Was this actually rape?
This was NTR
Can't be rape if she enjoyed it though
Guts was raping Caska by attempting to interfere with her consensual sex with Griffith with his male gaze.
Griffith did nothing wrong.
no, it's shitty 3D animation that looks worse than the lowest budged 2D animation
based on the movie with the rape scene outsourced to a hentai studio?
fuck off and stick to manga
you can lugh when tickled but you don't enjoy it, body works different from mind
it's not ow it is in hentai manga
>body works different from mind
>it's not ow it is in hentai manga
If you cum it literally isn't rape
any berserk readers can tell me if that hell baby that follows them around is actually griffiths?
with that logic men can't be raped right?
casca was already pregnant with guts child
skull knight literally said he follows them because a child yearns for his parent
griffith's demon serum fucked up his looks
>casca was already pregnant with guts child
t. Guts
It was 100% Griffith's child, there is no way Guts' tiny dick impregnated Casca. There is nothing implying that she was pregnant prior to the eclipse.
What the fuck mate, based skully even says the child was stained with Griffith's darkness or smth
don't know if speedreader or your average insecure shitposter
Fuck off speedreader
That still doesn't mean she was pregnant with his kid. He could've meant her and Griffith's kid was tainted by the Godhand.
it's like you don't even read it
If a man even touches another woman, even if she agrees with it, it's rape.
no you're just being retarded
level one readers
She's just on her period
Those latest animes raped the Berserk series.
No. It was free real estate.
keep telling that to yourself, when she was on period she could do anything properly
>on her period
>after being impregnated
do you know how girls work you dumb cunt?
No, If I did why would I be on Sup Forums at 5 in the morning?