Is it, dare I say it, /ourmovie/?

>gungrabbing faggots hate it. Shit on by AV club, NYT, etc for promoting "masculinity"

Left is furious that there is a movie out there in current year that depicts an uncucked white guy cleaning up a cesspit of degeneracy. That's dangerous imagery for them.

Other urls found in this thread:

Lol no

>promoting white masculinity

Fixed that for you. The libshits fawn over black masculinity all the time, like Black Panther.

LOL, Jewish produced shit isn't /ourshit/.

I doubt anyone actually cares. It's a non Disney movie, so it's open season for negative click-bait articles.

Is Eli Roth /ourjew/?

They've been upset since the trailer was released. They'd be fine with another Die Hard where he kills random white guys but they don't want him killing urban youths trying to buy sneakers for Sunday school.

>(((Eli Roth)))

Eli Roth likes to use controversy to fool people into watching his terrible movies.

this is true
watched some bullshit movie I have no idea what the name was or what it was about but I remember thinking Eli roth was a good director for some reason. the movie featured a baby sliding on the floor? it was really bizarre

I'm going to see it later just so I can piss off a couple of liberal cat ladies at the office Monday. It sucks that Roth was the director, though.

>Eli Roth’s Death Wish isn’t a bad movie as far as super-violent exploitation flicks go. But it is a deeply problematic one. And that problem boils down to this: It’s the absolute wrong movie at the absolute wrong time. With our country currently reeling from the latest in what seems like an endless cycle of sickening school shootings, there couldn’t be a worse moment for a film that not only fetishizes gun violence, but also seems to get off on it. I’m sure there must have been long hand-wringing debates about whether to shelve the film for a couple of months and let the still-fresh wounds heal. At least I hope so. But whatever the case, the louder and more irresponsible voices in the room seem to have won out.

Eli Roth makes shitty torture porn, but apparently that part doesn’t bother EW. >

Word only leftists use.

I don't like playing the /ourjew/ game. My general belief is unless they're outright hostile to jewry that it's not worth considering.

Wikipedia says Eli Roth:
>Married a goy, a Chilean goy at that (Loreza Izzo), thus ending contributions to jewish bloodline. (Jewishness is conferred maternally)
>His breakout film was Hostel -- which is a movie about would be sexual degenerates getting their comeuppance.
>Turned down studio directing jobs to make this film. Took a directing salary of only $10K to keep the budget low.

Exactly. The part that gets me is while the nation cries over 17 dead “white” people, no one gives a shit about the dozens that die in inner cities to handgun violence every weekend. If the left had any balls they would pull the “media doesn’t care about black people” card.

It's fun to call people out on Twitter about this and ask them the last time they visited the ghetto to stop violence. Damage control like no other once you cross that line.

>not only fetishizes gun violence, but also seems to get off on it.
How can people write this shit and not realize it sounds dumb. I swear 99% of articles are written by algorithms now.

>I’m sure there must have been long hand-wringing debates about whether to shelve the film for a couple of months and let the still-fresh wounds heal.
Hehe yes goy, just wait for a few months long gap between the constant shootings.

Saw this last night. It was great. Just a really enjoyable revenge action flick with lots of great gore from Roth the head fucked jew

I remember watching an episode of Law and Order SVU where some black kid was killed or kidnapped from the ghetto in New York. The community was making a huge stink for the cameras claiming the police and media don’t care about missing black kids but will drop everything if a little white girl goes missing. There is a lot of truth to this.
Unfortunately this was a TV show and not reality. Today, the only time the black community makes a stand for attention is when Tyrone gets shot by a cop.
Or maybe the black community is always clamoring for attention and care like the rich white communities and we just never hear about it, ironically because the media doesn’t report on it.

The thing is when those kids get shot or disappear in the hood they don't want police involvement anyway. Sure maybe some of the families care but they'd be murdered by others in whatever gang for even trying to get police involvement.

>handwringing debates
Instant merchant images. Jewish producers aren’t shelving this movie. The one thing they want the most is money, and nothing short of a 9/11 scaled event is stopping the gravy train.


2/3 ain't that bad.

Remember, Bruce Willis was basically the first first and kind of only actor to support Trump.

Watch as they whitewash 99% of the thugs and the detective after him (Ochoa in the original was white) turns out to be a trans muslim panromantic ableist xoman.

If the overwhelming majority of Jews hate this movie, it might be good guys.
>The enemy of my enemy is my friend

fuck off with your hollyjew shit

Good point. I forgot about the contentious relationship between law abiding citizens of the black community and the police.
Snitches get more than stitches

The original one was pretty hardcore for its time.


James Woods
Jon Voight
Dean Cain
Clint Eastwood
Vince Vaughan

Bruce has been part of the kike machine for decades. Eli Roth is a dirty kike who directs torture porn for young white children. Fuck this feces to hell.

>Kikes are kvetching this much about it
I'm going to take the whole family.

What about the guy in the original who was a Tatar mix?

