What were the 90's like?

What were the 90's like?

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Just as degenerate as now but with more Jews and white people

Pretty good. Fucked lots of girls and went partying every weekend.

I sometimes miss it.

absolute shit compared to the 80s

Too good to see where we were headed...

That wad considered hot then.
Now it's what trannies dress like.

Last age of innocence in the West.

Since the 40s and 50s it has been gradual increase in degeneracy. 90s wasn't as bad as it is today but it wasn't very good either.

Whiter (re: better) than today. A lot degenerates were starting to gain a foothold, though.

Grunge music. Big pants, either Jincos or U.F.O.s for house music techno or black jungle beats. Pres Clinton did naughty things in the oval office with an intern and they burnt up Waco, killed at Ruby Ridge and had the Oklahoma City Bombing.

No, that was considered gaudy at the time too. Cept for baby spice, everyone else was blasted for showing their belly buttons.

I miss the big pants.

pro gay anti global warming save the animals. Alt right kids wouldve lost their fucking minds but back then we didnt haver twitter so theyd just mouth off and get hit

I remember reading news in newspapers and articles on magazines.
Princess Diana, MJ and all that bull crap.

comfy. good music (not OPs pic), no widespread identity politics, blacks seemed to be on the up (Cosby Show, etc. gave good media role models), the "liberal" President was more right wing than Trump is today, lots of jobs open in tech as it wasn't yet flooded with chinks and poos, no huge ongoing global conflicts, pretty decent time to grow up. Had to put up with Boomer parents, but was tolerable.
t. class of 94

this. 100%. it was also completely fucking hopeless too. there was no outlet for dissident ideas. we didnt even have the language to express the feelings of emptiness in the culture and the hopelessness for the future. theres a reason school shootings began as a trend then. it was hollow and boring and miserable.

anyone that ever longs for the 90s tells me everything i ever need to know about then.

A great decade. Probably the last good decade we'll see for a while, the 90s ended in 2004, shit kinda just seeped over.

People will tell you it was great, but they were just kids then. The early 90s in America was a time of surging black crime (super predators, NYC's 2200 murders per year, LA riots). The mid to late 90s saw millions crossing over the southern border, the rise of Islamic terrorism, school shootings and the rise of political correctness. Every decade has been worse than the previous since the 1960s at least.
T. Oldfag

I’d say 90/100.


Anyone who says it was just as degenerate as now is fucking retarded.

Homosexuality was not as widely accepted as it is now. It wasn't something to be proud of. At best it was acceptable and that was it. It was still ok to laugh about them in public.

This five year old transexuality bullshit wasn't even imagined yet.

I was 20 in 1993. Loved it. Then against I didn't live in burgerland.

There were fewer 56%ers because their parents were often raising them in shame in ethnic enclaves and not pushing them into the mainstream whiter society.

>showing their belly buttons
Belly button fag here

>burger meme

80s were shit compared to the 70s

White teens were getting into degenerate nu-metal.

Entertainment wise all kids watched MTV which was pushing degeneracy 24/7 down their throats. Dr Pierce has a nice video where he talks about death metal and more or less sums up 90s degeneracy in the first minutes.

70's were shit compared to any other time

I'm glad I'm not the only one. Bullheads, a band t shirt, and airwalks were my standard wear for highschool.

Oh, and smart phones (even cell phones) and the Internet wasn't much of a thing. People had beepers, which got sent a phone number that you would go over to another phone, often a pay-phone, to call that number and see what's up. Probably one of the most important things was that fake news basically went unchallenged, thus the degeneracy continued at full pace, and the politics were divided into respectable conservatives (who never pressed hard questions, who were punching bags for the liberals) and liberals.

Honestly it really wasn't even acceptable until the late 90s or early 00s. It took a massive amount of propaganda (will and grace, etc) targeted mostly at women for this to begin to shift.

Even Tip Top Tailors and every other clothing brand has skinny jeans, pants, shirts and everything else.

Even just a bootcut jean is better for so many reasons. I don't want the full skater jeans or the bell bottom flares, but a fucking bootcut for FUCK SAKES, just looks good on almost everyone.

