What;s your option on nigers and why?

In my option, Nigers are;t humans: my explanation: 1)short heda;
3. they savages4. culture of kill.
Thats was my exlaining as to why nigres aren't human begins, extrapolate your option.

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you are the only nigger on this board

they also live women alone with children
so children grow up criminals

medkit nigerlover then?

Holy shit you sound like a nigger yourself.

but what is your option
im sorry bad english

I don't consider native-African niggers as human but the Amerimutt niggers already bred hundreds of times over with the originally white American settlers and have been introduced to a normal society, so i'd venture to guess that after 300 years and multiple generations - they can be considered human (at least some exceptional ones).

Here's what arabs and persians described niggers as nearly a millennia before europeans even set foot on the african continent. The only thing that has changed substantially is that everyone else now pretends that the behaviour of niggers is the fault of everything else but themselves. So if it's not the fault of evil white people, eventhough the niggers behaved like this a millennia before europeans ever encountered them. It's fault of poverty, or someone who said something bad to them, or whatever! It's in no way shape or form at any point a niggers fault. This is what sickens me so much about this. It's so extremely obvious that there are small and also big differences between races, but because people have a WISHFUL THINKING that they want everyone to be the same, eventhough the entire human history shows the exact opposite, including recently as we are gaining a more scientific understanding of it. They just want to completely ignore that because the fact and truth is not something they care about. They hate such things when it goes against how they would like things to be. This results in that obvious problems continue in multiethnic socities, because what is causing the problems and discrepancies are actually race, but since they don't want to admit that they blame EVERYTHING ELSE. And so everyone else is told to change, and expected to deprecate themselves, except for the niggers themselves.

I mean just go read this, it's a brutal description but it's probably also very honest too, since you see a lot of the similar behaviour even to this very day. And europeans who much later noticed similar things, and perhaps explained it not so brutally, well gave similar kind of descriptions, but perhaps with a bit more diplomatic descriptions. Even today in liberia do we see the rampant cannibalism. The slavery of black on black haven't stopped either eventhough slavery was abolished in the US 153 years ago to this day. As late the last decade niggers had enslaved over a million niggers across africa, and nobody said a god damn thing about it in the west. Including cannibalizing on the pygmies which the pygmies complained about.

So anyway when you understand this and how long niggers have had this behaviour. I find it absolutely incredible that someone with a straight face can say that it is absolutely everyone else on the planet that need to change their behaviour and view on niggers. And in no way do niggers think that themselves are any problem whatsoever or responsible for their situation or how they behave. It's truly fucking incredible the sheer level of DENIAL simply because someone want to pretend that niggers are the same as everyone else. All these people who think socalled "racists" are so bad, who choose to live in reality instead of pretend something is the case which it obviously isn't. Are willfully in denial, but they have told themselves that lying to themselves is better than admitting what the truth and the facts are.

whats number 2?


He didn't learn that number in Kindergarten.

I agree

I did

well in that case i agree with you my friend

give your opinions

What i mean is ofcourse niggers are humans. But they are not in the way that you can expect them to act like your peers. So if you expect that you will end up most of them time being very dissapointed and surprised in a negative way. This is why i think we should try and help them but as others have pointed out, we are too different to live in the same nation together! The arabs and persians might have not given a fuck about being nice about explaining it. But when they explained very clearly that blacks are some of the most, dumbest and vilest savages they have ever encountered, and essentially
>the worse of men and the most vicious of creatures in character and temperament.
it says a lot because the arabs and persians weren't exactly fluffy teddybears themselves when it comes to such things. So if you value your life and your welbeing you should be very careful around them, because they can snap in a second and many americans both men and women, have learned that lesson in recent decades, that how a nigger can turn their communities in peace time into a total fucking warzone. And no amount of pretend idealism is going to sort that out for anyone unless you understand that it is their racial temperament and behaviour that is causing this effect. So if you insist on living in the same society/nation as them, you really need to be very pushy about coercing them to be peaceful, or they won't be.And if you don't understand this you won't solve these kinds of problems WHATSOEVER! It's not natural for them to be peaceful for eachother.

The autism in this thread is fucking incredible

could some post the white version of we wuz kangz for me?

what do you mean?

exfoliate your option

Anyways you cunts are boring. As I see you would rather keep spamming in endless e-celeb threads and discuss the dyke with a shaved head without end.

Although I agree with everything said about niggers ITT.

Post the original paste and I'll retype it into white version, too lazy to google.

the autism in this thread
what are you?
jesus christ

so what are YOU doing on Sup Forums? X---D
did you come for serious discussions :--D

Дpyжoк ты чтo yдyмaл? Ух кaкoй ты блять

1.cultre of danceing
3.culter of islam
4.cultre of ooga booga
2.they big lips
3.big bunda wamen
4.yellow eyes
5.by niggres funny hair

Eбaть мoй хyй, вoт ты кaк чyвaк вce пoлoчкaм paзлoжил...

A ecлe в cepьeз, вce этo вepнo. Oни тyпыe звepи и я бы их пoд кopeнь пpocтo иcтpeбил. Inb4 Пyшкин дa пoшли вы нaхyй, лyчшe нe жить в oднoй cтpaнe c этoй нeчиcтью.

Kek, exfoliate

Чтo ты дeлaeшь в Кaнaдe?


Eзжaй дoмoй.

B Изpaилe тoжe ниггepoв хвaтaeт, хoть oни и Mapoкaнци. Meня иc Coюзa yвeзли в 3 гoдa.

Дa и y вac тaм тa жe caмaя хyйня, и c фeминизмoм тe жe пpoблeмы нaзpeвaют, пpocтo c зaдepжкoй.

Bы мaндapины нa Hoвый Гoд eдитe? a Oливьe?

Дa, и шyбкy гoтoвим.


Option 1: nigers are human
Option 3: nigers actuli from space
Option 4: who cards, no nigers in my town

pic related

Have we picked the second option so many times that it's become unavailable?

Кaнaдa этo OЧEHЬ хyeвo, нo здecь ecть Pyccкиe aнклaвы, гдe мoжнo вeчнo пpитвopятьcя чтo вoкpyг Пoдмocкoвьe, 1997 гoд

>I don't consider native-African niggers
Didn't you get blasted with those "native-african" migrants too?

I think your country has the best chance of turning out fine, together with Denmark.

I just saw a nigger on my way home from the gym

Lol, you should try going to the train station, it's like straight up Kabul/ Marocco.
You also have 40000 Chechens in Vienna, I literally saw "Chechnya" graffiti in Russian in their areas.

Not saying it's gonna be pretty, just saying you guys have a chance.
You're as capable as Germans without being conformist autistic robots.