You grew up

You grew up.

Other urls found in this thread:'s-Final-Sup

I grew up.

Off by one you baka.

moot grew up.

I miss moot

Low IQ south americans going out of their way to make every thread a stealth ERP or thread


I can't believe he's gone really.

Built-in catalog.

El americANO


Don't forget all the shounen threads.

>its been 2 and a half years

The best posters went to /bant/

...'s-Final-Sup Forums-Q&A-Transcript

I made like 30 mins of this, sadly people lost interest really fast

Neo yokoi threads are now allowed.

The fuck is a moot?

I bet he still browsing here.

I thought those get deleted or moved to Sup Forums



I agree with that statement

If anything Sup Forums is less /e/ right now than ever.

where the fuck do you think you are?

sasuga kyoani

That's what happens when you make shonenshit threads ok, and let the retarded casuals have a safe space to hang out. Mo ds are newfags who don't know shonenshit is not ok here.

Of course Americans can't appreciate Kinoani

>newfag doesn't realize that south american kyoanifags are crossboarders

this. I still remember half of threads were image dumps

Only Naruto was ever banned here not all shounen.

Who are you quoting?



That doesn't mean it isn't still a problem
None of this shit belongs on Sup Forums



All the newfags Sup Forums and Sup Forums brought since 2014 that somehow find themselves here. Thanks Hiro you money grabbing gook fuck.

It has never been a problem, it used to be a thing ever since the creation of Sup Forums and didn't change, the people of Sup Forums changed and that's where the problem lies, no matter how many threads you delete, how many rules you add, how many times you tell a fucking newfag to start lurking, things won't go any better and ecchi threads certainly aren't the cause of that

>None of this shit belongs on Sup Forums
But those kinda threads arent anything new. shit like that has been here since 2006

I'm not saying it's new. I'm just saying it's cancer that doesn't actually belong here. There are multiple boards for losers to jack off to yet they choose to pollute Sup Forums with this garbage.

>Muh secrit club

Horrible is fine ice girl.

>None of this shit belongs on Sup Forums
How fucking new are you? Threads like these were always common on Sup Forums

Just because something is common doesn't mean it belongs here.

Reading would be your friend.

hello Sup Forums

Yeah, but before that we only had OP threads, and forced occasional TTGL and blech threads.
Doesn't have to be "secrit," this place was well known way before that, just make it so shonentards don't have a safe space to hang out and watch them leave. Board quality should improve greatly with that.

Better apply for a mod position then, big guy.
Sup Forums always had shitty threads and this never stopped good threads from popping up. If you ban all the silly
>this is my favorite picture of illya, post your favorite picture of illya
that you think aren't adequate for the board, you'll only get a even larger increase in idiotic generals.
Hell, a lot of memorable threads started with a shitty OP like the ones you linked. Or you gonna say derailing is bad, next?

done fitting in?

>Read that shit while listening to high and dry by radiohead

>ESL bogeymen
is this the cool kids' reddit?

See Spic

>kyoani show
>expecting the fanbase to not be obnoxious faggots
Nice crossboard example, by the way. You should stay on Sup Forums


>Hah, I'm so tempted to say “Ayy lmao” as my last words. Uh, but I'll just say, “See you later, Space Cowboy”.

>Nice crossboard example, by the way.
How many DES PA CITO kumiko threads do you need to see before accepting it you dumb beaner

I remember mods flat out ignoring reports on those threads.

dumb spic, why are you even here.

The mods are pieces of shit sympathetic to ESLfags. Surprise.

Why though? You don't even get much ad pesos from spics or SEA.

the only probably with Sup Forums is the continous naruto threads

>How many DES PA CITO kumiko threads do you need to see
None since I filter all kyoanus threads, like you should do.
>before accepting it
Accepting what? that you have cancerous ESL weeaboos on Sup Forums?
Where the fuck do you think you are? The majority of 4chin's user base is no longer native English speakers since many years ago.

Also for Christ sake, learn how to use sage if you want to meta post.

Afraid of becoming a minority huh? Maybe it's karma cabron.

Reading would be your friend. Yes, there are a lot of ESL faggots on Sup Forums. That's the point. They drag the board quality down with their shit tier discussions.

Why are spics so aggressive about turning this board into shit.

Is this the thread were I finally come out and admit that I'm Sup Forumssexual
