They lied to you


Other urls found in this thread: Feder - The Program of the NSDAP - The National Socialist Workers' Party and its General Conceptions#page/n1/mode/1up

We know.


Heil mein führer

Germans have always loved BBC

In National Socialist Germany,loans were given to families in need who met these requirements:

The loan was RM 600 (that is ReichsMarks), which equalled the income of over four months for the average person. A quarter of the loan was cancelled for every child a couple had – so four children resulted in no payments being made. Another condition of the loan was that the wife had to give up work if she was employed at the time of marriage.

Reichsparteitag (Reichs Party Day) was an annual gathering held in Nürnberg. Its purpose was to essentially advertise the National Socialist ideal in the form of music, parades, art, dance, games among other things…

smoking is bad for health, this evil nazi is slowly killing poor minority

Der Stürmer(The Stormer) was a weekly Germantabloid-formatnewspaperpublished byJulius Streicher, theGauleiterofFranconia, from 1923 to the end ofWorld War II, with brief suspensions in publication due to legal difficulties.The paper was not an official publication of the Nazi party, but was published privately by Streicher. For this reason, the paper did not display the Nazi party swastika in its logo.The paper was a very lucrative business for Streicher.

Unlike theVölkischer Beobachter(TheVölkischObserver), the official party paper, which was a serious paper; Der Stürmer was more for entertaining and displaying propaganda.

hitler was the first to make an anti-smoking advertisement

Winter Relief Program. The programs slogan, tret gutes allen (do good all).

National Socialist Germany had one of the largest public welfare programs in history, based on the philosophy that all Germans should share a standard of living. One of the most famous of these was the Winter Relief program, where high ranking National Socialists and common citizens both took to the streets to collect charity for the unfortunate. This was not only an extremely intelligent economic move, but also a ritual to generate general good public feeling toward those in need. Posters urged people to donate rather than give directly to beggars. Joseph Goebbels, himself a high ranking Nazi in control of Radio, Television and Propaganda, often participated in these events. But how was the cost of this met? Well donation wasnt mandatory, but to not donate during this time was frowned upon. Your name would be written on a list, you might be called unpatriotic and even fired from your job depending on your employer if you didnt donate. Donation however was still a choice. The personal money of every donator is what funded this national event. Pictured above is a canister used for the Winter Relief Fund effort.

Nazis were the first to ban vivisection and establish animal rights. Wildlife preservation laws began in nazi Germany in 1933. This was mostly in an attempt to discourage practices among jews that involved ritual killings of animals that the Germans deemed brutal. In kosher meat production it is customary to bleed animals to death slowly by cutting their throats. Sometimes to speed up the process they clubbed the animals head with mallets. The Nazis made propaganda films regarding this Jewish custom.


BDM (Bund Deustcher Mädel) was the female segment of the HitlerJugend (Hitler Youth). What was the purpose? Well BDM taught its members horseback riding, housing construction, fencing, physical exercise and fitness, geographic surveillance, survival, how to not get lost in the wilderness, mathematics, geography, how to sew, wood carving, how to make fire and collect firewood, tent pitching, shoe making, home Ed (motherhood, how to cook, give infants baths etc…), biology among other things…

This is perhaps why Nazi Germany had the lowest obesity rate in the entire western world. The entirety of the German youth was enrolled in mandatory fitness programs. Church was also heavily socially pressured and was mandatory itself in a sense.
>pic related albert speers theatre of lights nürnberg

In 1938 Nazi Germany passed laws that seriously loosened gun regulations. You no longer needed a permit to buy long guns and ammunition and anyone with a hunting license could buy a handgun. You could carry a handgun anywhere, even if you were not hunting. The 1938 law also gave local authorities discretion in gun ownership for those under 18.

Anyone who could legally buy a handgun could carry anywhere. There were no laws regarding where you could carry a gun, only regarding who could buy a handgun. If you had a carry permit (Waffenschein), a hunting license, or if you were a government employee or a member of the Nazis Party, you could legally buy a handgun and thus carry it anywhere.

