Why do you need guns? Yet another shooting occured yesterday. Is this gonna be a daily happening now...

Why do you need guns? Yet another shooting occured yesterday. Is this gonna be a daily happening now? Why is it so hard for you to give up your guns?
1. More guns = more crime - Criminals wont be able to acquire guns and therefore chicken out before committing any crime
2. Why would you need guns for self defence, when you can call the police. The response time is really fast.
3. There are school shootings, because any student can buy a gun. HOW MANY MORE HAVE TO END LIKE THIS, BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO ATTACHED TO YOUR DEATH BRINGER?
4. Muh second ammendment - That was created when no automatic guns existed and reloading was a pain in the ass.
5. Tyranicall goverment argument - Do you realise that if the goverment decided to go full dictatorship mode, then they would just bomb anyone who opposes them.

You cant debate me. These few points completely destroy the "but muh gunz" side.


>Why do you need guns?
to shoot things
>Yet another shooting occured yesterday.
>Is this gonna be a daily happening now?
it probably already is
>Why is it so hard for you to give up your guns?
Because I am not interested in being a slave

I totally agree with you. Dumb fucking ameritards getting shot everyday at this point.

Are you a psychopath?

I need a gun so I could shoot myself

1. Drugs are illegal to produce, distribute and posses, yet are very easy to get. How would guns be different

2. Officers aren't obligated to save you, as the resource officer who hid like a bitch at parkland demonstrated. Also aren't police racists killing den black folks.
3. See point 1 naming doesn't mean unavailable.
4. First amendment was made when writing and printing was slow and a pain in the ass.
5.When a govt. Starts bombing it's own land it's pretty much lost.
6. Youre a fag

psychopath is just the secular humanist term for heretic

So remember how the Parkland police stood outside the school while it got shot up?

You are a retard wew

I have never even heard of your shitty country

>look at me i posted it again
Fuck off commie

don't forget to sage threads posted by queers


why MODS do nothing?

>Hey, comrade.
>I heard you disagreed with new party policy.
>are you mentally ill?
>I better send you to mental asylum
that's you with power.
i'm glad you don't have the power your brethren once had.

Guns are for white trash degenerates who want to pretend they're action heroes. I have better things to spend my money on than a $600 toy that you get at most a few hours of enjoyment from.

Because you want to take them.


they are the ones posting it.

Even better Tyrone

>5. Tyranicall goverment argument - Do you realise that if the goverment decided to go full dictatorship mode, then they would just bomb anyone who opposes them.

If you can only get a few hours of enjoyment from guns then your IQ is immeasurably low.

To place criminals under arrest.

This is the real reason that the beltway morons hate the 2A.

They don't have enough bombs.

Name 1 successful country that has a ruling government that bombed its own people.

>The response time is really fast.

It's not. You don't live anywhere in the country where the response time is better than 5 minutes, tops. Do you know how long that is in a home invasion? It might as well be a week. 5 minutes is a lifetime in a fight for your life.

post pic of F16 knocking at door



How do you even enjoy guns? A tool which has been created with 1 intent only. To hurt others.

Shooting them.


It's too bad Reilly just daydreamed or jerked off in the bathroom in school instead of reading the books he was assigned - he might have actually learned something and not had to mortgage his freedom to Uncle Sam for 40k a year.

Easy, I shoot them and have fun. How cucked are you to be former Soviet satellite state and not understand the need for guns?


Americans should fix their children or just stop procreating. Even if they had gun laws like Europe they would still shoot up schools all the time
Americans are fucked in the head which should be obvious to anyone actually

>another shooting
who cares

>Why would you need guns for self defence, when you can call the police. The response time is really fast.

Maybe where you live but here in Detroit you have to wait like an hour for the coos to show up.


1. We outlaw drugs but people still manage to get their hands on drugs
2. And its even faster to shoot the criminal when he's already in my house. And make up your mind lefty, are police racist murderers or are they the only people that should have guns?
3. More people died of drunk driving accidents last year than gun deaths
4. If you think the 2nd amendment only applies to muskets, then the only healthcare you're allowed to have is being cut open with a saw or whatever the fuck they had back then
5. see

>t. has never shot a gun

Let's get real senpai.

I like hunting.
I like defending my family.
Thats why i have guns. Pretty simple really.

I think we all know its time for regime change in America, and thats why the powers that be want to take your guns away

Rights do not require justification.

Im not talking Trump either, hes great, Im talking about the deep state sabotaging him

Let the mutts shoot at each other. Fucking subhuman trash.

"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."
- Thomas Jefferson

"What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms."
- Thomas Jefferson,

The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Thomas Jefferson
OP can suck a fat cock

except you cant kill people with fire extinguishers and nobody shoots a fire extinguisher "for fun"

>Keymod fag


yes, because quoting people is an argument

baka at these retards -.-

>has never used a fire extinguisher for training or 'fun'

Meanwhile dozens of people have been shot and killed in Chicago since parkland and no one seems to talk about it. Why are Democrats so racist when it comes to guns?

I need an AR-15 to kill anyone who tries to take it away from me.

I guess Black Lives Don’t Matter after all...

>Muh bi-hourly bill of needs shilling

It's all rigged

That Bulgaria, the Ottomons old bottom bitch.

