Traits of the Girl Thread

Describe the girl of your choice!
Template will be provided below!

For me, it's Yuuko Kanoe





This one is anime exclusive, user.




Oh, I see
I'm sorry, I didn't meant to be so rude

wow what a slut

>I'm sorry, didn't meant to be so rude

h-huh? is this Sup Forums?

said no one ever, thats only a movie line

Yes, and he's being ironic.


I'm not, I'm just drunk

My wife isn't a stuttering moeblob.


shit taste

Now she is. And there's nothing anyone will do anything about it.


this shit took me way too long

>jumps into trashcan

Love it

I've been known to be more courteous to people because I don't know them.




and so it begins

This triggers the Sup Forums

End me.

I like the other one better

this one looks too co-dependent

Where is her softness?