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Pinpoint the exact moment when anime/manga series went to shit and never recovered

Pinpoint the exact moment when anime/manga series went to shit and never recovered


You're way off.

there was nothing wrong with that




Grimmjow's first appearance in Bleach. I knew something had gone terribly wrong when, right after Ichigo had just learned a bankai that gave him super duper speed, a random enemy was doing the usual "uh I'm behind you" shit to him. It was like everything had been reset and we were back to the initial appearance of Renji and Byakuya.

My suspicions were confirmed when Orihime pulled her disappearing act and it became clear that the manga was literally just doing SS again with Mexico and Orihime instead of Olde Japan and Rukia.

There was everything wrong with it. That was the point where the world that was established to be cruel and dangerous towards kids started fixing itself to fit the needs of the main character. Everything that was wrong with Naruto can be traced to that exact point, when MC's role became more important than the world integrity.

>That was the point where the world that was established to be cruel and dangerous towards kids
that was naruto's impression of the world though