National Socialist Germany had the best gun laws on the entire world.
The United states today has less freedom than a National Socialist German citizen



HitlerJugend had its origins in the 1920s with the rise of national socialism in Germany. Communists like Leon Trotsky had taken root in Germany, the battles fought between German nationalists and communists were many. Every communist was an atheist essentially, whilst every nationalist was a Christian (mostly protestant). The conflict is not just a struggle between communist and national socialist, but also between atheist and christian and the moral compass (or lack thereof) which that entails. The National socialist fot example banned swing music because it was “degenerate”, they banned “ degenerate” modern art (which involved art of obese people, sexual theme, homosexuality, pedophilia etc…).The communists however promoted things like bestiality and homosexuality in their plays, art, and lifestyles. The contrast in morals, religion, culture and standards as well as policy (communists are anti-property, but national socialists are not, for example) is the nature of the conflict. Following the growth of the NSDAP, battles broke out in the streets for control over the weak weimar government. Communists from Russia and Poland and Eastern Europe began to flood into Germany to bring it to heel before it could crush their takeover. They failed, after multiple bombing attempts and assassinations.
Following the abortiveBeer Hall Putsch(in November 1923), the Nazi youth groups ostensibly disbanded, but many elements simply went underground, operating clandestinely in small units under assumed names. In April 1924, theJugendbund der NSDAPwas renamedGrossdeutsche Jugendbewegung(Greater German Youth Movement).On 4 July 1926, theGrossdeutsche Jugendbewegungwas officially renamedHitler Jugend Bund der deutschen Arbeiterjugend(Hitler Youth League of German Worker Youth). This event took place a year after the Nazi Party itself had been reorganised. The architect of the re-organisation wasKurt Gruber, a law student fromPlauenin Saxony.

Adolf Hitler - “I am quite free of all racial hatred”

Adolf Hitler - “I am sure that the Japanese, the Chinese and the peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France, in spite of the fact that we are related by blood…”

Hitlers personal physician was a Jew. One of Hitlers best friends (Rudolf Hess) was a half-jew. The wehrmacht had 150,000 Jews, many of whom served among the highest ranks openly.

Hitlers issue was not with Jews just because they are Jews, how illogical is that? Hitlers issue was with a certain sect of Jews. These are called zionists, ashkenazi, among whom communism, atheism, nihilism, equality, and what the nazis call “degeneracy” was almost exclusively practiced.

He blamed marxist Jews for Germany losing WWI. Hitler had fought in World War One, he was shot and gassed (which caused him to go blind for a few months) and was a patriot. He noticed his patriotism was not shared by a particular group of marxists who voted to cut off munitions. Not one enemy soldier had set foot on German soil, Germany was winning on all fronts, until the marxists on the homefront issued munitions bans. This was known as the “Great stab in the back” and is what is blamed for Germany losing WWI. This is when Hitler first became suspicious of this jewish marxist sect.

Hannah Reitsch a female National Socialist aviator had the honor of testing all the luftwaffe’s latest aircraft, due to her piloting skills. She began her career in 1933.

She set more than 40flight altitude recordsand women’s endurance records inglidingbefore and after World War II. In the 1960s, she was sponsored by the West German foreign office as a technical adviser in Ghana and elsewhere and founded a gliding school inGhana, where she worked forKwame Nkrumah.

Hitler personally awarded her the highly esteemed iron cross.

>pic related


>The Allies are the real racists.
Is that really your argument, Prince of Cucks?

The allies had segregation even in the military.
Black only regiments that were used as cannon fodder.

But in the wehrmacht they had mercenaries from north africa, arabia. And japan. All of which fought side by side as equals in thr fight against globalism. Feder - The Program of the NSDAP - The National Socialist Workers' Party and its General Conceptions#page/n1/mode/1up
In the American army of WWII, blacks fought in separate divisions, and were often used as cannon fodder. However under National socialist Germany, people of color fought right alongside the German soldiers, not in separate battalions, nor were they used as fodder, but often given high command.

Jesse Owens is an example. For those who dont know, Jesse Owens was a black American Olympic athlete who competed in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. In America, Jesse wasnt allowed to sit in the front of the bus, eat in white resturaunts, or even use the same bathrooms as whites. But in his small stay in Germany, he was mobbed by German fans (and received no such love from his American comrades), even in the German propaganda film Olympia (a movie made by the German state and directed by Leni Reifenstahl about the olympics) they have footage of German fans of the American athlete Jesse Owens, cheering for him as he broke many records that day. Hitler saluted Jesse Owens with the traditional nazi salute, and Jesse returned the salute back. Hitler later offered him to tea, but Jesse politely declined.