As clearly stated in this quote from Thomas Story what the intent of the second amendment is. It you want War we will give you War.

"The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them."
- Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, 1833

>then they would just bomb anyone who opposes them.
Just flatten America will they?
Destroy all their own infrastructure and people.
Hey how come there's still Jihadi's in jeeps?

because gun control was racist in its origin. the more unarmed blacks that are murdered by niggers the better

>Why is it so hard for you to give up your guns?
I'm surrounded by niggers, and don't want to get ethnically cleansed. What do?

>More guns = more crime
eh no. more like self entitled little twats that think the world owes them something and that it's ok to take it.
>call the police
thats all well and good. maybe if their track record was better I might be more comfortable with it but they don't always catch the bad guys and they're almost never there to save the day. the best they can do is scare off the bad guys and occasional catch them in the act via normal policing methods. So no deal.
>more school shootings
there are lots of ways to harden up schools against shooters. spend less money on welfare, military or police and more money on armed security.
>2nd Amendment when there were no automatic weapons
debunked bullshit. and even if they didn't there are numerous ways to kill people in mass. no I'm not discussing them with you.
>tyranical government
Obama used the IRS to cock block the forming of a 3rd political party known as the Tea Party. He did it through subversion as he had no legal right to do do. Obama also forced Obamacare on everyone and lied through his teeth to do so. It was unconstitutional.

Good for you

It's a combination of factors. The victims are black, and since they're not voting anytime soon the left doesn't really care about them. Additionallly, the perpetrators used handguns, which should be hard to obtain in Chicago but are not because the laws are not enforced. Gun control has failed to produce a meaningful result. Third, pointing out hand gun crime is a big No-No because then people start to realize that the whole AR-15 argument is a dog whistle used to convince people to ban a class of semi-automatic weapon, which will then be rapidly expanded to all semi-automatic weapons. Since most people don't view handguns as scary, despite overwhelming evidence that they are far more dangerous than rifles, it can't be used to rile up support for unconstitutional bans.

But, mostly, it's because the victims are black. CNN doesn't get ratings by standing on a pile of black children's corpses and screaming about gun control. That is a privilege for white victims only.

>Why would you need guns for self defence, when you can call the police. The response time is really fast.
It's about 1-2 hours in Colorado Springs.
4-6 hours for a non emergency.

>More guns = more crime
Why do all the places with the most gun laws have the most gun crime? LA? Detroit? Chicago?

This is also true. And it is important to remember alinsky's rules when talking gun control. Namely, that you must always make your opponent stand up to his or her own set of rules. Gun laws disproportionately impact minorities, are racist in origin, and according to leftists, police indiscriminately target minorities when there is a firepower disadvantage.

When a Democrat advocates for gun control, he is advocating for racist policies that discriminate disproportionately against blacks. Always remind him of this.

Horribly wrong on both accounts.

boomer detected

Not only are you wrong, but ad hominem is not an argument.

Why do you even need guns? Aren’t people who have guns are, like, insecure white men with microdicks?


>Criminals wont be able to acquire guns and therefore chicken out before committing any crime
lmao, do you actually believe this?

>The response time is really fast.
is some american cities, the response time is at least several minutes, if not over an hour is worst

>any student can buy a gun
that's not true, technically people under 18 cannot own a firearm and nor can the mentally ill, but I guess legal systems aren't perfect

>That was created when no automatic guns existed and reloading was a pain in the ass
I doubt it, then the founding fathers should've probably added a clause where "If guns get too good, then ignore this one".
Plus, if that's true, then the first amendment only applies to the printing press, and freedom of speech doesn't exist on the internet or any other modern form of technology, as through your warped logic, "It was created when more efficient and effective forms of media didn't exist, and communication was a pain in the ass"

> they would just bomb anyone who opposes them
I think conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan kind of show that this is clearly not true


Ive shot one for fun, retard

I have shot a Romanian AK. Gets boring in 30 seconds

It's a right not a privilege /thread

>More guns = more crime
False. Crime and murder statistics remained relatively unchanged after Australia and the UK instituted gun bans.
>The response time is really fast.
False, unless you live in a affluent white neighborhood. Check your Privalage, shitlord.
>That was created when no automatic guns existed and reloading was a pain in the ass.
False. Google the Pickle Gun and Giardoni Air Rifle, both of which existed at the time the Constitution was drafted. The Giardoni rifle was considered for arming the new American Army.
>Tyranicall goverment argument - Do you realise that if the goverment decided to go full dictatorship mode, then they would just bomb anyone who opposes them.
False. The government has run wargames simulating a second US Civil War and it never ends well for the government. Pic related.

But i want to watch chads and roasties die

Beta uprising now

He is right.

Response time in Orange County, Ca is 4 minutes. A lot can happen in 4 minutes. I’ll keep my shit thank you. Kys

f-35 silly goose

Absolutely I agree. Commie arguments are simplistic in nature, simply to make it easy to be repeated by useful idiots, generally why we hear the same argument verbatim from several different sources. so these ideas come from a central hub that distributes it. We must disrupt this center hub.

it has always been a daily plebbening in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, St Louis, Atlanta and Oakland. What's you point?