Episode 13, the final episode is airing now.
No threads were up, so made one.
Episode 13, the final episode is airing now.
No threads were up, so made one.
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Too early bud. We won't get the episode in like 4 hours
What the fuck
I want my own Addy
Flat chest are gross.
I do as well
You were pretty cool Vyver
>The age of Airships has began
>The End
Eru original ending commited suicide off screen as the world started building fleets of Dragons instead of mecha
That newtype moment was great.
They went 100% original ending
Well the age of airships did sorta happen because Eru made flying mechs. He only has himself to blame
>goes out of his way to prevent superior airships and tanks from being developed
At least he knows that mecha are 3rd rate.
And he failed at that considering now everyone in the world have an air fleet
Poor guy
>raped in prison
Airships and tanks don't have style.
I watched the first ep, wasn't really down for it at the time but in retrospect that was really dumb since I lapped up Boku no Isekai Smartphone. Kinda willing to give it another shot, can I ask a few questions?
1. How OP is MC?
2. How big is the harem, who is best girl?
3. How does it fare as a mecha series overall/
4. Anything else interesting of note?
1. Up there, but not Jesus-sama Smartphone tier. At least he got there through training rather than being gifted from God.
2. 2 girls, maybe, but one of them is irrelevant halfway through. There are some side romances though.
3. Pretty neat with a lot of focus on research and development and surprisingly solid CGI
4. Protag is a hardcore mech autist.
there's gonna be a season 2 r-right?
Why does he hates mobil fortress so much?
I mean you can't control the streets with those even if they became the central weapon of wars.
Can a mobil fortress enforce tyranical rules?
>The two engineers have an autistic fit when they argue over whose design philosophy is better
I wish this happened more often
Waiting for those sweet shota doujins
He's fine with Airships acting like carriers for the mech themselves. They can't just do the bulk of the attacking.
Eru saving the mecha "trapped" inside of the dragon reminded me of this.
That literally just makes it more difficult for everyone.
What a stupid bitch.
>Knights &Magic
>it's over
I didn't expect this to be so much fun and I didn't expect to be so sad about it ending.
Was a nice final episode though
If the queen cannot lead how can she expect her subordinates to follow?
Do they always have an evil moon in their capital?
>nice final episode
I agree, I actually got pretty invested and didn't just last after boipussy for once.
Me too, user. Me too.
That's what I was thinking too. She expects someone to go and take the stab for her.
>Enemy engineer survives and is off to another country to shill his mad science
Well since the LN is still on going we're going to see him again at some point. s2 neverever though because there's not enough material to work with. Overall I really enjoyed it since this is the closest I can get to an engineering Isekai and for the most part was very entertaining.
>too retarded to spot even the most obvious signals
Truly /ourguy/
Rie basically made this show. Ernestie is prime qt material.
>No threads were up
>and didn't just last after boipussy for once.
They had a good chunk of waifuable characters but the rest of the anime was interesting enough to distract from them.
What stops kid from fugging the queen? Nobility? Pretty sure he can always get a noble title from fremevilla if Ernie asks for him and the grandson would probably vouch for him.
>what stops him from fucking the queen when the queen basically begs for it
Nothing related to titles and standing, thats for sure. He simply cant be bothered and wants to continue to travel with his friends.
He did say that he wants to be better than he is now, so maybe he still feels unworthy? Anyway he's a faggot for letting that opportunity slip away
I give it a Ragingautisticbonerformecha/10
This guy's great, and he keeps coming up with new ship to match Ernie.
Why couldn't he be the protag instead?
Because he's an airship autist not a mech autist.
I thought this was an Aestivalis at first.
If Addy were to cosplay a robottu how hard would Ernie pound her?
Holy shit, jow happy is the step-dad knowing his family is one of the most well connected in the world? Has top acess to the king probably his advisor, daughter and step daughter well be married off to the greatest autist the world has ever known. Step-son is gonna get married to a queen and is gonna be part of that country royal family.
This was all part of his plan
>surprisingly solid CG
It really was! in the first episode when i saw cgi i wasn't happy becuase it's ususlly shit but this show really made it work well.
All what's left now is waiting for more Ernie doujin.
Don't forget.
>uses mech to stop the robo dragon from dropping on the queen.
>pic related
I am laffin
Till cardiac arrest stops him.
Just wait. Eri will build this and be more than happy.
What happened to Leotamus?
Remind you of anything?
It even has an inbuilt control mech heh.
Like real Finns, Ernesti is too austistic to care about girls.
Ernie doesn't give a single fuck about anything but his mechas.
>Cristobal could've been a father to me
>I am about to do something very wicked Ernie
This show didn't utilize her nearly enough.
The last episode was surprisingly great. Loved the action and the overall wrap-up to the anime.
why the fuck did the enemy knight and mad scienctist live?
For those that read the LN, anything interesting that happens after?
Mad scientist so that someone can compete with Ernie. The enemy guy was just a sword autist. Autists are gods in this anime.
Ikaruga gets rekted. Addy gets her own flying SK that can dock onto the new Ikaruga.
Why didn't Kidd stay behind to bang the Queen? yet another Yukarin voiced character who will grow loveless and alone
Addy gets to GATTAI with Eru
Never thought I'd actually like an isekai, but what do you know. Great season.
Shit like Vyver was Zoid like, that's cool.
Airships? Planes? You can make them transform into a shilouette knight
Give me that Macross/Vic Viper era already Ernie.
I'm not worthy enough cliche
How do people not realize that what Eru was arguing against was the misuse of mecha, not the advantages of airships?
Isekai/transported to another world is a fine formula really. West did it, pre WN/LN craze in the late 2000s did it, it's just the cliches became so unbearable with formulaic and shitty writing reccently that a show that does it decently takes us by surprise.
>Ernie is all about aesthetics VS firepower
>Gives his children additional arms on the back
Did I just rewatch Char's Revenge?
Huge nerd fight.
Did she a hero there with poison?
I see tomino is getting with age eh?
Our boy D getting some sweet sweet spec ops pussy WHEN
So he was Robotnik all along
D deserves it. He worked hard for it.
that's what I thought too but it was fairly ambiguous
If I remember right the prince goes back and takes Kidd with him as his bodyguard
Did they recover their centaur knight back?
Not enough Dietrich. Does he win this qt at least?
how did a shitty isekai story be so fucking good and enjoyable to watch
mad scientist villain x Ernie OTP
I want to show Eru-kun the wonders of dick!
>TL note: fune means plan
I want to teach eru-kun that dicks are better than mechs!
adding onto this; why didn't Eru just catch the Centaur with Ikaruga?
he would have been an easy target and ensuring kidd's safety was more important than saving disposable and easily replaceable tech
Easy target by who? The only airship we see anywhere near the field of battle is the one currently crashing into the ground. The Z~folks don't even have anti-air. Don't tell me it would impede his movement when he literally can hold back the fucking Vyver.
They salvaged the reactor from the Wyvern, so most likely they just picked up the centaur too since he was lying right next to it
no-bullshit MC. he knew what he wanted and never pussy-footed around the topic
Any novelfags can spoil me if this is a thing that happens?
ok maybe he just didnt want to scratch his ikaruga, he had a flat hold on the drake in comparison