Heavy Object deserves another season more than Index.
Heavy Object deserves another season more than Index
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You know they'll try again after S3 anyway
Don't mention that or the autistic indexfags might just maim you
We need doujins first.
Not it doesn't, shit was fucking boring and was never interesting at all.
Heavy Object is one of the best 2010s mecha while index is just autism
>2 bros blowing up gigantic mechanical monsters on foots using their wits while sexualizing they commanding officer
>never interesting
Milinda best girl, best object, and best body.
>using the complete and utter incompetence of their enemies
also, hohoho best girl
>hohoho best girl
Shit got dropped as soon as she was a loli. Got tired of Kamachi's pedo pandering
>incompetence of their enemies
Only the anime made it seems that way because they removed all the explanations and reasons behind their enemies' circumstances and even the logic behind Quenser's actions sometimes which is ridiculous and honestly plain fucking bad.
>after S3
Basically always the case, not just LNs but any book's adaptations.
I'll just report you.
It's literally always the case.
HO gets great from vol4 onward and anime adapted first 3.
Well S3 IS coming out right? I always see raildex having a ton of countdowns and stuff
It's a countdown to an event that will reveal something. 99% guaranteed it's not S3.
Any time this happens the LN is usually shit and just some pathetic damage control whenever people highlights faults in the anime they ALWAYS resort to saying "its not like that in the LN"
LN is always better. The thing is usually it's still shit.
>tfw imoutoman mode Quenser will never get animated
Life is misery.
Never say never. Even super niche shit gets anime these days.
Did they really let this young girl run around and fight like this?
She also fights a nopan sundress loli.
I love a strong woman who fights in a bikini
She's a super soldier, size means nothing.
You're right, Catherine is for protecting, not fugging.
Mariydi movie PLEASE
Just imagine how hard would Index threads implode.
Still can't believe this madman quenser actually made his dad adopt her
Absolutely based
Gotta protect your imouto from jackasses that would forever keep her locked up in a lab.
Whoa, 14 has Ohoho.
You'll get blown up by a angry explosives expert if you go further.
Sometimes I wonder how expensive elite sex is on the black market.
The banter between the bros was really the best thing about the anime.
No. I can only speak for the LNs I've read, but both Blade Dance, and Konosuba are better as anime.
Guess they don't charge you by weight, huh?
>Blade Dance,
Anime was fine for what was adapted, but what was adapted was before the story even started.
Comedy like Konosuba don't exactly depends on the quality of their writing and settings.
Meanwhile, anime Quenser suddenly notice or does things randomly without the proper context and explanations given for them to make sense like it does in the book, because they prefer giving more screentime to fanservice instead.
It was much better than most LN adaptations. You get two cours for 3 volumes.
The problem is HO gets good right when anime ended. Next arc would be Charbetty.
Well the gen 2s dropped anti-personnel options because they thought no person would be bold(dumb) enough to attempt things on an object with their own body. Our guys would have a hell of a time trying it on the Baby Magnum since gen 1's were all-purpose and still had antipersonnel options and sensors.
Ohoho a cutie.
Making Oh ho ho bark like a dog!
I wish there was more bro-op like between Qwenthur and Havia in anime and manga. Shit's great.
Volumes 4+ get better because of the girls, not baka duo.
Putana is love, Putana is life, now if only her name didn't mean whore. It's fun watching the duo be absolute madmen in the face of this week's metal gear, where lesser men would piss their pants and run away our heroes piss their pants and blow shit up or just get angry and blow shit up.
The problem is Q&H do the same shit every volume. Sure, places and objects get crazier but it's still the same shit. It's the girls that make it interesting. Or old men in case of that one volume.
Nyarlathotep was pretty cool yeah, still it's hard for me to not get hype when it's time for shit to get blown up.
Aren't those the original meme-measurements?
I'm sure glad that it's the same great shit each time, I wouldn't want anything else. They're both one protag anyway, what did you expect? They're still often in completely different situations each times.
Reminder that Mariydi doesn't like it from behind nor does she like 69.
>nor does she like 69
she's too small to pull it off
>Knows what those are
What a slut, Hime is far superior.
You know damn well that it doesn't it deserves a series of feature length movies adapting each volume in the true spirit of its B-flick nature
Best imouto bar none
Cute loli sluts are the best.
Drunk Froylatia was the most amazing thing.
>strip dance in front of the whole battalion and several types of lewd outfits
At least Mariydi won't do it for free
I wonder what her brother will think when he meets the idiots
I really wonder what's her price.
Hope you can put up with hard rock in the bed.
>Mariydi in bondage outfit with Boy Racer music in background
Well, shit. I'm sure she already does it.
Ohoho forever.
I can't wait for the second version of this!
With the white queen being smug instead?
>vol14 first part
Well, shit. New York is so getting fucked.
Sounds like a normal day in HOverse. The whole universe consists of a bunch of B-movies happening somewhere on the globe every day.
Or BeatriceThe Sage with a super evil smile
I wanna take Ohoho to a wall, grap her flat chest and play with her nipples with my left hand, while stimulating her clit with my right hand until she pass out for all the pleasure.
It doesn't really. I wouldn't mind seeing another season tho. Not gonna happen tho.
Did you not read the name of the last object being introduced at the end?
>Heavy Object deserves another season
I agree
>more than Index
I want to Touma punch you right in the face
Index is too far away for WW3 stuff to be relevant
NT is shit though. It's unironically the worst Kamachi series now.
And JCShit will never animate WW3 properly. Look at what they did to Oratoria because it had too much action.
It will be smug Enbi
I wish. Theres no chance for zashiki to get an anime
Yeah, a finished novel means that no anime or manga adaptation is possible most of the time.
I wanted to see Railgun-only fans chimp the fuck out at Index s3 if I'm being honest. That was about it.
>Look at what they did to Oratoria because it had too much action
What did they do?
Cut 2/3 of the novels including 3/4 of the action. Cutting stuff like important characters dying.
What the hell. Didn't they get enough cash thanks to the string bra meme?
There's no way they can do S3 then.
It's rare because the majority of the time the main character is a bland self insert and having another male around self insert makes the self inserter uncomfortable.
I agree but I'd rather have that after Index S3 and before Blood Sign.
Index S3 > HO S2 > Blood Sign S1 > Index NT S1 > HO S3 > Blood Sign S2
Like that.
she looks 10 years younger than in the anime.
That would be great What about Boo boo though
Boo Boo?
Well there always happens to be conspiracies and shit to blow up even when they were being reassigned to nowhere.
I'd switch Blood Sign and HO since I'm pretty sure Blood Sign is going to end at vol 9 or 10 like ZW so it has to get the adaptation in before then.
So 8 instead of 18?
My giant grey orc friend can't possibly be suffering from this much PTSD!
Is that Intellectual Village?
Isn't the novel finished anyway? Why would something done even need advertising?
Nanao is artist for both Boo boo and Intelli village.
>Curry niglet
You must be mexican druglord.