How fucking long are lunch breaks in Japan?
Everyone is fucking sleeping during lunch breaks in the infirmary all the fucking time.
How fucking long are lunch breaks in Japan?
Everyone is fucking sleeping during lunch breaks in the infirmary all the fucking time.
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You don't have midday naps? When I was in China, lunch breaks were at least three hours long.
Really? School was from 8:30-3:30. Lunch was only an hour long.
When I attended a university there we had an hour long lunch break. There was a cafeteria right in the campus, so you could finish lunch in like 20 minutes. The university also had an infirmary with a specially prepared silent room for students to sleep in, but I never went.
Western schools should start having rooms like this. Having a place to nap is really good for learning. You don't take in anything when you're tired, there's no point in even staying at school if you're fatigued.
>Three hours to kill the whale
>Having a place to nap
Also the place where most of the fucking happens.
In Canada we have Muslim prayer rooms and rooms with puppies so you can "relax".
A good midday fuck will keep you stimulated, too
japs only have a 1 month summer break. And their school day is much longer.
As a Canadian myself, I've never heard of schools having prayer rooms for just one religion and the puppy thing only happens during finals and is put on by some student councils
As an American, I laugh at your pandering to terrorists
In France school Is 8:00 - 16:30 with 1h lunch at 12:00
Some schools have a 1h30 lunch break but end at 17:30
Thanks for the chuckle
Disgusting. The US should build the wall up north instead. Absolutely fucking disgusting.
Muslim here, i can say that muslim prayer space is comfy as fuck. If canadian really as "progressive" as they said then you could just ask them if you are allowed to nap there. Without your shoes of course.
Go ahead. Your DREAMERS and refugees are trying to escape to Canada and we're actually accepting them. Build an ice wall and keep them for yourselves.
Jap school has to be he most inefficient school system. In Germany we had school from 7:35 to 13:00. And then in highschool a few days to 17:00 while having holidays every two months. Plus two weeks winter break and one and a half months summer break.
>from 7:35
I'm glad I was born a little more to the west, then.
I remember when they changed th start from 08:00 to 07:45 in our school, I was so fucking mad what were they even thinking. In uni first lecture was never before 09:50 because the profs refused to teach in the first slot sage for blog shit
>>from 7:35
Breeds a good work ethic. My job starts at 7 am too.
2 hours
>sage for blog shit
The whole thread is about school hours, lol.
My school and a little building with a couple of nurses and a few beds.
What's the point of having more than 1 school nurse?
The only time a nurse is needed is when you have a sudden nosebleed or you accidentally get a paper cut.
It was an R-12 school. I think there was a montessori too so I guess at times one nurse wasn't enough.
Oh jesus, how big was the school? We only have K-7 and 8-12, and the populations were about 2000 each.
It says right on the page that they rooms are multi religion. I'm Canadian too and I think its fine for them to have those rooms, Religion is dying out in general at a pretty fast pace up here anyways. Something like 1/3 of canadians are Atheist, Agnostic or non-practicing. My province is at 45% with well over half if you don't count rural areas. I see the same shit happen constantly, Immigrants come in, almost always religious and almost always stop practicing after 1 or 2 generations, even muslims.
This, I can't really remember what our schedule looked like, but my sister is now a third year in HS and this year and the last her schedule has been really chill. Second year it was something like 3-5 hours of classes depending on the day. Now as a third year she has like 1-2 hours of classes and even a day off. I think my calendar was a bit more packed than that (because I fucked some things up), but still chill.
better than in the streets or a drug dealer's den
Most of the religious people I've met are all Asian, especially Filipinos and Koreans (Catholics).
Yeah I've had the same experience. Filpinos are fuckign wierd. Most of them seem to follow that weird christian offshoot from the philippines, Iglesia ni Cristo I think? Its almost cult like. And yeah Koreans seem to stay closer to religion too. The rest of asians (I'm including india and chunks of the middle east) seem to do the North American thing of going to their place of worship once a week but follow none of teh tenants of their religion.
Iglesia ni cristo is a cult not even related to Catholicism. It's pinoyland's own scientology.
My preschool had an infirmary with beds and everything just like this. With a nurse and everything
Then all of a sudden in middle and high school they just vanished.
Guess it's only a preschool thing
9 hours, sometimes 10, of school and forced to learn everything from basic math to local language. Highschool was fun, but tiring as fuck.
Terrorists that you created.
Chinese have a concept of 关系 that overlaps with Dale Carnegie and Christianity.
What does 'belief' mean? If they can leverage it, they will 'believe' it. Chinese culture is very practical.