What's Sup Forums's opinion of this guy?

he just seems like a disservice to the redpilling. Not to mention his whole cult of personality thing and the fact that he ruined kek culture with the whole meme war thing and how it turned into a normie thing from day one because of fucks like him

he is the leader of the alt right. this should be memed.

He is also an idiot with no backbone.

Don't really know who he is, but from what I've seen on youtube I can say that he's a degenerate, mutt.

>the leader of the alt right.
alt-righters are a sorry excuse of a redpill, and mainly just manchildren yet to experience enlightenment, but even them wouldn't be commanded by a faggot like sargon

I concur. The reality is that the far-left and the almost far-left (Nazi's) eat eachother like mad. Because they're nuts.
We get a centrist leftist to be viewed as a conservative leader of a fake far-leftist movement masquerading as right-wing would great. Only problem is the mass of people won't understand that commies and National Socialists as similar in root philosophy. Most people are dumb.

Sargon is the vanguard of white supremacy, all hail der Riechs Fuhrur !

Some of his amateur documentary stuff is pretty good. I guess the bloodsports guys don't like him because he threw a bitchfit or something. I think he's alright. Nothing special.

Maybe kekistan was meant to self destruct and lead to more serious commitment. Maybe kekistan was just pure primordial chaos that new order could form from.

He’s fine, his goals and ideals and my goals and ideas line up pretty well most of the time and I’ve enjoyed some of his videos.

Also though, he seems like this whole stardom stuff isn’t sitting with him well and he’s starting to act weird

Pic related is the only consistent YouTuber

Most people dont go from pussy riot to screwdriver all at once. Its a progression. 0 to 14/88

Justin Bieber sucks but leads to Ozzy

You out jew the jew. Use their same incremental tactics to radicalize a counter movement. Sargon, Milo, Gavin, Cernovich, etc.

If you are too pure to use unpure weapons to win, then you will lose. The faggot agenda is indictrinating pre schoolers,to sodomite lifestyle. You are going to lose if you dont use every weapon possible. Dont teust every weapon equally, but use every weapon.

If white people lose this war, we deserve to die.

Politically he's fine, but the motherfucker needs to get over himself. His egotism is going to eat him alive.

Know your enemy and know your allies

If he was an attractive woman, there would be a vocal contingent on Sup Forums that would insist that she's a useful entry-level tool for red-pilling normies.

At least he’s pushin back against normies to some extent - no not what yu fags consider normies I mean real normies.

It takes a big ego to go against the narrative.


He is a nigger that defies sjw ism. A good first step. What have you done ?

Sargon went public with his beliefs and will suffer for it. A lot of us talk shit in the safety of anonynity.

A lot of you faggots are like commies. You want to profit after all of the risks were already taken

>Sup Forums's opinion on _____
The only consistent opinion on Sup Forums is that trees are right.

What kind of army shits on those that sacrifice the most ? If you sacrifice and win, you deserve some reward. Sargon established his limits, i disagree, but i respect him for his contribution and will not take a shit on him.

If you smack the hand that feeds you, what do you deserve ?

He's alright. If I talked to him we would very likely disagree on a handful of issues but he seems very reasonable when not ranting.

>i dont like the culture of these alt-right people
>there is absolute nothing wrong with multiculturalism

Go back to taking care of your wife's niglet Sargon, you know we hate you.
Pewds is the only e-celeb on Jewtube that is /ourguy/

>Have you even read Green Eggs and Ham Richard?

He just did Molyneux... I couldn’t force myself to watch that BS more than 5 min...I don’t like him he is an arrogant pussy

Did he smug-laugh at Molyneux for being ancap?

listening to Molyneux entertain him after Enoch destroid him. It was all too much for me.