Post mangas that are hilariously overrated/overhyped by their small reader base.
Post mangas that are hilariously overrated/overhyped by their small reader base
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Basically all mangas with a small devoted reader base
Why blame as opening picture of all thing? I like it, but I was never hype for it. Is it because the movie was a disappointment? I enjoy it even if it was not what I expected it to be. And Cibo is best girl
>muh architecture
>muh vast space
>muh black ink
this sum up blame fan base
Blame is the most underrated thing ever.
it is not even nihei best work
but certainly the most profitable
100x this
>but the MC is obsessed with X ! It was never done before !
I'm still waiting an anime for this.
Kaguya or whatever the fuck its name
we got a superb live action though
It has universal praise, special editions, animated shorts, a movie. It is overhyped as shit. The action is unintelligible.
>If only it wasn't so popular it would be so much better
hypster mode activated
>small reader base
Also it should be obvious that anyone who has read over 10 manga knows it's shit.
I'd rather an ova series
It was ok at best. At least it wasnt dogshit though.
That wasn't what he was getting at, I'm sure. Though, in a low stroke of irony, he does not understand that that post contradicts his original post.
i'd go so far and say it was the best western live action adaptation of eastern media
>anyone who has read over 10 manga
whoa badass
eh I don't agree, I think it's fairly rated. It's a nice piece of work.
That's not saying much with the usual dogshit that gets adapted or even most of the original dogshit that comes out of Hollywood.
But yea, it was alright. There's a sequel in the works too for whateverthefuck reason. Some faggy ass title like Die, Repeat and Repeat or some shit like that, even though Edge of Tomorrow was quite good.
It is, in fact, most of the brainlets here haven't even read it.
I wish I could say 2001 Nights, but I never heard anyone actually talk about it. It is the kind of material a small clique would rave about, though.
TG is entry level along with wan piss and naruto. Fuck off.
But i love rusty and decrepit sci fi setting i have a huge urge to buy up the books.
Mean to reply to
this is what happens when Sup Forums gets too big of a platform
no. Devilman is actually good
Finished this a few seconds ago. Quite overrated. Tries to be a really smart story but the author just isn't that clever to pull off the huge complex stories he tries to build up. It's not but, it's just fine.
I don't know who this guy is but what the fuck is wrong with his hair?
too much kpop