Later When Jesse returned to America, he was not invited to the presidents congratulatory ceremony because he was black. At the same time, American propaganda pushed the narrative that Hitler “snubbed” Jesse. Here is what Jesse had to say about the matter:

“Hitler didn’t snub me — it was FDR (Franklin Roosevelt) who snubbed me. The President didnt even send me a telegram.” - Jesse Owens

>The wehrmacht had 150,000 Jews,

part jews, but not full jews they were excluded

>"full jews"

lol prove it


>Germany was winning on all fronts

>almost exclusively practiced.


just wow.

you it is sad that know some people believe this crap?

Yes, the allies were the real racists.

German Citizens could own firearms legally beginning at age 12. Children were trained in firearm safety extensively in BDM (League of German Girls) and HitlerJugend (Hitler youth). As a citizen you could own pistols, rifles, and shotguns.
Yes. Do you even ww1 history bruh?
Noy a single enemy combatant set foot in German soil, yet they lost the war.
Now how is that?

>Hitlers issue was not with Jews just because they are Jews, how illogical is that? Hitlers issue was with a certain sect of Jews.

Hitler's Conversation with Josef Hell, 1922

When Hell asked Hitler what he intended doing if he ever had full freedom of action against the Jews, his response was:

"If I am ever really in power, the destruction of the Jews will be my first and most important job. As soon as I have power, I shall have gallows after gallows erected, for example, in Munich on the Marienplatz-as many of them as traffic allows. Then the Jews will be hanged one after another, and they will stay hanging until they stink. They will stay hanging as long as hygienically possible. As soon as they are untied, then the next group will follow and that will continue until the last Jew in Munich is exterminated. Exactly the same procedure will be followed in other cities until Germany is cleansed of the last Jew!" (quoted in John Toland, Adolf Hitler. London: Book Club Associates, 1977, p.116)

Found thr schizophrenic jew

is it true hitler took the guns if you were a kyke

You mean a jew said that Hitler said something mean behind close doors of which:
A) cant be proven
B) has no actual credibility
C) contradicts his actions and words in every actual witnessable display

Are you going to link virtual jewish library next?

the war had been a stalemate for years, as far as territorial change was concerned. but the tide had turned against Germany - the new tank attacks and new tactics of the Allies, the entry of the US into the fight, and the economic war was absolutely lost - Germany was being pushed back, and the german economy could no longer support the war effort.

had the people not risen en masse and put an end to it, germany would have been over run within the year.

Are you telling me to run for office based on nat-soc principles?
sounds good fampai

germans did that out of desperation because they were literally running out of young aryan males to send into war

>contradicts his actions and words in every actual witnessable display

have you read Mien Kampf?

They were winning until the munitions ban which shattered their economy and broke troop moral as it was seen as am "abandonment of the fighr".
This was done by jewish marxists in Germany and this is what was blamed for them losing the war.
Can you not fucking read? Do i have to repeat myself 10 times for you to understand?
Am I talking to a child or a schiziphrenic?

Yes have you?

I have seen this quote often - personally it rings true for the holocaust deniers who sometimes come to this forum - every day they present the same debunked and tired old shit, easily shown to be untrue, often utterly illogical, mostly based on ignorance and lies. and the next day, the same shit all over again.

sad really.

>have you read Mien Kampf?

Yes, he says nothing like that.

You mean in 1933 when there was no war?


Nice projection and strawman
>change the subject
>feign stupidity
>ignore every argument
>make unbacked accusations
>pretend not to understand again
>repeat and so on ad infinitum
Found the jew .

and here you go with the lies again
In 1999, the alleged Stourbridge speech was being called a forgery on Internet discussion groups. A search of the Associated Press Archives showed that no such speech had been reported and the story had not appeared in either the London Times or the New York Times. When Shawcross died in 2003, there were more allegations of forgery. At that time, British author David Irving did an investigation and determined that the alleged Shawcross speech at Stourbridge was indeed a forgery. Shawcross did not mention a speech given at Stourbridge in his memoirs published in 1995. Neither was his alleged speech mentioned in his obituary when he died at the age of 101. Wikipedia has not been able to verify the Stourbridge speech as authentic.

The webmaster of the web site for the town of Stourbridge has no knowledge of a speech made there by Shawcross on March 16, 1984. Stourbridge is a college town of 54,000 people. If Shawcross had made such a controversial speech there in 1984, the whole town would still remember it.

>says something
t. Jewish virtual library

Its time for (((you))) to go.

some idiot neo nazi tried to spam me off the thread once with chunks of it - mostly fallaciously argued and full of pseudo science, lies and stupidity, but some truly memorable passages of anti jew rantings - not centered on some special jews, but at all jews, with total disregard for their lives.

