What is the Sup Forums opinon on this series?
What is the Sup Forums opinon on this series?
my dad was one of the FBI agents that was on that case. says thats not really david koresh, he's dead.
Thanks, David Hogg. Go die you fag
havent seen it, did they show the friendly fire that happened during the siege?
>What is the Sup Forums opinon on this series?
they did fairly good dramatization, fudged some facts but still decent
suprisingly anti-FBI considering the muh drumpff political atmosphere
checked also
haven't watched it yet, it's sitting on my server but haven't had time to watch it yet
Seems pretty balanced to me.
The Branch Davidians portrayed as a bunch of cultist weirdos and the Feds as assholes.
Dog Bless Amedica.
The "I Still Believe" performance needed a saxophone.
Overall solid series, if a bit on the nose in its attempt to humanize the Davidians. That said, it's a needed correction away from the years of slander that MSM has thrown at the Davadians since the initial raid. The show is useful in helping normies realize that the media and the state and work together to pathologize anyone who is marginally successful at leaving the mainstream. Koresh was a Bible kook who likely slept with underage girls, but his chief crime was in creating a largely autonomous community of people who wanted to emancipate themselves from the degeneracy of the 90s that's 1000x worse today. Getting normies to realize that the state will react violently to organized effort to leave it will do some good.
on the first episode.
I find it hard to believe that the men in the compound were cucks and let David fuck their wives.. I've never heard of this outside of this show.. wtf
other than that it looks good so far- shows the atf shooting at the compound first
>not letting the son of God fuck your wife.
Why did Hollywood try so hard to make me root for the pedo christian cult?
Anyways, good thing they mass suicided at the end.
Any proof Koresh did anything nasty? Didn't think so
Aaah yes another government cuck nigger that lets the authorities fuck him in the anus
It is a child sex cult. You have to admit that at the least.
Again, where's the proof you pro-government shit-eating nigger?
I think it should make your almonds activate that the mainstream entertainment industry just released it in the current political climate.
Think about it.
somethings fucky
On the paramount channel lel let me know when it’s on network tv. Seen it though.
Only in America is one of the greatest atrocities committed by the government, in very recent history, made into a dramatic television series for entertainment purposes.
It's pure propaganda.
The only questions are: Who are the intended targets of the propaganda, what is the intended effect, and why now?
I haven't watched it so I can't really comment too much. I would guess that it aims to intimidate the American populace (government can crush you at any time), scare Whites who want to go innawoods together, and stir up racial tensions (White people are crazy/evil religious nuts who are violent).
I was expecting it to be a total “the gubberment is gud and cults are bad ok” type of series, but they do a good job of showing how much the government fucked it up. They also mention Ruby Ridge a few times, in fact the opening scene for the series is of Ruby Ridge.
They kept the story pretty accurate, while inserting some TV drama. The guy that plays Koresh does a good job, they even got a bunch of little details right, at one point the guy is wearing the exact same shirt that Koresh has on in one of the old pictures of him at mount Carmel.
They don’t talk about any of the court stuff though that happened afterward. Like how the door and all the other evidence went “missing”.
Everyone that watches this should also watch Rules of Engagement, which is one of the best Waco docs
I'm on episode 3. It's interesting, to say the least. I've been trying to read more about the incident in between episodes. So far. I can't really identify with Koresh. I definitely see him as the the villain thus far, but that's what they want you to think. I will finish the series and do my own research. There's always two sides to the story and dead men can't speak. I can't say I agree with polygamy, but that's not a valid reason to raid someone's commune. Guns aren't a valid reason either. The second amendment clearly protects those rights whether or not the Federal Government imposes restrictions. Same with militias. I guess what I'm getting at is Koresh may have been a bad dude, maybe he wasn't, but the Government didn't have any right to intervene because those folks were pursuing happiness, which is in the bill of rights as well as the right to bare arms. If they were happy, the fuck does the government have a say in it. If they weren't, they could have left.
Do yourself a favor and watch some of the full length Waco docs that came out about ten years ago. They are all on YouTube. Rules of Engagement is the best one, I think there’s another one called Waco: The Untold Story. There’s a lot of stuff that they left out of the TV series that is in those documentaries that is important. Especially the stuff that happened after during the (((investigation)))
I will. I'm taking everything with a grain of salt. I've already researched the FBI agents that moved in across the street and apparently their cover was that they were college students, which wasn't mentioned at all in the series. So I'm skeptical.
Also, the scene where Horacio De La Torro Hernandez Cruz Guttierez Rodriguez - Gonzalez slips the Beretta 92 into the chapel and Koresh freaks out about it. Not buying it. I bet everyone there was armed at all times. Typical tricks demonizing someone carrying a handgun. If it even happened to begin with.
I'm watching Rules of Engagement right now. Dick Reavis states at one point during congressional testimony that we have to establish a difference between illegality and constitutionality. The feels. If only we could bring every case to the supreme court and argue our constitutional rights.
wtf you must've seen the memorandum circulating at nintendo as well. The weirdest part is how serious Howell takes the "revelation" that sex is evil and he will take the burden of the entire group upon his responsibility to be the only man who has sex (with all the women). He can't be the first to realize that. What's hyper ultra ironic is that in business, it's the exact same circumstances between employees and a business owner for money instead of sex but no one would blink an eye at that concept and instead just accept that as normal.
>it's pure propaganda
>but I haven't seen it
you obviously don't know what you're talking about, go watch the show first memeflag faggot
>he doesn't know that main stream entertainment has been CIA propaganda for over half a century
Who made the show? What company?
Here's Albie Hecht, the jew that founded Paramount Network, the network that is airing this series.
Paramount Network is owned by (((Viacom))).
Do you really need me to spell it out for you why the jewish main stream entertainment media is airing a series about White Christians being crushed by the government?
>Howell takes the "revelation" that sex is evil and he will take the burden of the entire group upon his responsibility to be the only man who has sex (with all the women)
That's fucked up, that has no basis in reality as far as I'm aware.
Sounds like they are demonizing the man who ran the commune / church.
I finished with episode 1 ... sounds like bullshit anti-koresh propaganda
feds shot the shit out of the compound, especially by night, and then set fire to the compound to gloss over bullet ridden corpses
the demonization of 'branch-davidians' as weirdo pedo cult came after the massacre and some choice testimony from survivors whose friends had all been murdered
if you trust any depiction of Koresh that is MSM-kosher there's no hope for you
ask yourself why enforcement went full siege-and-destroy to eliminate these people. this was much bigger than Ruby Ridge style runaway escalation of force
its either ep 1 or 2, when he recruits the drummer at a local bar to join the compound... after a few days he lets him in on the revelation and says he needs him to marry one of the girls to keep up appearances of non polygamy. He says something like "this is the women's half of the compound and only I am allowed in the women's quarters. The same way a business owner would have a team of underbosses. Social media is a good analogy for why a business owner is in the same role as Howell was, everyone on social media creates content but only one person gets all the money (not discounting all the responsibility of running a site though)
i liked it, but they did make koresh look maybe too much nice guy