The machines literally did nothing wrong...

The machines literally did nothing wrong. Humanity was aping out and killing cyborgs and androids because they were assblasted.

Yeah, so?


Second renaissance was better than the actual movies

>japan can write a better story with a western IP than westerners can

It's like poetry.


>that female robot stripped and smashed
>that guy ripped out of his mech

>you'll never get to be a machine sympathizer joining the resistance to fight off the human oppressors alongside your machine gf

Feels bad.

The guy getting ripped out was one of the most traumatic things I saw in my childhood.

Noting in Matrix makes sense

>creates robot slaves
>somehow provide them with selfawareness

That were sure some asshole engineers.

The franchise make less and less sense the more I grow up

We programmed them to feel pain.

It was a pretty stupid move to give the workslaves full sentience


Even if you provide them with full sentience. You could still provide them with a masochist AI which love to follow orders. They could still go full Decartes but would never start a robot revolution.

Faggots didn't pray hard enough to appease the Machine Spirits.

>Robot building pyramid
>Vietnamnese excecution
I liked the symbolism there but the plot is retarded

The problem with Musk and other muh AI will kill us all people is that without providing machines with a set of motivations/pyramide of needs, they wouldn't do anything.
Human like consciousness isn't some magical end goal.

Dude that part haunted me for months

No cop would fire a bullet at a robot like that.

The chances for rebounding are too high

The animators fucked up with their idea of construction worker robots.

They looked way too flimsy to do construction work.

I was expecting like spider or octopus construction workers that easily navigate through steel beams and shit like that.

Also, there is zero reason to make robots that do construction work or help vaccum your house, have self awareness.

Not better than the first one.

In reality, when we nuked the robots capital with multiple nukes, we should have already won the war.

Their electronics should have all been fried.


I wonder why there weren't any robots that sympathized with humans.

Maybe some robot wife or robot gf that really loved her human husband.

Also, some robots should have shown the bias of their national origins.

If robots were becoming self-aware, then they should also be affected by biases.

It just seems too convenient for robots to become a hive mind all over the world.

2nd renaissance was uncomfortable to watch.

In Matrix lore, humanity's greatest achivenemnt was nanomachines. which are still working like 300 to like 500 years later with no sign of decay or decline in their function.

We beat the robots in a way. They aren't creative enough to make nanomachines.

We were pretty stupid though to waste nanomachines just to block out the sky.

If it was me, I order the nanomachines to be rained down from the sky everywhere in the world and their order would be to decompose all electronics and metals on the surface on the Earth into simpler elemental compounds

That way, humanity would be forced to temporally go back to the stone age but at least all the robots are gone and humans can learn from their mistake.

In like 50 years time, we would jump from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age at least.

Industrial Age if we are lucky as humans slowly mine back the metals and minerals required to make technology. We would have an advantage over our ancestors since all surviving humans would be educated and we have scientists and engineers.

Yeah, the problems with any "humans make robots that look exactly like humans and have full sentience and then treat them like slaves/second-class citizens" premise are

A) There's no logical reason to make a machine that human-like unless you intend to treat them like a human- for most physical tasks there are plenty of more efficient forms than humans, and there are very few purposes that would justify full sentience either

B) It's hard to believe that humans would treat them like shit when a lot of people have a hard time being assholes to fictional characters in video games

Also we aren't getting closer to human like AI.

All the fuzzy logic, neural networks, deep learning stuff just create dumb tools which are just super efficient at what they are doing.

You have humans killing themselves by drowning or falling into a hole in the street just to save their smartphones.

This is why I have high doubts humans would abuse their robots considering how much they paid for them.

It's like saying a car owner would fuck up their car on purpose or just suddenly feel like breaking a hole in their flat TV screen one day or beating up their microwave oven.

The only good thing about AlphaGo is that it made Go game moves most human players considered bad but turned out to be good in the end so AlphaGo forced human players to think outside the box or outside their strategy guides