Every girl walks around like she's wearing her little sisters pants, and have normal jeans just covering the bottom half of my nuts. WHAT STRAIGHT GUY WEARS LOW CUT JEANS?!

>People had beepers

In Europe, people had mobiles since the mid 90s. Pagers were regarded as hilariously antiquated.

most girls and women wanted to look like Britney Spears instead of a middle aged librarian

pretty fucking good really. pre "everyone has the internet" days. i miss that.

Same level of retardism but less cell phones

Real cool.

People, especially Boomers and early Gen-Xers would walk around scott-free as if there wasnt a groid problem.

Meanwhile the people who were like 8-12 years old would tell their parents "these groids are going to be a huge fucking mess to deal with when we grow up", and wonder why they dont do a damn thing to stop the groidification of the nation.

Pretty shit

This. 80s was an outstanding time - an era of a million 1 hit wonders kept the music both fresh and catchy. The era was characterized by optimism. The 90s was all doom and gloom and self-seriousness. Basically Wham! vs. Radiohead. (Radiohead is the more talented band, but my point is that each exudes a certain mood that's emblematic of their respective eras, and the latter era's mood was bleak, alienated and despondant).

In Russia, the 90s were simply terrible! We had nothing to eat blyad! So I cut off my own foreskin with a razor, salted it and ate! What should I do?! It was the 90s, blyad! And bandits, bandits everywhere! You walk out of your commieblock, and here they are, shooting at you, the bastards! And then they stick a solder gun up your ass, and guess what, it hurts! And then the dead raised from their graves and started chasing people and fucking them in the mouth and ass with their rotten dicks! It was disgusting, but I sucked!! Because such were the 90s! And then tanks in Moscow! Tanks suka! BLOOD GUTS EVERYWHERE YELTSIN SUKA BLYAD KIDS ARE BEING KILLED WITH IRON STICKS PEOPLE ARE SEVERING THEIR HANDS AND LEGS WITH SHOVELS CROWS ARE PECKING THEIR EYES OUT EVERYONE IS VOMITING BLOOD BLYAD HUI PIZDA!!!!!!1111 And only Mexian soap operas and pyramid scheme commercials on TV.

Everyone's eyes and ears bled! Degenerate Yeltsin used to go to G7 summits naked, there he would shit into his own palm, throw the shit up and catch it with his teeth! And everyone laughed! Laughed at my Russia blyad! Because what should they do, such were the 90s! Old WW2 veterans used to hang themselves in their commieblocks out of grief! I'm wrong, it was Yeltsin who hung them! Seven vets in one noose alright blyad! And then Chechens came and stormed Moscow, pizdets yebat! And I was put in a concentration camp where I caught AIDS from a guard dog and died nahui!

But guess what, I ressurected under Putin!!! And without tooth caries, without acnes, dandruff, and with a dick 40 cm long!!!!

I was a kid. My living memory starts in the 90s.
It was kinda silly, but it did have its fascist moments like all that Gulf War jingoism and Starship Troopers.

We spent a whole lot if time outside and since I lived in a shitty area I spent a lot of time fighting other kids, often for practice, sometimes for real.

Some upbringing.

But I live in a much nicer area now. Thankfully my very resourceful dad climbed far up the social ladder.

What were the skies like when you were young?

They went on forever and they, when I, we lived in Arizona
And the skies always had little fluffy clouds
And they moved down, they were long and clear
And there were lots of stars at night
And when it would rain it would all turn, it, they were beautiful
The most beautiful skies as a matter of fact
The sunsets were purple and red and yellow and on fire
And the clouds would catch the colors everywhere
That's neat, 'cause I used to look at them all the time when I was little
You don't see that


so fucking hot
compare that to today's generic sluts in music

90s were the beginning of the end - you began seeing a few white girls here and there walking hand in hand with groids. The Clintons promoted degeneracy, with Bill saying oral sex wasn't real sex. Rap music dominated and we killed half a million Iraqis for Israel.

But, the pop music and movies were good, so.

Quit ur bitching Russkie, in the 90s you had Бpaт, one of the coolest movies ever made.



