interests in taking america's #1 spot

Yall hippie commie mf don't like the gov then tread somewhere else

Hey man, his ideas sound good but niggers and women are still allowed to vote, combine that with the soyboys and good goys you have no chance.
Look, it’s considered controversial to not want millions of illegal third worlders to stay in your country. In the 1800s maybe he would have a chance, his views would have been mainstream then but we have had nearly a century of Jewish control and Marxist indoctrination. When I was born one could buy a machine gun at the local gun store, now a good portion of the country thinks semi automatic rifles should be banned and many are along with magazines over ten rounds in many places.

I’m convinced the only way to undo the absolute state of America is a near extinction level event.

dont mind classical liberals like jfk but the so called ' democrats ' are just fascist commies now
libertarianism and constitutional democratic republicanism is the way to go

> dont like the gov
>Hey man, his ideas sound good but niggers and women are still allowed to vote


Not an argument.

>Babbys first grasp of nuance

I don't know this person, but could the lp party just fucking nominate someone with mass appeal like ron paul? Every single one on the ballot last time was either a DUDE WEED, ANARCHIST, or NO ROADS LMAO. Just fucking get someone who is fiscally conservative, socially liberal (that means accepting of oddballs, not promoting like the dems are doing).

No not memerson, he is being too literal with the idea of the party, is also too young feeling.

>that nose

Fuck off.

oh you meant commies want to expand the government my misunderstanding
still dont like the government tho lad, too big

this, they have a bit of a problem with koch brothers influence, mcafee maybe? havent kept up recently desu

Mcafee is an anarchist, horrible candidate.

i meant that anti-royalist commies led the revolution of 1917, but would've been far better off without the succeeding gov

You do realize that, if this Kokesh's plan actually happens, you and a bunch of people could come together and make a local ethnostate that is not beholden to any voters outside of it? An ethnostate that does not have to let immigrants in if you and the rest of the people there dont want it? You can literally get exactly what you want.

We will never have anything even close as long as we are under control of a federal government that lets every shitskin and woman vote our rights away. Decentralization is exactly how you get your ethnostate, and there will be no federal government to tell you that you cant.


its no coincidence that women got the right to vote at the exact same time in history that technology and the industrial revolution stumped men's superior physical power to carry and do physical work. There's no going back without rolling back the advances of the industrial revolution and machine labor. In other words men are as helpless as a disenfranchised and weak woman of the 19th century. Be careful of even pointing this out in public however, because it could be considered inciting revolution against women equality or hate speech.

NO ONE IS READING THIS He's just going to shill daily threads and hire a socialmedia Sup Forums team to back him up.

wow what a coincidence this jew is for open borders

This. He's as trustworthy as Eli Roth around a teen girl. He makes zero loot yet escapes from legal situations that'd crumble anyone ITT.

"Why howdy fellow white cowboys."

fuck this kike

Open borders, anti-racist. left-lolbertarian faggot who larps as a tough guy cowboy. Fuck this cuck


Watch his interview with Moly. His biggest weakness are the topics that are discussed starting around the halfway point, till the end of the video. He can't reconcile with the fact that bringing in people that aren't going to lean towards Libertarianism isn't a good idea (which hurts his cause). Quite disappointing desu

>imma militia, guys


A frickin leaf larping as a good old boy, isnt it shameful enough that he wasn't born with burger in hand

god, stefan absolutely destroys this jew. it's not that he's stupid, it's that he's never even considered or thought of molyneux's arguments before.

He really does. I've been disappointed with Moly recently but this was a great performance.
