ITT: Brainlet filters


Indeed. Only a brainlet could ever like this trash.






All boring pieces of shit



Why is Texhnolyze the closest thing to perfection in anime?

delete this

The only nice thing about this series is opening. I love Juno Reactor.

Nope. In my eyes, Angel's Egg is the pursuit of an aesthetic. There isn't any immediately obvious or carefully developed idea within the movie. It's basically animation for animation's sake. Brainlets would stay glued to the whole thing just because it looks so damn good.

first brainlet arrived to the thread

Anime is one of the least intelligent thought proviking mediums around, don't even try it

brainlets not allowed

Because they actually had all the pieces for a legendary show come together and actually pull it off.
Sadly the director doesn't even do a whole lot anymore which also makes me sad that Despera will never happen


>the first episode was supposed to be a boring piece of shit, trust me it was supposed to filter out the unintelligent viewers

>first 24 episodes


pacing and narrative was really bad done, thats not a brainlet filter, just some director messing up with a story

Sorry but you can't expect me to read about a girl getting in to MMA.

Girls can't fight.

>Don't want to be protected by your imouto

Your loss.

Laughed hard.

>anything that doesn't hold my hand the entire time is boring
Point proven.

Ghost in the Shell 2
Bible Black
Wolf's Rain

The only correct answer.
Eva is easily accessible to plebs, hence why Sup Forums never shuts up about it.


unironically neo yokio

HxH 2011 > 1999 otherwise this chart is correct.



Hunter X Hunter

>Girls can't fight.
And mechas don't exist, and beta MCs with harems don't exist either. What the hell are you even doing on Sup Forums

Shut up woman

Imagine being this much of a brainlet

Hamasaki still gets steady work but it's pretty much all just adaptations and with mostly shitty studios.


>kino literally in the title

thanks for the laughs fags, imagine thinking your trash shows belong in the same thread as utena or texh kek

while im at it, add this trash above to

anyone who disagree is a pure faggot

[insert any kon movie here]

Was going to post this. It's funny how many people are tripped up by fast dialogue.

Time to post pretentious crap and pretend you're so refined, right?Texhnolyze was pretty good though.

>pretentious crap

Name one.

>1999 version misses out on the 500 IQ chimera ant arc
maybe if the 1999 version had it, it would be better.

>unironic gundamfag
>thinks talking fast is now a brainlet filter

Utena is a good example of pretentious crap that is well loved. Anything by the guy that made that tends to be pretentious crap that people lap up.

>Liking the original Hellsing
Opinion discarded

Original Hellsing is good in its own right for doing its own thing and the music. Just not as fun as Hellsing Ultimate.

>muh old aesthetic

>t. brainlet

Why you don’t like Utena? Say more than pretentious, pls.

I liked it, but I feel is not my thing, still a good show. But Mushishi and Mononoke are way better.

If Kino had even 1/2 the animation/art talent that those two shows did, it would have been overall better by a long shot.

Fuck off to Sup Forums.

Symbolism upon symbolism. Also everyone in that series is trash save for three people. I also remember reading that the director threw Utena's virginity out the window just to spite the viewers.

>Symbolism is bad
>everyone is trash, I have no actually reasoning for this
Thanks for confirming that you were indeed filtered by Utena

I'm glad I got to watch best girl Nanami doing funny things. Also the only shit that resonated with me was Ruka trying to save Juri. Everything else was just gay shit with symbolism.

>Char's Counterattack
>Gundam F91

>Everything else was just gay shit with symbolism.
brainlet gets filtered: the post

Are you sure you're not from Sup Forums?

>can't read op title
>upset he got filtered by Utena
>muh pol boogieman
brainlet detected

>Fuck off to Sup Forums.
>coming from the retard misusing spoiler tags

Can I jump into S2 if I only vaguely remember S1's timeline?

>I'm filtered cause I don't like your gay symbolism anime
Other shows did it better and less gay.

>misusing spoiler tags
Yeah, I like using spoiler tags a little too much.

ergo proxy

This thread


>t. brainlet who got filtered

All of those only filter the opposite of brainlet

t. brainlet

>t. unironically enjoyed the EP gameshow episode and thought it was deep

Tried of shitposting on Sup Forums so you come to Sup Forums, eh?

>t. a brainlet who got filtered

stop fucking posting about Utena on Sup Forums, the show is too good for this board as this thread (and every Utena thread in history) clearly demonstrates

>t. faggot

Quints of truth.


>too good
Faggot show only loved by faggots and tumblrenas.

>walk into thread
>someone gets so ass ravaged that they can't understand Utena, they stand ravaging the thread with t. posting
Like clockwork for Sup Forums, since the very beginning of Sup Forums Utena has caused brainlets massive butthurt.

they start* ravaging

>the first episode is intentionally bad

Not even the same person, retard. All you can say is brainlet, you dumb broken record.

Reading this post makes me embarrassed for you on a few different levels..

If that was your objective then mission complete.

Unironically this.

Brainlets literally don't get what Eva is really about, and just shitpost about the religious shit and waifus.

>If the show was better it would be better.

>t. brainlet

>i-its wasnt me

I meant better overall by a long shot [compared to the other shows]. I just forgot to add the ending since I'm tired and its the morning. Kino was a better show for plot, characters, and pacing, it was just held back by a 0$ budget.

You should only watch the TV series and the movie when it comes to Eva.

I mean this unironically

>I mean this unironically (ironically)
What did you mean by this?

>I mean this post-ironically
What did you mean by this?

>I mean this post-unironically ironically
What did you mean by this?

Bela Tarr is one of my favorite directors and I still could barely finish three episodes of this pathetic bullshit.

I always recommend the travelers pack (Mushishi, Mononoke and Kino no tabi) to people anyway. But for me those two were more endearing. I do wonder if Kino could have been better with an upgraded budget, judging the new anime, I think is the opposite. Also, I hate how anons just obsses over the fact Kino is a grill and turn her into a waifu, sad fot the story and the character.

all of these are boring trash, take off your nostalgia goggles