Madoka Magica

>always thought the 3 episode rule was retarded
>I have taste, I can decide on the first ep of a show
>it's unreasonable for a show to demand over an hour to draw you in
>drop Madoka Magica years ago thinking it's shit
>decide to randomly give it a second chance
>I'm a fucking idiot
>it's literally staggering how completely fucking wrong I was
All this time I thought you fucks were just meming...
Also Madoka thread I guess.
Also are the movies worth watching? I recall something to the effect of they ruin everything being thrown around a lot

Other urls found in this thread:

I masturbate to Madoka on an hourly basis


I refuse to believe there are anons who still haven't watched Madoka. You probably just wanted a Madoka thread, you liar.

>dropping after the excellent first episode


>>I have taste
>Drops madoka on Ep 1

I'm the biggest Madoka fanboy on Sup Forums and I'll admit the first episode is not that compelling.

But madoka is already really interesting on episode one.
plebians just can't get over the slow pacing at the beginning.

>no new IP

hi OP

>tfw I'm literally op
>tfw the user you're replying to isn't me

Don't underestimate the power of stupid, senpai.


Well, I guess I'm an even bigger fanboy because I think it's great from episode one.
>the whole starting sequence with walpurgisnacht
>the labirynth
>Mami transformation
How does that not make you want to see more?

It's great, but to the average person who has no interest in magical girls I can see why some people never got into the series.

I think you'd have to be speedwatching in the background to not notice there's more to the show than magical girls. I mean, I'm not into magical girls at all, but I know I was hooked right from the start.

>despite the fact that Madoka hype machine already went crazy after the first episode

Can this one defeat all the magical girls?

It is called 3 ep rule for a reason.

>1 anime has a drastic change in tone at ep3
>therefore ALL anime do
Great logic there guys.

>you'll never watch Madoka with Sup Forums again for the first time

You will never wait another 20 years to watch the final of Madoka

Most shows have crappy first episodes

Madoka S2 really is the Half-Life 3 of Anime.

Only watch the third movie.The first two are recap films.

>tried watching other magical girl anime to fill the hole Madoka left in me
>none of those shows were anywhere near as good


Or all 3

I loved episode one and two myself
I honestly don't understand how some couldn't spot the imminent darkness before episode three

I can't stop thinking about Homu and how I wish she and all of the megucas were happy together.

Sequel with happy ending just can't come soon enough.

>>I have taste
You don't.

>2017 almost over
>still no movie announcement

I love mami

It has been an eternity.

How gay do you have to be to name yourself "apple chan" on the internet. Have some pride, man.

You must be brand new here. Welcome to meduka threads.

probably bait, but still biting

get the fuck out of here

I'm not new, I just want Apple-chan to be his old self. To be an alpha male again.

welcome to Sup Forums newfriend

I heard that it was similar to Meguca somehow. Is it worth a shot?

It's pure kino

What will Kyouko do in the next movie?

be even more awesome


Kyoko is best. Other megucas can't compete.

In Rebellion she didn't get to do much. She needs more transformation scenes

Only brainlets didn't like the Rebellion movie.

Rebellion was great. Homura is great. We are all great.

No, you are not great.

well that was rude

>sullying Yotsuba



Anyone else hungry for fish sticks.

>that new Madoka thing didn't have any Kyouko

It uses some plot mechanics from Madoka but uses them in a different way. I think butcher did this on purpose to mislead people.

Anyways, it's fucking great. Probably the most entertaining rider there is. But it has a reputation for being confusing, I doubt any child understood what was going on near the end.

She figuratively trapped the series in development hell at their own studio, so yes.

Instead Shaft decided to gift us with a piss-poor Your Name cash-in. What is going on at that company?

Really? You just want to provide a new source of topic of conversation, don't you?

I'm tired of your post. The picture is better than yours.

I assume OP just wants to maintain Madoka threads, probably because s/he got poisoning from magnetic personalities like me.

I wanna be with you for all eternity.

I believe Apple-chan has a male body and a female mind. I guess s/he might have transgender issue.

There is "a beneficial bait", though.

He insists he is male but he continues with the honorific title: 'chan' for a young girl. I wanna know Apple-chan's feelings in many ways!!

No way! Everyone, look at the gif!! Apple posted MadoKapplin!! Also, "Kyoko" approached "Madoka" under the mask of love! I don’t know what to say....

Those are useless baits.

You cannot see Kevin-kun.

The hobo is originally irrelevant to Mitakihara.

You are retarded nevertheless, anyone who watches Madoka's first episode and thinks "Oh, its a typical magical girl" is literally retarded.

Say nice things about my wife

Only the The Dick can defeat them.

What a horrible fate.

MadoHomu 4ever!

Good night.

>still in denial

Reminder to never watch Rebellion if you like the series at all.


Rebellion was a masterpiece and perfectly complemented the TV series ending. Homu's motivations and actions make complete sense especially considering the field of lilies scene, and the good writing made it feel like Rebellion was always planned to be a part of the franchise.

