Was it /u/?

Was it /u/?

Other urls found in this thread:


For you?

Yes, it was me.

Kill yourself.

That's a big insult

I want to fuck her in the butt

We all do.

One last Hinalogi thread? Mostly just watching nip reaction though.


No it was a Muppet show.

S2 when, need more of these semen demons

This show was too damn gay. I didn't expect it to go full yuri.

Bushiroad will probably bankroll another season when they feel like they need to shill their card game more. I wonder if they would go with the same characters or have a wholly new cast. My bet is on Fujo Logi with cute twink logicalists.

Not enough whooping and scuba diving.

The bit on how they shot the OP is pretty cool.

That looks more expensive than just doing it like average Ops.

Totally worth it

There are yurifags outside of /u/? I thought you faggots when extinct?

She is gay.

That's nothing that a healthy dose of dicking can't fix.

stronger than ever, fucko

You get a bullet to the head, done.

Why is the OP so good?

I blame the lowgees.

The snare.

/u/ doesn't exist

Yeah, there's no way it's cheaper than average OP.

Officially it is.

What about unofficially?

It also is.
That's how gay this show is.

I miss them.

When's the next yuri card game anime?

I'd love to buy those cutouts.

Because TRUE is GOAT.

I didn't even know them before this show.

At least Lion-chan was cute.


>You will never be as happy as Nina and lion in this picture.


Jesus Christ, theres literally several tweets every minute about the show.

It's amazing how this anime was set to fall into complete obscurity until the last few episodes dragged it into the spotlight.

Not me. I want to fuck her in the pussy.

Still a stupid thing to attempt.

I reached a similar level of happiness the first time I saw them kiss, so I'm happy for them.

The vacuum tube on the motherboard still really bothers me

You mean the way it was just sitting on top of the memory socket and not actually plugged in to anything?

I'm just going to assume all these gifs are from this show, for those that are interested.




That's all.

>left twitter page open for 1 hour while playing game
>check on page
>1746 new results

Holy shit

Lion's father was best girl.