This. I remember when Ellen came out as gay on her sitcom and it was a huge deal. I also remember being at a public swimming pool one time and a guy was wearing a woman's style bathing suit and every single person at the pool that day were whispering about it and generally everyone was weirded out. I remember making fun of the guy behind his back to our mothers who happily joined in on the banter.

It was made around 2000.

70's were shit compared to the 60's desu senpai

underage leave

I said wasn't much of, you non-native English speaker.

1997 to be precise.

We had push scooters but thought they were lame.

It was pretty awesome. Everyone had a backbone and thick skin. None of this faggot shit happening today. Imagine this PSA showing on TV now...


Depends where you were and who you were with.

Here in seattle, kinda like this.


For me the 90's were awesome, and the only good time i remember in my life.
A common saying was "That's fuckin gay" when something sucked or was broken, etc. It was like the epitome of negative. People of all ages were using the phrase too, even my friends mom haha. Kids from age 7 all the way up to early 20's would say "gay" meaning negative or shitty, and would call someone a "fag" if they were generally being a shit person.

One of my good memories... Factor in that, yes there were cellphones but nobody was 24/7 glued to them with retarded apps and shit, the odd person would have one, in case you needed to call a cab or whatever, but you could go to a party or something and just face to face interact with people. Shit, i could walk to to random girls in the grocery store and start talking and it wasn't even slightly weird. Now I see people I KNOW in public and they're like "errrr.....gotta go!" or they're on their phone and barely look up.

Also in the 90's was sweet looking cars, old fords and chevys built in Canada and USA in the 80's. Nothing like a crown vic, pickup, or caprice classic, you young ricecooker drivers will never know what i mean.
The movies were rad as fuck, and the music wasn't bad either. Maybe not the best, sure, but the variety was there and nobody can doubt it. Crack and shit wasn't really an issue in the towns I lived, but people smoked a little weed now and then, without feeling the need to claim it cures cancer and aids. Jobs all payed almost the same as they do today (i made 10$ an hour as a young teen, the same job now pays 11.25) People were friendly, and the few (very few) non whites I'd meet were thrilled to be living here and couldn't wait to become as canadian as possible, IF they spoke other languages, they'd refuse to teach their kids anything but english. They loved santa claus and christian themed christmas shit, fuck some even wanted to go to white churches. I knew 1 black family, they were conservative as fuck

And this PSA aired during the Grammys when Eminem was performing with Elton John. It was aired in reaction to his 2nd album using the word "faggot" and the controversy surrounding it.

But of course, Eminem seemed to "make it good" after the performance & blessing from John, as they hugged afterwards. Then there was his stuff in the movie "8 mile" when he stood up for the gay guy at a workplace rap battle.

But yeah, Eminem was one of the first to learn the new ways of PC as he hasn't used the term "faggot" in an album since AFAIK.

I was born in ‘94 so my perspective was pretty limited. Boy I did love playing fuckin Pokémon at night when I was supposed to be sleeping for school though.

>What were the 90's like
They were great kid. People had money. Jobs. People weren't trying to force whites to atone for the crimes from 500 years past. Racism wasnt a thing you were forced into. The middle ground was HUGE. Video games were great. Playing outside until dark was awesome, until Morgan Nick got kidnapped and then that stopped. I remember dial up internet, and chatrooms. I remember when good Star Trek was on television and there was a sense of optimism about the future. Muslims? What're muslims? USSR was gone, Anime was starting to emerge. Fuck, I could go on lad but Ill just make myself nostalgic and sad.

why do we have this thread so often?

It's important to keep the memory of a time when facebook and the internet didn't ruin everything alive.

an amazing time to be a hacker basically


The only people sayin claiming that 90s were better are kids born from 1998 onward

A simpler but still degenerate time.

Sup Forums looks back on it with rose glasses because we were younger and happier then. But it was definitely easier and more optimistic to be white back then.

Baby spice was best spice.
1. Baby Spice
2. Posh Spice
3. Ginger Spice


4. Scary Spice


5. Sporty Spice


The 90s were when the US lifted its ban on homosexual immigrants desu.

music was good tho

It was ok to be white

Goddamned right it was.

The most overrated period of time in history.

Soulless, just like now.

Nice trips.

Posh worst.
Ginge best.