Is this one true?

Shlomo shekelstein, i am not your therapist

...the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.


Why didn't Hitler destroy this Jew then?


Yes the jew is the enemy of all mankind. Not just the white man, but the asian. The african. Everyone.

no a straw man argument is one that puts forward an inaccurate caricature of the opponent's argument - something they have not actually said - and then attacks it.

Holocaust deniers on here genuinely put forward the most pathetically bad arguments you can imagine, and spew the same debunked nonsense continually. It is not a straw man to accurately report that.

nor am I deflecting - merely making an observation. usually the deniers quote this passage from hitler in utter ignorance of their own failings. it would be hypocrisy, but they are simply not self aware enough for that.

prove he said it.

>Shlomo shekelstein, i am not your therapist

so I show you a passage from Mein Kampf that fully accords with the ideology I ascribed to him, and which contradicts your portrayal of him, and you think I need a therapist?

he was only half jew - and he was kept under surveillance and investigated frequently

>David Irving did an investigation and determined that the alleged Shawcross speech at Stourbridge was indeed a forgery.

does this not tell you something?

>holocaust deniers oy vey!!!!!
How many ovens does it take to cremate 6 million in 5 years?
1 oven can cremate 1 body at an hours rate bare minimum, and that is with modern ovens.
Back then they had brick ovens which were heated by hand each individually.
Also, they claim 30 minutes of inhaling zyklon B (which was made by the Dagesh company in 1918 for the purpose of delousing clothing) was enough to kill a room full of 2000 people.
The door used to contain these 2000 panicking people was made out of flimsy wood. There were cracks in the door seams so they used tape to keep the gas from leaking out....
2000 people cant break down a paper thin wood door?
Also the gas chamber was downstairs but the crematory was upstairs.
They needed to drag each individual body up and down a grain elevator by hand one at a time anr then cremate them

negroes were an oddity in europe
in america they were a daily thorn in your side

This us mostly fakse. The Waffengesetz of 1938 allowed the freedom you describe to some members of the NSDAP, but not to all citizens, and groups like Jews and gypsies were forbidden weapons.

>spew the same debunked nonsense continually
debunk this

a drop of nearly 2 million! lmao
the numbers are only going one way and that is DOWN, DOWN, DOWN!

Please believe in masturbating machines in Auschwitz goyim .

Rofl. Cmon dude. Anyone who's read anything of Hitler knows that he doesn't even talk anything even remotely like that. He always avoids really distasteful and unpleasant descriptions like that.
Then you have tonnes of other records of him talking to people in private and never mentions anything at all like this, according to a source he said this speaking someone names Joseph
Hell. What in particular about him would make Hitler change his tune?
Reaks of bullshit.


Schizophrenic jew is shitting himself bwahahah

Each time one body was cremated (which took 2 hours at a minimum) it had to be cleaned inside. The ashes dumped somewhere.
Sonderkommandos (jewish inmates) supposedly ran this entire operation, and only 4 German guards oversaw the whole thing, and they werent even around during this process.

6gorillion died because of masturbating machines
you fuking antisemite

Oy gevalt. Dont jack me off to death hanz!

Don't forget the holocoasters, Schlomo, never forget the horror these brave jews experienced.



see what i mean - the same bad arguments with total lack of any factual background that come up every time.
>How many ovens does it take to cremate 6 million in 5 years?

No one (except strawman deniers) says 6 million were cremated.

>1 oven can cremate 1 body at an hours rate bare minimum, and that is with modern ovens.

actually it takes about 20 minutes to burn off all the fat and flesh - leaving bare bones. at which point you can throw in another body - plenty of room - and continue burning . Modern industrial crematoria for animal carcases can do over three tonnes in one hour - that is in a portable oven, by the way,

>Back then they had brick ovens which were heated by hand each individually.

false - the ovens at Auschwitz had multiple muffles (openings) some had three others had five openings per firebox, and they were large openings so took three bodies at a time. this was aided by the act that most people were small then, many of the bodies were emaciated, and of course about a third were children.

>Also, they claim 30 minutes of inhaling zyklon B (which was made by the Dagesh company in 1918 for the purpose of delousing clothing) was enough to kill a room full of 2000 people.
It is. It takes hours at high concentration to kill lice - it takes minutes at a low concentration to kill human beings.

>The door used to contain these 2000 panicking people was made out of flimsy wood.

