Lost Song

Here the new PV and key visual.


>suddenly that CG
Made me vomit.


Is this Aikatsu?

Dam it looked so nice before that CG part started.

Two girls in fate of last song they need to perform together to save the world, so basically idol anime set in fantasy world.

Makes me wonder if they will add some male MC to make a love triangle, or this is Macross without Alto where Ranka and Sheryl are the pairing.

CG is taking over the world

>basically idol anime
Yay. No male character confirmed

Reminds me of Ar Tonelico

pandering to westerners would ruin anime, they said

In what way does idols panders to westerners?

CG was really jarring, but I can put up with it if everything else is good.

>Rin (Konomi Suzuki), an energetic girl who loves to eat, lives in a verdant frontier village. Deep within the royal palace in the bustling capital city, the songstress Finis (Yukari Tamura) spends her days in solitude. Both share a special power no other person has. A miraculous power that can heal wounds, create water and stir the wind -- the power of song. Guided by destiny, the two young women each face an arduous journey with the power of song. The shadow of war looms over the kingdom, tainting even the miraculous songs with the blood of innocents. Loved ones meet their deaths as silent screams echo through a stone prison. As two destinies intersect, will the final song be one of despair, hope or...?

that's the point

>Konomi Suzuki
This show exists solely to sell singles.

>Yukari Tamura
Shame they couldn't introduce a serious sword woman voiced by Nana she could get paired with.

It really is Ar Tonelico

>close PV as soon as CG kicks in


(XD) kek

All Anime is CG nowadays.

That CG is shit, but the song is pretty catchy.

>medieval fantasy idol faggotry