What the hell happened?
What the hell happened?
>we want the boatslut demographic
>Black Blossom doesn't exist
>Black Blossom does exist
In what universe is a world without BB superior?
The top designs weren't particularly good either. They've just gone from bad to worse.
Big Titty Lancer Artoria is the best kind.
>we re-imagined king arthur to be a cute girl and you need to fuck her to give her magical energy!
this is not much of a legacy to sully.
All improved.
Especially Emiya getting BBC.
Saber BLACKED doujins when?
>Everyone drastically changes except Rin
>She just has less clothes on
>What the hell happened?
they were impoved
>everyone drastically changes except Rin
If you want drastic Rin changes go look up TOHSAKA
Conaidering that ain't even Rin in control there I'd say its pretty drastic.
She wasn't pleasing old men fast enough.
should be archer not shirou
Ishtarin was necessary, she was already worst girl in FSN but was made completely pointless with Luvia
In all seriousness it was the move away from the old VN retelling. Anybody can take a VN and its characters and keep rehashing the story from different angles with the same characters. I am glad TM moved in a direction to expand the concept behind Fate series. Now if they could do something with Tsukihime.
Everybody has a flavor of Fate;
>Fate/Stay is for the serious story
>Fate/Extra is for the console gamer and is a new fun twist
>Fate/Grand Order is a huge expansion into the universe
>Illyia is a cute magical girl spinoff
>Everything else to much to list
The focus shifted away from the story and became the standard 'anime sex-fantasy for creeps'. Lest we forget, Nasu didn't even want Fate to BE an eroge and now it has literally no other selling point.
>there will never be a Bronze Saber
>ywn Seigi no Mikata just for the purpose of becoming a Bronze Saber
why live?
Fate/Saber spinoff when?
But BB is a clone of an AI version of Sakura.
>reading comprehension
>and became the standard 'anime sex-fantasy for creeps'
>'anime sex-fantasy for creeps'
Thing that went wrong with Fate isn't Fate, its when the oldfags became deluded elitists. Hell I've been here since 2005, but I'm not deluded enough to rant about how Fate isn't DEEP anymore.
Its the same shit its always been.
Pretty much sensed that when Extra came out. I got tired of the old Stay story and same old characters. People don't like change I guess.
All I want is an Illya route for f/sn. Prisma Illya not included.
Sakura won the Shirou bowl
>All the Saberfaces will never get the Prototype treatment.
I'd say all of those except nignog Emiya are upgrades.
Illya is a coin toss, I like both versions.
Black blossom is funny and cute and meme but she's not sakura.
Rin was already dressed like a hooker to begin with.
Luvia exists just to give Rin another blonde to dyke out over.
>its only fate characters
these newfags can never get it right
Sakura became an all powerful sadistic troll moon robot, who had a pretty well drawn out story arc in the end.
Then that moon robot had five kids
Just because Nasu didn't want it to have weird creepy sex shit in it doesn't mean it didn't ultimately have exactly that. It's inseparable from Fate, so complaining about it now is pointless. Back then, it was plenty recommended "even despite the sex," so why can't that be applied to newer works that ultimately don't do anything worse than the original did?
Shirou is the biggest upgrade of them all, original Shirou has literally no positive qualities.
I'll admit, even after all these years, I still don't know much about FS/N Illyia.
She's a lot more psychotic. Closer to Kuro. Also it's not clear if she's a lesbian or not.
First route - Monster, tries to kill everyone multiple times, smiles while killing, was the big mid boss in the route. By the end of the route she's cooled down a bit, but you know she's cold blooded deep down. A murderer
Second route - You see her humanity for the first time, see her backstory, get to know her more. She gets sad story.
Third route - She's your main ally, she shows off some maturity this route that she didn't have in the other routes, you get the feeling she's more of an older sister almost.
FSN is a story in three parts for every character in the game basically. Each of the routes to show the character and who they are in a completely different situation, as they show a different side.
Remake with Caster route when?
>What happened?
Gudao is now having sex with almost every single Saber face Artoria and IshtaRin, Lancer Artoria is having gangbang sex with Agravain and Gawain, Hakuno (male) is fucking the living fuck out of Big Boobs Sakura.
Never. Enjoy your Gudao fucking Saber doujins.
>wanting to NTR Caster from her Souichirou
Nasu happened. Also Takeuchi where a large number of the FGO cast looks like Seibah.
That is the one thing I love about the Extra line, Caster gets some love.
