Dragon Ball Super

I use Grandpa Gohan because "Son Gohan" doesn't actually make any sense. You're essentially calling him "Son Grandpa. "Son" isn't a name, it means "male offspring". You could translate it to Japanese with something like "Bunpo Gohan"

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder that Goku will lose vs Jiren but won't get eliminated

Reminder that Toei = shit

dumb thumbnail poster

Can you not start doing this again?

Goku's job is to weaken Geran just enough for Gohan the Survivor to take over the fight from there. Esentially a reversal of the Cell games, except Gohan is not retarded and won't give him any senzus (not that he even could anyways).

So it's finally Goku's turn to job.

He will lose to Jiren in the 1-hour special, then Hit will fight him.

And it seems like Vegeta will too afterwards. Is it the Prince's time to shine?

A widescreen television is perfectly capable of displaying a 4:3 image, just like how a CRTV was perfectly capable of displaying a 16:9 image. If you want to destroy the picture, do it on your own with your remote control's "Zoom" button, rather than ruining it for everyone else who wants an old thing to still be an old thing and can appreciate an old thing for being an old thing. Dragon Ball is a piece of history and should be maintained and cherished for what it is: a show from the 1980s and 1990s. Detail should not be removed and it should not be distorted simply to fill up the physical retail space of new technology.

No, Donut man will avenge Goku out of honor.


>He will lose to Jiren in the 1-hour special
not confirmed. that is nothing but speculation from you

>signature battle shounen
>signature fighting anime
>signature toy selling machine
>signature game selling IP
>animation quality so bad that hero academy is better
>animation quality so bad that virtually any casual slice of life anime has better frames
why must we suffer

> Fighting maniac Saiyan battle

What a weird thing to call Vegeta

Charge your phone my dude

No, he is getting eliminated.

Well it's confirmed that Goku goes on an all-out fight with Jiren for two episodes.

Then for whatever reason, Jiren is fighting Hit. Then Vegeta fights.

What happened to Goku? Obviously he lost.

Next episode after his fight is Geran vs Hit

So, my bet is
>Goku will lose but won't get eliminated.
>Goku will rest because of MUH STAMINA and let Hit and vegeta fight Geran

Goku getting eliminated won't happen

I'm astounded that you've somehow managed to post the single most retarded dragon ball related comment in the history of both dragons and balls.

literally just look at last thread OP

Guess it's up to BROhan to clean up his dad's mess yet again.


Is this the new "Bills"?

>>Goku will rest because of MUH STAMINA and let Hit and vegeta fight Geran
Hit is going to save him just like Goku saved him from Dyspo

>Goku gets eliminated.
>Hit eliminates weakened Jiren but lose as well
>Vegeta keeps fighting and the other threats like the bugs and Toppo become more active.
My guess.

How can you know that for sure? Another Goku-Hitto teamup is very possible you know.

Why is it okay to attack GT, but not Super?

Not him but the "Jiren" spelling is like spell "Bejita" or "Seru" instead "Vegeta" or "Cell". The source of the pun is "range" (from kitchen range) so the accurate spealling of the name is "Geran", not "Jiren"

Reminder that Yamcha never had his character arc complete, and Tien went no where
Toriyama is a stupid head

If Goku didn't get eliminated vs Frost, there's no way he would get eliminated on hyped-up battle over months and months.

Unless Zeno pulls out another "I like Goku so he returns to the battlefield" or "the U7 eliminated the most participants, granting them the ability to bring back an eliminated fighter" bullshit

>Goku-Hitto teamup is very possible

It says "Hit vs Jiren". Not "Hit and Goku vs Jiren".

And after that, Vegeta takes the spotlight

I have yet to see a Super thread where Super is not attacked, both the story in general or either format (anime/manga) it is being currently relesed in.

Because GT attracts pedos and spics

We shit on Super all the time, it sucks ass
The pacing, story, characterisation, animation are all bad
The ONLY thing it has going for it, is that it's cannon

Goku will be defeated, but will arise shortly thereafter unlocking his new form that he can't really control or understand.

Jiren, who thinks that Goku is defeated, will leave to fight against other opponents like Hit.

Vegeta will fight whoever, no one cares about his match anyway.

Then, later on, Goku will rematch against Jiren with his newly unlocked form after taking a moment to figure out how it works.

No one cares.

The official name is "Jiren", not "Geran".

Geran will never catch on, just like Bills never did.

>no way he would get eliminated on hyped-up battle over months and months.
This is exactly why he will likely get eliminated. He will go all out against Jiren and next episode is called Jiren VS Hit. Why is Hit suddenly fighting an opponent who can beat with ease SSBKKx20? Because Goku weakened him with his new form. How can you compare Jiren to a SS1 tier like Frost? Are you retarded?

Remember when Supertards were complaining about Naruto running of all things in ep 105 or whatever it was (the one where Tien jobs)

>no one cares about spell the name right
Maybe if you are a retard.

>Goku will be defeated, but will arise shortly thereafter unlocking his new form that he can't really control or understand.

Goku is already unlocking that silver-eyed transformation during the 1-hour special battle...the battle that he will eventually lose.

You honestly think Goku will unlock TWO new transformations in the span of one tournament?

Except Bills was never an accurate translation.


Too bad "Jiren" is the official name being used.

Nice try tho


Do you honestly think Goku is going to unlock ab brand new form and then lose outright? Have you been watching the same Dragon Ball as the rest of us?