Kill yourself.

TV series ending didn't need more to do, why add to it?

have a nice day, person of refined taste

It didn't need anything more, but rebellion added to it. It's like, I have 5 dollars, that's a good thing, why would you give me 5 more dollars?

Rebellion was on theme, kept progressing the story line of Homu and Madoka either saving people or saving Madoka specifically, provided a duality in terms of characters and what they stand for, and feels like an entirely natural fable/origin story for 2 opposing forces of nature.

She has very nice hair.

She's worth it too.

do you still love mami-san after all these years?
I do

Mami is a sweet girl.

Love is too strong of a word. I think she's pretty cute, but she has her weak points aswell.

Sagitta Luminis is best of the OST

Never Leave You Alone is the better version.

First episodes are introduction episodes most of the time. They'll show you the characters, the show you the setting. Plot if there is any starts during the third episode or more if it is 26 episodes series

Quite often, you can tell by the "style" if you will enjoy the show even before the real plot starts (barring any crazy tone-shifts). If something is generic trash, it's usually apparent right from the start.

Why not all?

Season 2 when

>why do people have favorite things
Stupid tripfag

>most entertaining rider
you're a fucking liar.

Every fucking time mate.
I'm always kind of embarrased to tell a friend to watch madoka (what is this doremi shit?), but when they get to the episode three, shit goes kind of darky abd boom, a new fan has born.
>rebellion movie
I think anime ending was a pretty closed one, so for me it feels like they are pushing it too much, but well, the ride gets even wilder in the movie.

Did you like it?

>motivations and actions make complete sense
I can agree with that, however
>good writing
I think there are some plot holes (or I'm just too stupid to get it). For example, this question was probably asked a ton, but how exactly did Homura get the powers to pull off this neat little "trick" in the ending? She is basically implied to become even more powerful than what is literally the God of the series.

Homura accepting the series ending was out of character for her. Really. As such, it was unsatisfying to me. Rebellion was actually spot on on Homura's character.

Honestly, I'll never understand, the opening scene of Madoka is radical with Magia hard rock blaring with Walt Disney Night blowing up the city and QB being a little shit. It doesn't kick off until the 3rd episode but it really already established that it was going to kick off.

But she doesn't accept the series ending, the last shot of the show is her growing witch wings in a dead world.

Same here. You know full well from the opening it's going to be dark somehow. And even there, there are so many clues (characters reactions, music, choice of colors and animation) through the first episodes you KNOW it's not going to be cute magical girls doing cute things.

It's just a matter of perception. I can honestly to God tell if I will like or at least be able to endure a show in just the first 10 minutes of the first episode. Same goes for games, I can tell if I will like it or not by just looking at the cover and synopsis.
There are several minors details that denounce the quality and intentions of a product. Direction, soundtrack, way the characters act, art style, dialogues, setting, design. All those things instantly give hints to us about how something will turn out to be, and there's no need to watch 3 episodes or more if you a perceptive person who actually understands your tastes.

Strangely enough, it was the opening sequence of the first episode that made me realize this is going to go to shit real fast. The twist of the third episode was kind of predictable because of that, this friendship talk and everything immediately made me think it's not going to end well for Mami.

Agreed on this.

As for me, I regard the 3-episodes-rule as a "Somehow I'm *still* not sure how I feel about this series, so I'll give it a 3 episodes chance to make sure". It's the exception rather than the rule.

It's always seemed lame to me that some people only think Madoka gets interesting after episode 3, because it shows just how shallow their perception of what's interesting is. It's like Game of Thrones, people flip their shit when you kill off a major character, but that in itself doesn't necessarily make for a good story.

>she has her weak points
that's exactly why I love her

Why did Madoka become so powerful in the first place? Because of Homura resetting time, with the destiny of every timeline all depending on Madoka. But Homura was also at the center of all of that, arguably even more than Madoka.

In a sense, Homura's wish and Madoka's wish contradict eachother. Homura wished to be the one protecting Madoka, but in the end, she failed, at least from her point of view. It's not all that strange that she has the power to overthrow Madoka in one way or another.

As for a more concrete answer, I'm afraid there is none. I'm also bothered by this point. Maybe we'll know more one day, if we ever get a sequel.

I remember thinking it was boring and sticking to the episode three thing because I was told that's when it's good.
I was pretty disappointed. A little grill dies. So fucking what? Does the darker tone mean it's a masterpiece now? Everything else abut it is so boring and uninspired it just didn't justify the show.

Mami is probably the most boring character in the series.
>Dies off so quick so quickly that you don't even feel any attachment to her
>Personality is the most basic senpai/mentor shit imaginable.
>As if that wasn't enough, she gets a bunch of scenes(mostly Homura memories) that make her extremely unlikeable as the series goes on
If It wasn't for her tits, no one would care.