>reviewed by AA Soyboyface


Willis the Bruce is /ourguy/ confirmed

>lone vigilante
This is why they took over schools.

Art isn't supposed to be safe. Somehow it was ok when chicks we popping eggs out of their vaginas in public, but a movie with fake violence and fake blood is not too much.

Yea, but both of those things are retarded

Now I’m going to see this. Because shitlibs hate it so much, it’s probably decent.

/pol sucks kike dick now fagget get over it

At the end of the day, the reality is that the real propagators of masculinity are literature and not main stream media. These turds can make all the pro-masculine movies they want and the left can cry about how problematic it all is, but a real man will educate himself by reading about men from history and read stuff like Master and Commander, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Undaunted Courage, Moby Dick, Crime and Punishment etc for entertainment.

Keep books and literature alive you fucking brainwashed mongoloids

>Eli Roth is a dirty kike who directs torture porn for young white children.

Like these other "kikes"?

Frank Miller

He was a vegetarian.

Sup Forums is too underage to even realize that they're talking about a remake.

I love how wearing that in a black neighborhood was akin to strapping meat to yourself and jumping into a lion enclosure or driving the wrong way on the highway. Niggers are like a force of nature.

>in what seems like an endless cycle of sickening school shootings

why do pro-2A activists even validate this hysteria? it's barely even a drop in the bucket of preventable mortality, but it's all i've been hearing about for weeks.

You're american, you're part of the kike machine.

He has always been our guy.

>protagonist killing mostly white men
>our movie

This fucking kike right here and those torture gore Saw films.

Fucking kikessssssssssss


What good are books if the people who can write and understand them are but extinct?

Not everyone is unaware it's a remake.

Need to clean in house first.

Ohhh wooow
Imagine my fucking surprise.

I haven't been to the cinema for nearly two years. I'm definitely gonna watch this one.

fuck em I'm going today to see it. the political virtue signaling cunts can suck 56% of my fucking mutt dick

reminds me of that quip in the original movie about "racial equality among muggers".

Can they ever just review films for once without going in there with a political agenda and ticking those boxes? What a pack of witless cunts.

Well the fury and fire in those people's blood can be awoken with the right piece of literature. It may even already exist. The same is not true for film and television. The only radical points of view that are allowed to be displayed as "right" or morally correct are leftist points of view.

As points out, movies where all black protagonists are masculine and the idea of an ethnostate are promoted is being praised to high heavens. Make the same movie but with white people and it would never be made. Make a white man masculine and people have to take pay cuts to dodge (((studios))) just to get it made, when it finally gets out people shoot it down as fascist and toxic. I'm sure there are plenty of examples like this.

Nothing from Hollywood is /ours/, regardless of how much we'd enjoy watching it. Whenever you pay to see a movie, or pay for a package that includes a movie, you're sending money leftward. Movies have a centrally controlled distribution system. They're not like, for instance, computer games which can be bought through many different channels which allow you to cut out any would-be leftist gatekeepers.

Besides, his home is invaded by white criminals rather than some more probable ethnicity. More whitewashing of crime.

To be fair, school shootings are particularly heinous because schools are supposed to be safe places and they involve children. They aren’t the same phenomena as other shooting incidents like domestic violence or gang violence.
Their focus is misplaced as always though. For some reason they believe they can stop the 300 or so deaths caused by “assault rifles” every year if they ban and confiscate them all. Never mind all the handgun violence.

Bill Burr did a funny skit on how gangs on tv are super diverse. The leftist agenda is literally everywhere.

An updated take on the day of the rope.

The kikes overplaying their hand is how it always backfires for them. This obvious bias on serves to wake up more normies.

Breaking the demoralization is a mammoth task.

Yes, and Burr is part of it. With his mutt babie and black wife... not counting all his cucked views and fear to tackle the real problems.

more often i think, white masculinity is usually depicted as a superficial trait and by characters who are either stupid or compensating for some other non-masculine insecurity. rarely in a good light.

isn't that the autist who converted to jizzlam and killed his stormcuck roommates?

The white dude is always the butt of the joke in commercials. Hardly any movie depicts white heroes in a real life setting, heck just having an honorable white protagonist in anything else than a fantasy or a historical movie is downright impossible.

>To be fair, school shootings are

i thought this was going to be a pasta.

anyway, you do have to agree, the magnitude of the supposed problem is far out of proportion for the amount of media coverage it gets. this is irresponsible because it gives people a skewed perspective and encourages copycats.

Here is who wants you unarmed and helpless.

She really is Evil and it shows.

>The white dude is always the butt of the joke in commercials

a rather common trope these days isn't it? the nervous, ignorant, stuttering white man.

I've checked out of cinema since the early 90's, and I never watched the classics
Is it worth it to make a point to go bacl and watch all of Clint Eastwood's catalog?

All true. Whites are shown with plenty of faults or get tarnished or often only play the role of the villian when half the time a black escapes moral persecution with something awful via the "its not his fault he's black and grew up in a rough neighborhood" argument or he is "justified."

