Because I've been far-right racist weirdo before you were born now go back to fucking Sup Forums or reddit or wherever and fuck off.
Matthew Lopez
>Replying to paco from /r/leftism
Bentley White
One thing that's been bugging me. If leftists believe that race doesn't exist, why do they love using the word 'racist'?
Brandon Long
Because this 5
Aaron Hernandez
If Race really didn't exist, then who saved Johnny and Hadji all those times?
Jacob Turner
>Sup Forumsshit
Get fucked.
Eli Anderson
Levi Jenkins
t. /r/thedonald
Nathan King
no reason at all
Jason Russell
You don't deserve an answer dickwad, fuck off and get banned. Check this 3.
Ryder Robinson
You can't earn good boy points here, friendo
Luke Anderson
Fuck off Sup Forumstard.
Asher Walker
Anime is redpilled
Ryan Thompson
Is that the subhuman that got punched on camera? What a weakling!
Michael Bennett
I have no idea what I'm looking at.
Why? Are you racist yourself?
What, you mean in the actual shows/movies themselves?
I thought it maybe had more to do with the fact that in anime there's a certain depiction of a world which is absolutely idealised and tailored to fit the fantasy of the viewer - women in particular seem to be totally subordinate and infantilised and powerless, and this sort of fits in with a racist's mindset of expecting absolutely everything to go his way, and for everything and everyone to do exactly what he wants them to do, and to look how he wants them to look etc. etc.
Yeah no? As I said, I have no dog in this fight. I'm not an SJW, I'm not a Pepe neckbeard, I'm not a woman's studies beta, I'm not an Internet feminist and I'm not a BLM loudmouth. I'm just curious.
Samuel Rodriguez
Check my digits.
Ayden Roberts
Because Japan is the most racist country in the world
Brody Wright
Retarded thread alert, Check this 2.
Angel Cook
is that the frontman to deafhaven?
Tyler Rivera
Luis Gomez
Because it's perpetuation of the idea of "race". Look up suffix some time ya mook.
Jack Martin
>off by one Just give me one more chance.
John Butler
You're not fooling anybody.
Isaiah Taylor
What are you talking about? Sup Forums is a progressive board that supports things like same sex relationships and lower age of consent.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
>I have no idea what I'm looking at. It's Zyklon Ben cartoons and it still hasn't enough labels for you?
Elijah Cooper
why is op retarded anyway check this 7
Jose Perry
Nolan Price
But that's wrong you retarded newfag. Check this 8
Lucas Lopez
Jaxon Taylor
Second season when?
Anime when?
Parker Foster
You're all faggots It's true though, plebbitor retard Anyways, check these dubs
You never heard of fujo's huh? Well we were all new once. Check this 4
Connor Wright
Yeah that's the 'Heil Trump' guy. What a winner. To be fair though, if you have a clear, unobstructed shot at a guy's jaw, and that guy doesn't even know you're there, and you have time to aim, wind up your arm, get your footing right etc... if you don't knock that guy out, or at least knock him off his feet, or at least make it so he can't just carry on talking to the fucking camera.... youre probably a bit of a puss yourself.
Christian Bailey
Wyatt Phillips
Wait does this dude like Trump or not
James Brooks
>race is an idea wat?
Brandon Richardson
I'm 37 years old. You still sure about that claim?
Noah Allen
Who /animeright/ here?
Blake Kelly
The current "far-right" push from people who have been alienated from society is just that, a bunch of people who have been pushed to the fringes lashing out and the far right that have been forced to hide and operate online got to them and convinced them that the current captialist-socjus push is left wing when it's if anything a centre-right reaction to the fact that the left was gaining ground on social justice issues.
Isaiah Edwards
Because for the briefest of moments it serves as escapism from the left-wing shithole I'm living in.