What would you do Sup Forums?

My nursing friend found this while studying.

E. Let the Muslim patient die.

Who cares about those barbarians


I'd say D.
Not because it's correct, but because I'm not caring for a Muslim


Rape the patient, then let her husband honor kill her.

E. Touch the patient tenderly, caressing each and every body part as if her entire body were one erogenous zone.
Get a surgical ice cube if necessary.

b, as with with any patient?



>a nurse who is male
It doesn't matter how a homosexual male touches a woman.

B is the actual correct answer, according to this test

Remember those exercises in first grade where you had to learn how to ignore irrelevant information?

What's the books answer?

I.would.think the religion would have a loop hole where religious observance can be waysided in times of health crisis.
For example a Jew is allowed to not keep kosher if it's life or death, if you die you can't make.more Jews and that is the most important part of Judaism

The book's answer is B, it doesn't matter what her faith is since you're always supposed to ask or at least inform the patient you're about to touch them.

Well at least its common sense then.

I tell my staff to politely remind obvious Muslim guests that one of my desserts when they order it comes with a rum sauce. The guests is always surprised the Jamaican rum dessert had rum.

So go figure, but so far it's saved me lawsuits.


E) Grab her by the pussy

Why the fuck can't the name of the dish be appended with (contains rum)?

As usual FPBP

It's literally listed as a Jamaican Coconut Rum Pie.

People still are surprised somehow. I don't know user, but these people vote, and that's scary.

As a nurse I should tell the nurse manager I cannot care for any Muslems, and neither should he/she. They should all be guaranteed in a 'leprosy' camp. So option

I've never been asked if I could be touched. If you go to the doctor you pretty much already gave consent to get touched.

What's the problem here?

I'm I the only one that realizes this isn't necessarily some leftist pc bullshit meant to force acceptance of islam on us? Clearly, the answer is B. It goes to something a nurse should know. A nurse shouldn't talk to a patient when possible about touching preferences rather than making assumptions based on stereotypes.

But now we know if we have a hot nurse to tell her to touch us, we aren't Muslim

This in no way will spill spaghetti

>mfw I fucked the nurse at my local GP
>mfw she was from Uruguay

It's still just as likely that it just contains rum aroma. Places here mostly put contains alcohol/aroma in brackets behind the name.

Its B due to patient autonomy

In OP's image, the patient is a Muslim, not the nurse.

Well half our population aren't "refugees"

I once had a Muslim patient who refused to be touched by a male nurse, then began screaming and throwing things at everybody. No female nurse was on duty, so they had to call one in. Before she could arrive the Muslim patient grabbed a syringe and started stabbing people, and had to be subdued by security. Then she began spitting in their faces. You know, I understand when someone is in pain they get irritable, but this woman....she was real jerk!


fuck sake these people have no place in our civilization