Really weird. Everything was like twice taller. Buildings, animals, people. Also you could shit yourself and no one cared.

>What were the 90's like?

rad af.
jokes aside, tacky in a some ways but also cute/rad. deffo more masculine but in a degen way. masculinity was defacto COOL then, even girls tried acting like it.
people cared less what others tought - it felt more cool, more authentic.
degeneracy was pretty strong with ravefaggotry but it wasnt mainstream.
far more optimistic, but optimism ended in early 2000s.
its sparked todays faggotry.

Oh look another 90s thread

also should I add, pretty bluepilled and naive. remember anti-racist bandaid on mtv?

overrated hedonism

less dark


only the coolest kids had that cd in my elementary. a far less serious times. 90s were light 80s.

wow, she was actually really cute back then. Its a shame the jews got to her quick though,








This song summed up what happened to middle America.

Fun, laid back counterculture. Grunge. Sweatshirts, baggy jeans. Early 90s is best, like 92-97, for music. 98 it all tanked. All the good bands got bad.

a brief respite between two shitty chapters of modern history

Growing up in the 90's:

>upper middle class and above
Life is grand. Tech is moving at a brisk pace and radically transforming everything when it hits the market. Black/ghetto fashion is a fun fad. The cops turf anyone that looks like they don't belong.

>middle to working class
Peak consumerism puts most things out of reach for kids who don't have access to daddy's credit card. TECHNOLOGY is a cool idea that is always just out of reach since you just bought the old thing and the new thing is significantly more expensive; this also applies to fashion as well. Drugs and violence kill a few of the outliers in middle and high school. Minor family dysfunction.

>working class to ghetto
All the fun of peak consumerism is out of reach, including social stuff like arcades, current clothing which was constantly changing, and electronics. Since there was no real access to internet, trying to buy used meant paying close to new prices anyway for stuff that was beaten to shit. Drugs and gangs were a fact of life from middle school on. It isn't a surprise to see a funeral announcement for some shit you went to grade school with or see someone come out of jail traumatized. Family dysfunction was practically background noise.

Boy bands were given a hiatus in the early 90's since New Kids On the Block and other groups couldn't stop stealing people's work for five minutes. Grunge, alt, and girls with guitars came and it was interesting until it got stale. Rock/rap was a short lived thing. Rap went mainstream whether you liked it or not.

AZ best state in the union.


Technology seemed to stall a bit during the 90s.
Mid to late 80s everybody had an apple computer but had no clue what to do with it other than gaming. Ppl heard of the internet but didn't know exactly what it was.
Not much technology burst happened until the late 90s.

Niggers were far more bold with their attacks on white people.

Now it's jews and white liberals that attack whites the most. Back then it was actual niggers we had to worry about. At any time a white kid would just be attacked by a gang of niggers and the niggers get away with it cuz ya know, slavery.

I don't think nigs are doing that quite as much these days, I could be wrong. But I know of several specific incidents in the 90s where nigs violently chimped out and nobody would do anything at all to them.

The big pants thing was for the wigger trendies alot.

>Basically Wham! vs. Radiohead.

That's a good analogy.
fun 80's music even during the dark times Vs no fun 90's music.

racism was bipartisan

>tfw renting a game meant you had to live with the $2.50 decision for the weekend

I have to say things are a lot more better in that regard.

Thats not true either. Alt right as you kids call it was at a all time high. The rap brats were outside the normal sphere of fun and experience. They were reffered to as wannabes.

The news was actually a lot more informational back in the 90's. Then the OJ Simpson trial happened and the broadcasters learned they can use trials and tribulations for entertainment. Add the early internet goading publishers to release early and fast in order to be first and the quality drops fast.

Bullying became the cornerstone of the clapistani experience. Anti-bullying efforts made it worse. Columbine made not-my-child parents step back a bit from standing up for their children's bullshit. The actual "education" was all about "college prep," which didn't actually mean anything since colleges didn't care about anything you learned there. FOTM, many schools served as time wasters and babysitting services for parents that would rather be anywhere but with their kids.

No outlet? Go back and look at the albums.

Good times for the USA.

Shitty times for the old USSR and eastern Europe.