Well, Naruto is legitimately one of the worst animes ever.
Like Super, it's a show that even if you were to put good animation in, it couldn't be salvaged.
They are shows that simply fail to justify why they exist.

Did you not watch the Buu Saga?

>official = right
Again, maybe if you are a retard, like spics calling the cat "Bills" because it's the official spic spelling of the name

Imagine if Toei actually cared as much as SP

What makes you think we don't shit on both?
Super is shit, but do I need to remind you that GT is a show so fucking bad that it only lasted 60 episodes?

Rate my team

He unlocks it at the end of the special. The special is literally just Goku fighting Jiren all out with what he currently has. Expect Base Goku going SS then SSB and SSBKK, for example. The writers already confirmed that their clash in the upcoming special wasn't going to be the end of the tournament or their battle, anyway.

Also, it isn't an hour special. People keep saying that but they're wrong. It's a double episode presentation. Meaning that you have ~20-21 minutes of action in two episodes. You expect only a total of 40 minutes for this fight, and that it'll end with Goku losing despite his new form being hyped up so much? Are you retarded?

Goku vs Frost wasn't hyped unlike this battle

Goku will lose but no way he would get eliminated, he will fight Jiren twice just as he did vs Golden Freezer, Hit, and Zamasu.

> headcanon name ("because it makes sense!") > actual official name


>Kale's transformation power up is equal to SS4 Broli's

Goku is taking a L. Accept this. And I say this as a Gokufag.

>all of these retards in this thread who think that Goku will get eliminated or lose at the end of the special

I want to see them fuck Towa.

It's ok user, you're used to a shitty spelling so you use it, we all know it, don't be so stubborn about it.

>He unlocks it at the end of the special

Did you not read the episode titles after the special?

Hit fights Jiren, not Goku. Then Vegeta fights...guess who doesn't? Goku.

Put two and two together, retard

I'd rather they actually cared and made pic related, not that Boruto 4 FPS shit that seems like they are just turning pages.

rip Hit

Your concession is accepted.

> actually cares about spelling that much, that he refuses to use the official name

I suppose Hit will be fighting Jiren's phantom in the arena, then.

>yfw goku jobs

gohan was the one that jobbed after unlocking a brand new form, not goku. pay attention, pedro

Fuck Toriyama. Was Super made to jerk off Goku haters?

>Do you honestly think Goku is going to unlock a brand new form and then lose outright?
Uh... Battle of Gods?

Goku gets eliminated but gives Jiren a run for his money. Hit finishes the rest and loses after or it's a double KO.

Are you new on this world?

>Hit fights Jiren
>then Vegeta fights
>then Goku transforms
>end of the special
>"see the next episode if you actually want to see the new form, kids!"

Leave Cabba to me

>Vegeta will eliminate Jiren

Goku unlocked SS3 and didn't do shit

Pay attention retard



>actually cares about spell a name right
Yes. Unlike you and a lot of spics.

Kill yourself fucking idiot.

The manga is the far superior DBS product. The only reason to watch the anime is to get a manga preview.

It's not even a comparison at this point.

Actually, it's:

> Goku fights Jiren (AND unlocks the new form)
> Hit fights Jiren
> Vegeta fights ???

brushie brushie

DBS is getting hype again.

Did you not read when the writers explicitly stated that the tournament would continue and that Goku and Jiren would continue fighting later on in the tournament? Are you seriously assuming that Goku will fight Jiren for 5 minutes, unlock his new form, and get his ass handed to him anyway? Are you— no, you are retarded.

The special is just Goku getting his ass handed to him, losing the initial fight, and ending with him unlocking a new form.

The fight probably gets "interrupted" by Hit or something as a defeated SSBKK20 Goku rises from a crater in his new form Jiren tossed him into as he goes "suigoi chikara!" or something. If they fight at all it'll be brief. Maybe Toppo swings in and separates them, or some shit, but the point is that it's completely asinine to believe that silver-eye goku is getting his ass handed to him and eliminated in this upcoming special — especially after the writers have stated that the tournament will continue, and the conclusion of Goku and Jiren's fight will come at a later episode.

>>end of the special

Except the Hit vs Jiren fight is after the special. Pay more attention next time, okay?


Both are nonsensical trash though, they just feature different versions of the same retardation.

nothing personal.


>Goku lost to Beerus
>Goku lost to Frost (who is weaker than his fucking SS form)
>Goku lost to Hit
>Goku lost to Zamasu (who is weaker than his SSB form)
>Goku lost to merged Zamasu

You are just making more obvious that Goku is winning. It's about time you know

>spell right
Maybe in your own little world.

How does it feel that your headcanon spelling is not, and won't ever be, the actual official name?

What is your problem?

The manga ruins the GoD lore.


Limit Break is nothing more than a power up. NOT A NEW FORM. Goku is just going to absorb a god ki spirit bomb.

If Kakkarot fails, the the PRINCE mustn't lose!

An entire episode dedicated to the Saiyans and Gohan is going to miss out cause he’ll be knocked out by tomorrow. What a time to be alive.

He kicked the shit out of fat buu, you blind retard

I don't care about your opinion.

>still no argument besides "I-it's ok if it's wrong because it's official!"

A quien mierda le importa Hit? Porque no simplemente dejan a Freezer ganar el torneo? Despues de Goku el unico capaz de pelear al nivel de Jiren es Freezer dorado. Vegeta que se muera de una vez, maldito inutil.

Geran is right f*cktard

Honestly, Super isn’t that much better than Z was.

Why are you here, then? Genuine question.