Watari confirmed during the GaGaGa Bunko 10th anniversary event that he will release volume 13 and 14 at the same time.
Also Hiratsuka-sensei is going to change schools because of Yukimom's influence.
Watari confirmed during the GaGaGa Bunko 10th anniversary event that he will release volume 13 and 14 at the same time.
Also Hiratsuka-sensei is going to change schools because of Yukimom's influence.
Who made this?
>release volume 13 and 14 at the same time
Can't wait for the shitposting. Double the amount of pictures. Double the amount of fake spoilers.
Or is another nip bs
Whatever did cake to the bitch?
Will her story ever be resolved?
Bad influence to Yukino and Haruno
What is there to resolve?
Is 14 the final volume?
Spoilers: Hachiman and Yukino hooked up in the final volume.
I could've told you those spoilers years ago
he mistakenly said 'love ya' to her and ever since she has a crush on her, many times she thought he was talking to her for 'different' reasons, even when he asked her to make costumes she thought he was working to change himself
>Hiratsuka-sensei is going to change schools because of Yukimom's influence.
I know all that but there is really nothing to resolve. She isn't going after him aggressively enough considering there are two other girls close to him. She is working towards a scholarship and that's her story done.
Why is the Yukinoshita family a bunch of bullies?
Because you have to be alpha to be on top of japanese society.
Is it true that Yui won?
I left the threads during the early spoiler period since it was all shitposting.
No, those were fake. In reality its just more Yui suffering
>a girl with crush on the MC who isn't popular will be just ignored
I'll accept it I guess
Its not about popularity. Its about being on the radar of 8man. He barely remembers her name when he meets her.
no honestly I'd accept it as it is, I just wanted to see more of her
I am sure there will be some stuff with her. Just no important in any way.
Are you serious? This series can only end is two ways: Yukino winning or Hachiman ending up as a loner by sticking to being friends with everyone.
>Is it true that Yui won?
>This is what Yukinofags believe.
Saki is best
Yui wins but Yukinofags is in full denial
>by sticking to being friends with everyone
I feel like this is a copout. If he doesn't choose anyone, they should all go there separate ways. Something has to be lost
>They hooked up platonically, with only hand-holding being allowed in their relationship.
she is
>Hiratsuka-sensei is going to change schools because of Yukimom's influence.
Now I'm mad. unless she starts teaching at komachi school then I'm good
Vol12 is the final volume they said, you'll finally be free of this ride they said.
>Vol12 is the final volume they said
no they didn't
>the deuteragonist of the series, the most popular Yahari girl who has a sad story will lose
The one with the tragic backstory always wins especially in the situation where their backstory isn't even fully fleshed out yet.
>didn't confirm a release date
>implying we'll ever get either volume
Still, I bet he's doing both at the same time so that people buy both volumes at the same time and people being burned by 13 doesn't hurt 14's sales. The fact that his publisher okayed this seems to heavily imply that they aren't confident on how the ending will be received.
fuck yukino and fuck yui
Did you ever wonder why volume 13 and 14 will be released at same time? I believe it the time the said most popular girl ship sunk at volume 13 and people burned by it already bought both volume.
Fucking nothing has changed has it?
Komachi will be going to 8man's school anyways, what difference does it make?
>fuck yukino and fuck yui
Don't mind if I do.
>Vol 14
>They are in their mid 3rd year
>Yukino haven't been seen since she transferred to some international high school
>Haruno tells 8man about her coming back to Japan for some family business.
>8man is invited to the school
>They reunite and Yukino tells him her story.
>8man realises they are the embodiment of soul mates
>They look at each other the same way as in the infirmary, but this time 8man doesn't pull back.
>End of Yahari
I thought she failed her entrance exam.
Iroha or death, my brethren.
Yukino isn't the most popular girl is she? I thought Yui was.
12 Yukino
13 Yui
14 Yukino
It's over boys.
They are both popular in their own ways
Yui is seen as one of the ''cool'' people
Yukino is just as her name. ''The snow beneath the snow'', that in which can't be touched.
Not in universe. as far as fans go.
Or are you talking about that?
She did?.. Sauce?
Might've been a fake spoiler. But I also thought that was were her story was going. She drew bad luck and really struggled with studying.
It was fake, she passed
Sensible Yuifags and non-delusional Irohafags think so too. People with functioning brains and high powerlevel in general, actually.
Yukino beat Yui badly in nips popularity pools. WW is a Yuifag, though.
>mfw volume 13 is a yukino end and volume 14 is a yui ending leaving iroha BTFO and yukinofags pissed that another girl won as well
No. WW is a Komachifag. Get your shit right.
>WW is a Yuifag, though.
That sounds like bullshit. He constantly compares her to the wrong choice and even used fireworks as an image for her. Which he described as pretty but fleeting.
Alternative endings? That will never happen. Yukino end is true end.
>everyone dissatisfied with a insipid non ending is a Yukinofag.
Watari said he would never write sex scenes in his work. I think it was in thr volume 7 interview in 2012, he said he tried to write a sex scene for reference but he always ends up making it out of character, so he can't do it.
>he thinks it will have alternate ending with volumes marked as 13 and 14
for what reason
He can't possibly still be a virgin, right?
Only chance for Yui to win.
He is still waiting for his high school crush to this day
Do we have any spoiler for the 12th volume that isn't complete bullshit?
Wait. If Watari is 8man and eguchi is totsuka, isn't basically oregairu his life Story?
Not even a waifufag and i want this to happen so badly just to see the fucking yukinoredditors get btfo
Link to the polls?
Apparently during the event WW told the audience "See you again next 5 year",
so let's assume the worst.
No, it's just yukinofags shitting on Yui
Wouldn't suprise me to be honest
To write a character like 8man convincingly would probably require insight only attainable by sharing similiar traits as him in real life where you aren't gifted a harem just like that
>Hiratsuka-sensei is going to change schools because of Yukimom's influence.
tell me this is a lie because I'm gonna murder someone
Just your usual fake spoiler demonizing the Yukinoshita family
How can the internet be failing me now
He should consult some good doujin artists. I've been surprised how convincingly some of them write the characters during sex scenes.
Nah to be more easy Yukino won Best Female Character Award at Newtype Award and always ranked the highest in Kono Sugoi LN polls, iir the latest poll 2016 still has Yukino in top5 but other heroines nowhere to be found
Pretty sure WW is a Komachifag. Although his second favorite is probably Yukino. Yui suffering in silent isn't new nor is the actions of motivating Yukino to be with Hachiman.
someone posted a summary a few threads back
but was it real
Seemed to be. It didn't have anything too outlandish and no one disputed it.
Guess Season 3 is actually happening then
Can you repost it?
Yes that real, the reddit one, I read nips in 2ch discussed about the same thing
>Kono Sugoi LN
>ponkan8 again draws the cover image
>despite placing 5th
What do nips see in his art? His face proportions and noseless characters are weird as fuck
thx for shit story, yukinofag.
Yes, on your dream, yukinofag.
Calm down ESL
Autism grill is best grill
I am not happy. Thanks for posting.
What made you unhappy?
>hurr hurr yui lost
Looks like we're getting S3 in Spring 2018.
Why the fuck would you release two volumes and not only one? Did he write that much stuff?
haruno a shit