No they were metal doors, gas tight, with inspection ports in the large gas chambers in Crema 3 and 4

the wooden door on the room at Crema 1 is not original, not even int eh original doorway. the original was metal as well. not flimsy.

In National Socialist Germany,loans were given to families in need who met these requirements:

The loan was RM 600 (that is ReichsMarks), which equalled the income of over four months for the average person. A quarter of the loan was cancelled for every child a couple had – so four children resulted in no payments being made. Another condition of the loan was that the wife had to give up work if she was employed at the time of marriage.

No one here cares what you think or what you have to say. We're long past that, now fuck off.

First lie
>it takes 20 minutes goy!
On an average, it takes about one to three hours to cremate a human body, thereby reducing it to 3-7 pounds of cremains. The cremation remains are usually pasty white in color. These remains are transferred in a cremation urn and given to the relative or representative of the deceased.

Second lie
>auschwitz can fit three bodies at a time!
Adding 3 more bodies would take thw process three times as long. That doesnt magically change because you stuff more jews in... do you even physics?
Also, you cant fit 3 bodies in at a time anyway, sorry goldberg.
>takes hours to kill lice but minutes to kill humans
Psuedo science is funny

white people people didn't even invent nazism
they just appropriated it from black people surprise surprise smdh

>2000 people cant break down a paper thin wood door?

there is a wooden door - of thick oak planks that was probably used on the converted farm building "the little red house" or the "little white house" at Auschwitz as well. it was held in place with heavy wooden bars. Given that only a few people could effectively press against the door that was enough. (logically you cannot get all 2000 to press on the door at the same time) Also half the gassed were women,a third children, many were elderly or sick. they kept the fit ones for slave labour you know.

>Also the gas chamber was downstairs but the crematory was upstairs.

ah you are finally talking about the Crema 3 and four and five chambers, the ones with the metal gas tight doors and special ventilation systems. yes they had to drag the bodies up to the crematorium ovens, which could burn 4756 bodies a day. but they had lots of slave labour to do that., and as you pointed out, they could only burn them in batches loading about every twenty minutes. so there was plenty of time to do that.

>They needed to drag each individual body up and down a grain elevator by hand one at a time anr then cremate them

no they could get a dozen bodies in the lift per load. or more.

why is this difficult?

and why is cremating them difficult when they have a the coal seams of Poland outside, and are located by a factory using hundreds of thousands of tons of coal to make rubber and oil?

So - will you be using these same debunked arguments tomorrow?

Yeah. Figured that one out some time ago.

It took more then 3 hours back then.


I know, im using this jew to redpill normies.

Yeah i keep seeing this graphic - it gives no source for the figures.

the first museum was presumably under soviet control - so spewing propaganda that no western historian accepted. which is probably why it was revised in the 1990's once the iron curtain fell.

western historians had settled the death toll for all Europe as about 5.1 to 5.7 million by the early 1950's, and that has not changed - even though non historians, idiots and unresearched fools have made up other figures.


ah well, that came from a novel, written by a non jew, who had never been int eh camps, posing as a jew from the camps to make money.

shocking isn't it, how these greedy non jews make money out of the holocaust!

no one was sent to jail for masturbating anyone to death. this is just nonsense.

that's genius
we need this

The numbers didnt change virtually at all.
The holocaust would have wiped out 1/rd of all jews in the world.
Yet there was no such recorded drop in their total numbers anywhere.

>Each time one body was cremated (which took 2 hours at a minimum) it had to be cleaned inside. The ashes dumped somewhere.

nope it does not take 2 hours - ask anyone who actually does cremations they will tell you - the last hour and half is to sinter the bones down -
and no it does not have to be cleaned out each time- they rake the ash out from the ash box below. this does not interrupt the burning process.

again - this the same argument from ignorance, and the same debunked bullshit that comes up every day. read the links I posted, learn the truth, and don't come back posting this same bullshit tomorrow.

Investigate what?

Besides Hitler, Himmler, and Goebbles, he was the chief Nazi ideologist.

>and only 4 German guards oversaw the whole thing, and they werent even around during this process.

there were guards at the railway station and the process up to the point where there were just corpses - after that you do not need many guards. and yes the rest was done by slave labour.

But what happen "fucking niggers " and other shits lier

yes, one out of context picture totally outweighs 3 decades of Nazi racial propaganda that put Germans at the top of the racial hierarchy and regarded others as lesser

see and


"Pride in one's own race - and that does not imply contempt for other races - is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them"

Pretending not see or read isnt going to help you.