Message to all: look beyond the window dressings and really think about how people who look like YOU are portrayed. It's getting harder and harder to escape media in today's world.

Completely agreed. Lefties love to throw out how unlikely you are to get killed by a Muslim terrorist but see an AR-15 as the murderer of children all over the country. You can’t have it both ways.
Gang violence is shrugged off if even mentioned, but we will keep hearing about Parkland until the next shooting or the public just stops listening. I’ve tuned out.

>All true. Whites are shown with plenty of faults or get tarnished or often only play the role of the villian when half the time a black escapes moral persecution with something awful via the "its not his fault he's black and grew up in a rough neighborhood" argument or he is "justified."

for the sake of those who will only listen to PC arguments, let's put this aside.

why does the media trying to pigeonhole whites into a "timid everyman" role?

and was right. commercials are the worst offenders. perhaps people see them as benign or background noise, and so they are less likely to be the target of any critical analysis beyond whether or not they're politically correct. but when you turn on the TV, you're watching as much commercial break as you are actual programming

>gun-nuts are fascist

Willis must B at least 70 by now. Who wants 2 pay 2 see Grandpa shit in his diaper?

>stupid white ads
>first one is a bumbling black male
Pretty funny actually. Black woman assaults white woman and the black couple flees the scene without even checking on her well being.

They have been suppressing the shit out of his movies. There are 2 or 3 movies I have watched of his recently that were great and I don't even think made it to theaters (if they did it wasn't long). Marauders is one that was particularly based as fuck

that is some skillfull pilpul, chayim
making {{{eli roth}}}, the guy who killed nazis in the most gruesome possible ways in that shitty world war 2 movie, seem like he is somehow independent of hollywood jewry.

>Lefties love to throw out how unlikely you are to get killed by a Muslim terrorist but see an AR-15 as the murderer of children all over the country. You can’t have it both ways.

even that's a false equivalence. with 9/11, there were far more casualties and it injured peoples pride. of course, it was an inside job, so i do agree with them somewhat. but hasn't it become kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy? there actually is a lot of violence in the middle east and a lot of young men probably do get recruited as terrorists.

which is why i'm filled with unease when i see two very common media depictions of whites: "dangerous gun-toting psychopaths" and "timid yuppie hipster"

something i always thought was blatant as fuck is white guys are ALWAYS the home intruder in home security commercials. Can't think of one where it's a nigger or spic.

I don’t think I’ve seen a black intruder in any of those home security commercials either. That would be problematic.

>Faithfully fascist??

Nigger what? This is a jew made politically correct crap movie where the thugs are WHITE?? Fuck me if anyone can watch this JIDF garbage

Watching the trailer now, he's only killing scumbag looking white guys for revenge and saves a black family.

I was tempted to see this for a brief moment when I thought it was a Trump 2020 exterminate nigger filth type of movie, but the reviewers sounded a false alarm

It's a jew fantasy movie, so as long as the "hero" is slaughtering horrible whites, anything goes, and they get the goyim cheering their (our) own deaths.

Every ((((Hollywood movie)))) is the same, jew made and the 'happy ending' is sacrifice of a white. Like to see somebody make a movie for us once,

It's a bloody good idea that I wish more of you would take up. I've done my bit, I'm too old to boogie and too rich to care these days and I've moved away from the city.
If you want justice it doesn't come free.

He also said he made his movie The Green Inferno specifically to shit on SJW’s

explains more about that 14%

>'happy ending' is sacrifice of a white
Immediately this reminds me of the new Blade Runner

>"faithfully fascist"
Gettin pretty tired of fascist faggot lefties calling everything they don't like "fascist".

>All the critics are against it

Guess which movie I'm going to see? Top kek I can promise you this movie is going to make the most money.

>Unlike the original Death Wish where violence ruins everything it touches
Kersey's life is ruined by an act of violence, but gains a new value when he decides to respond with violence; by the end of the first movie, he is reborn with a purpose and relishes his role.
Matt Golberg has never seen the original Death Wish.

>same movie bruce willis has been doing for 30 years

Even the first blade runner, 'happy ending' involved killing the Aryan cyborg, and the ritual death of Aryan Goddess cyborg Daryl Hannah was part of the 'heroes' duty

I haven’t seen the original Death Wish, so I was curious if his assessment of the original was accurate. I have seen Death Wish 3 though. Is it like the difference between First Blood and the subsequent Rambo movies where the original has a deeper story and meaning while the sequels are complete schlock?

This new movie is pretty subpar. Better than Death Wish 5, but that doesn't say much.

It was very jarring and poorly edited. Too much time spent on the doting about the daughter. The underlying theme I was expecting out of the opening of vigilante justice is sorely missing as compared to the original.

DW 1 was awesome, then it went downhill and ended up in pure shlock by DW three, with silly machine-gun scenes and it was hard to watch by the third instalment (like Road Warrior lol)

But DW1 was legit.