Shonen shit like naruto, bleach, boku no hero academia and dragon ball allowed

>shonen shit like naruto, bleach, boku no hero academia and dragon ball allowed
>countless lwa threads that reads like tumblr
>reddit tier memes like thicc, apologize etc
>people actually using the plural waifus
>Sup Forums posting
>normalfags' topics like 3dpd, real life etc

where did it all go wrong for Sup Forums?

Allowing Naruto.

Mods are newfags.

gateway animes of the worst kind

You didn't tell people like to fuck off when they showed up.

Lack of mods giving a fuck, just like Sup Forums.

I did, but that only gets yourself banned.

Fuck off and stop meta-posting about things that trigger you

This is what happens when you don't kick out newcomers in the world of tradition.

Go back.

i've been here before you though

You forgot countless /u/ thread

/u/ is okay.

Fuck off retard.

When the immediate response stopped being lurk more(faget). This is not limited to Sup Forums either.

/u/ is never okay.


I remember even a few years back you could get banned for shit like , and nowadays even if you report it nothing ever happens. I'm starting to consider just leaving too because this place has seriously changed for the worse. People don't sage anymore, shit threads go by unnoticed, and retards are never held accountable for their actions anymore. What even was the point of that sticky a while back?

Problem is there is literally no alternative website to go to.


What about just not going anywhere?

We can only hope Sup Forums goes completely offline so that we may be finally free.

Trump happened.

We could easily do that but it would be a void in my free time.

Why not use that time to improve yourself?

it was gamergate before that though and project chanology before even that

>complaining about normalfags
>uses a normalfag image in the same post


I have been on Sup Forums for over a decade now. People can say whatever they want about the state of Sup Forums, but regardless of how much dumb newfag and normalfag traffic it gets, this place will always be my home because as stupid as you faggots get, you are my family and I love you. The day Sup Forums shuts down will likely be the same day I kill myself.

>shonen shit like naruto, bleach, boku no hero academia and dragon ball allowed
>countless lwa threads that reads like tumblr
oh no! anime threads on an anime board
ok you're going to have to decide whether you want all topics in one thread or one thread for any topic
>Sup Forums posting
>normalfags' topics like 3dpd, real life etc
that shit gets banned the second it appears as they should
>reddit tier memes like thicc, apologize etc
those memes will die eventually, they always do
>people actually using the plural waifus
now this is an actual complaint

when moot raided the board to allow naruto in

he got trolled by the fag irc

Not enough effort

>ITT: If I don’t like it, it should be banned
El mayo, sage

Always were a thing.
>Sup Forums posting
What the fuck does that even mean? Are you talking about actual off topic posting or are you just triggered because someone said nigger?

b-but muh glorious, general-less Sup Forums

Holy shit and these kind of people are the one who says “generals are hugboxes”

Having too many generals is generally a bad sign, but I don't feel like the number didn't increased that much. If anything, I think that actually good generals that we had in the past got purged, like sadpanda and learning japanese.

Those threads are made by yurif/a/gs, not /u/fags.

I’m not saying cancerous generals aren’t cancerous (because some of them definitely are, heck even small threads like TPN are full of cuckfaggotry and shipperfags) and I definitely agree, those are good generals that got purged simply because “muh board culture”, “‘not anime and manga”, and “take this to “) bullshit.

>shonen allowed in an anime board


Did the sticky accomplish anything?

indeed, the plural form of waifu is wifeys.

Funny thing is, in the case of sadpanda it was just a mod power tripping, no one asked for its removal as far as I'm aware. And even though it was a general, there's nothing more close to Sup Forums culture than sadpanda, honestly.

I am devastated by this recent slide in quality

When you stopped reporting and calling out those niggers.

>Always were a thing.

no they weren't

It's like saying greentext was always a thing

>doing jack to Sup Forums
Ass expected of tripfaggot.

GG/Trump/Project chanology were all periods of Sup Forums where people stopped obeying rules 1 and 2

It should have never been cool to talk about Sup Forums on other sites the way it is now.

hi everywuN!!! I'm new here! I just turned eighteen and I came from le reddit XD but that place is gay and Sup Forums is 1337 h4x0r and its so much cooler sugoii!

Anyway my favorite shows are Steins;Gate, Madoka Magicka, Death Note and K-on! Also I HATE Naruto it sucks so much!!! I've only seen 9 animes you can check me out on MyAnimeList, just in case you have any questions I'll leave a signature so you know it's me! (spoiler) How do I do spoilers? Also Tripfags r gay, OP is a fag huehueheuhue!!!1!eleven!(/spoiler)


Sup Forums was always shit

Moot allowing naruto killed Sup Forums. Literally everything in the pastas came true.

>w-w-w-we're only talking about it because it's finished! w-w-we know it sucks l-l-llol
>proceed to have unlimited generals about the sequel because they unironically enjoy it

Who the fuck actually thought otherwise?

The sticky was only a desperate attempt from mods to moderate without doing anything.
Posts like can stay up for hours.
Sadly, the mods quality and quantity has declined.

As long as the shounenfags stay in there threads, I don't see the problem. Though Narutards do sometimes appear in other threads to defend their series.

Get with the times grandpa. This site isn't a secret anymore.

Just delete the thread mod, it's not like this is a good meta thread or anything.

That's like asking Sup Forums or Sup Forums to stay in their boards.

We all need to grow up.

Took you long enough mod, I'm glad that you at least lurk meta threads because it's obvious that you don't give a shit about the report function.

>As long as the shounenfags stay in there threads

They don't.

>more than one thread in a series lifetime is a general
>muh shounenshit boogeyman

No thanks to newfags like yourself. Posters don't even lurk anymore.