Medea is already getting her important development in FGO
Archer turning full nigger doesn't explain why he gets nigger lips all of a sudden
Stop trying to act like Nasu is doing anything unique.
He's just copy and pasting our human mythology and religion and slapping a character design on it.
>one is a tragic heroine
>one is a sex-fantasy for pedophiles
Type Jew was never great deluded OP
>Shirou pick up wounded castle in forest near temple instead of Souichirou never.
>caster summoning saber with avalon instead of Sasaki never.
>Zouken illiya and Kotomine teaming up against them never.
He made Roman history more fun than it already is. Now when I think of the Roman emperors, I see tenga-tits.
That was awkward to read. I preferred it when it was Rin dyking out on Saber. She seemed to be enjoying herself there.
>Lancer Artoria is having gangbang sex with Agravain and Gawain
Why Gawain?
He literally ruined roman history
>I cover her mouth
>I'm not going to listen to her complaints
Shirou is pretty alpha putting Rin in her place.
Sakura won the bowl
Rin is a nigger so that's ok
>it's not like you're a virgin
How exactly does he know about that?
She ever got over the fear of becoming his woman?
When you banged Seibah in Einzbern forest, he was hiding in the bushes outside watching.
Best Sakura.
Sha Nagba Imuru
Gil watched Saber have a threesome with a pair of Japanese teenagers and didn't do a thing?
>Kotomine tearing up with Zouken ever
I know its been 8 or 9 years since I read FSN, but I seem to remember Kotomine despising him.
>Implying Emiya Alter won't get any doujins after this comes out
I want Teen Taiga servant
I'd love to see her so badly torn between wanting to turn him into a projection wand and laughing at his ideals, and falling in love with him
Let's be real here. These demi-servants are just excuses to bring back old characters to sell as servants in the FGO smorgasbord. I wouldn't be surprised if they stuffed Caren into St. Mary or something.
Nah it was Hikaru Sakurai with the ""supervision"" of Nasu
Emiya Alter already appeared in that
That's rape, oniichan.
I want to have a Rin based 3-way.
Emiya was the first part and guess what. he was a glorified guest who did jack squat in the main story outside of destroying the meteor in the ending.
You have plenty of choice of partners with Rin. You can have a King of England,
so everyone tell me your rolls. I was rolling last week late and was getting shit. I had one final summon ticket and said to myself "might as well maybe I'll get another Emiya... sigh whats the point, It's not like I'll fucking get Saber"
*rolls and proceeds to get fucking saber/Artoria*
my only 5 star so far but I'm happy
Would Gil-ko leg lock you and force you to cum inside?
A Japanese archery club captain,
Maybe BARA doujins, but Gudao and Hakuno have been going to town with almost every single woman in FGO and FE.
A big-breasted Finnish Magus,
Or a Greek Monster. And that's just the women.
A rich and old fat man,
She's barely wearing anything user.
/vg/ pls go.
I prefer the decadence of Rome to the stuffiness of England.
Only if you are worthy.
Gil-ko would tease you until you're begging for release and she immediately takes you to amazon position just to see you cry.
Gil wasn't such an alpha chad he thought he was
Actually he was a faggot cuck that tried to brag about stealing women, raping and other edgy shit to hide his own insecurity since he couldn't fuck his own hairy buddy back then.
But he was great in ccc event that is almost main story anyway.
Prostitutes can go naked for all I care.
EMIYA Alter was always meant for CCC event, since his backstory actually ties into it. He was just fanservice in Shinjuku.
You have to pay for that.
I think it's pretty clear what happened. The best works in the series use the HGW as a setting, a backdrop for an actual story to be told.
The worst works only appeal is the HGW and the servants, but that creates a new problem. Which is, that they shit out servants that are essentially OCs and have nothing to do with their historical/mythological counterparts. So you have less chuuni appeal, and less literature appeal. You're left with relatively generic anime shit.
Its literally called part of EoR, it entirely ties into the plot. I mean it entirely ties into the plot in ways that you never know would know what happened to certain characters if you didn't read the event.
The entire overarching story of EoR is that four pillar demons escaped Solomon's Temple, and one of them was dealt with in CCC. Plus we learn the truth about Marisberry.
Only reason its not permanently a story section is because of the welfare.
Who cares he is just for nigger jokers and to reintroduce the worst villain from the entire career of Nasu , who is a copy paste of Caren aka Kiara
>alarm clocks are degenerate
in all seriousness, what the hell did he mean by this?