Post your harems
Other urls found in this thread:
>Having a harem
they're all beautiful
Do you have a thing for crazy bitches?
What a totally random list
I'll make a bigger one some day.
It was created by a literally autistic facebook beaner.
Just insult Houki or Rin and he'll throw a shitfit of legendary proportions.
good tastes so far
I hate it when they stick around after Summer.
user should have one and only waifu to which he dedicated.
>It was created by a literally autistic facebook beaner.
No and this is dedicated by faggots with shit taste like you
>limiting yourself to one waifu
Beta fag
what if I have harem, but no waifu?
i unironically agree with almost all except hana
yea, bite me
she was the first interesting female character i've read in a long time
don't these threads normally have links?
I think my fetishes are pretty noticeable.
we all love tits
>interesting female
Fuck that
>Only Lala and Momo from TLR
>Not all of them or none at all
Yeah, yeah, we get it ESL-kun
Rate me
I'll expand it in the future
That's some serious good taste man.
Lots of good taste here but I much prefer the Ice Witch from Fire Punch. I found director wannabe a little annoying. Fran is a fantastic choice.
Gay out of ten
What the fuck
Get some good taste and you can have 3D anime girls in your harem too.
Thanks user
limiting yourself to only 2D is pointless
Great taste mang
i like you user
Shit taste
why do you want to fuck Sup Forums
>the retarded osomatsu
you picked wrong
What's the name of the font that the basic template is using?
++ all megucas
- - worst meguca in the crown spot
Nothing wrong with liking both.
These. I like these.
I think I found the autistic facebook beaner
Lum and monkey give you points in my book
(Casual here, don't crucify me) Who's the superhero-looking redhead with the crown? Far left second row down.
Rate please.
Misato is the only good one.
Well, I'm glad I got at least one.
Still lazy to update.
Homura is wonderful.
The rest are alright.
please be kind
what are you, gay?
Top row are all great.
Asuka a shit, and whatshername from Mahouka is boring.
Everything. Everything you have is because of math.
why is Sodachi so great despite really only getting like one arc in the anime
some excellent taste here. Hachikuji is indeed absolute bestgirl.
Haman Kharn
From right to left we have
I didn't know you were so into bestiality user
that's gay