>Kaioken x20
>Spirit Bomb
Where have I seen this before? Do you think Kaioken x20 will be in the manga to keep the Freeza parallels?
Dragon Ball Super
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Seriously, when will Gohan stop jobbing?
Quads of JUSTICE
Nobody cares
Spirit Bombs only work against evil people and Jiren isn't evil. Checkmate Toei.
Who told you this? Gohan had to deflect the Spirit Bomb.
Gohan and Krillan could deflect and use the Bomb because they're not evil people. It actually hit Vegeta, Frieza and Buu because they were all shitty people. Jiren is a fucking cop not a space overlord.
It could hurt them though. But it’s not like the Spirit Bomb will work anyway.
>spirit bomb in the tournament
How is that supposed to work? WIll he collect energy from the fighters or the audience? What happens if Zeno raises his hands?
>How is that supposed to work?
See in 2 weeks.
You're making a big assumption by believing Super will give a satisfactory explanation.
Wasn't it kaioken x10 in the japanese version? I thought it was changed to x20 in the english dub.
What the fuck is this guy talking about?
No, where did you get that from?
Nice right? That is the ass that will shit all over Goku in two weeks.
No, you should have said JusTHICC.
Are you idiot?
He'll probably use his own energy plus Universe' 7 fighters.
>Are you idiot?
I hope not, SSBKK is kind of retarded. It was cool at first but it's just whatever now.
>goku is literally unironically going to drain U7 fighters energy just for Jiren
Gohan BTFO
No Cuckhan in this thread.
Leave El Grande Padre to me.
Even jobbing he will win the tournament...
Is Gohan vs. El Grande Padre the greatest rivalry in all anime history?
>el grande padre
>a rival
Surely you jest, user
>Three best characters from U6 hands down.
>One gets overshadowed by two fan service female trash cans.
>One gets deleted.
>Another gets overshadowed by asspull the Ayyy Lmao.
Why live?
Just because he stands no chance against GODhan doesn't mean that he isn't a rival who must be disposed of.
I suppose it would be more accurate to say "annoyance" or "trash" that GODhan has to dispose of.
Nope. The entire ToP choreography and eliminations will be different in the manga
How was he jobbing. He worked with Frieza to eliminate Frost.
I think it is possible vegeta may not job ("lose to demonstrate someones power" not "losing" like how you guys mean it).
Time to tame the saiyan sluts.
I liked Frost's base form the most, his final form looked kinda dumb.
Hit looks like an alien penis head.
Cabba looks like a loser.
I have a feeling Frost will be back.
I have a feeling that Cabba might die soon.
Hit will probably do something relevant before dropping out.
You're a moron. If he did that, then U7 would be entirely drained and wouldn't be able to fight anymore.
If you mean against Freeza, Goku was already using x10 and Freeza was owning him pretty hard. The powerup scene specifically says x20.
If you mean against Jiren, we know Goku only went up to x10 (against Hit), meaning he'll go for x20 again (leaks state so), and it still won't be enough.
Every Gohan episode ends up sucking
>"Stop Padre! Don't kill him!"
Hit will fight Jiren. The episode after the special is titled "Hit vs Jiren".
I hope the manga has Gohan actually fight a worthwhile battle, because he's been looking like a scrub in the anime ToP. He did good against the kickboxer dude but other than that he does stupidly long tactics or just needs to be constantly rescued.
No it won't and I will eat my motherfucking hat if that happens over there.
17&18 do have unlimited energy, still they alone wouldn't contribute anywhere near enough.
I know right, just like Goku and Vegeta were completely drained after unfusing and yet they could still contribute to Trunks' asspull spirit bomb. Don't even expect logic from Toei's anime.
But they were completely drained after giving energy to Trunks' asspull Spirit Bomb
>Gohan wojak is posted
>Gohanfags arrive
Thread immediately goes to shit
Great job. Whoever the dumbass is that posted the wojak, neck yourself.
hahahah really? Does that mean Goku loses!?!?!?! HAHHAHAHAHA
Gohan better finish him off though
Goku will probably collect energy from all of Universe 7
Nope, Shin state that it was because of the final kamehameha they performed as Vegetto.
Toei forgot about the genki drama being really draining on everybody involved.
Anyone has that pic of Frieza and Frost in trust no one not even yourself?
>Hit will save Goku because Goku saved Hit before.
>Jiren is too much for Hit and he's eliminated.
>Hit accepts his defeat and destiny, because he considers Goku a friend, his only friend in 1000 years.
>Champa hakai him because he sacrificed himself to save a rival... goodbye Goku, my friend, this was a good life!
I thought the Spirit Ball could only be utilized by a person of clear/pure heart, and being super sayian is like the opposite of that. So how come Goku is able to use it when he's throwing it as Jiren in the preview?
Given the images released, it seems obvious that Goku is going to absorb the Spirit Bomb energy instead of trying to hit Jiren with it. Rehash Movie 7 vs Android 13
>G-Gohan didn't j-job!
>h-he still had U-Ultimate!
Is that why he just sat there and grimaced at his impending defeat? That weak fucking cuck would have been BTFO by a fucking YARDRAT if based Freeza sama hadn't bailed his pathetic ass out, just like he's had to be bailed out in every other fucking fight he's had. For fuck's sake, even in that filler fight against Vegeta, Piccolo had to bail him out. Gohan is a fucking joke.
That was the definition of jobbing. In a fake fight a previously thought to be strong fighter loses on purpose to make his opponent look good.
It literally shows Goku throwing off the Genki Dama
Here's SSGSSKKx20 in Heroes:
>teamwork is jobbing
Gohan didn't lose though, both Frieza and Gohan distracted Frost so that they could defeat him.
Gohan made the smart decision and didn't waste as much stamina as Frieza putting him as the biggest victor in this situation.
Bulma and 18 are best girls
SSB x 20 Kaioken and Genki Dama are in Heroes, which usually has taken a long time to add anime exclusive material. So, yeah, I think they'll be in the manga.
> If you can also learn to tap into the astounding powers of the Sun... Well. Just be careful. Or you may destroy the very planet you're trying to protect!"
Or is that a Dub Only quote from King Kai? Becasue if it isn't, it would somewhat explain how he manages to gather enough energy for next episode
>Is that why he just sat there and grimaced at his impending defeat?
He was saving his energy until he absolutely 100% needs to use it.
What, he's going to take energy from the fucking lamp?
crazy enough to work actually
Imagine being such a Kek that everybody knows your name, but only because they all hate you and think you are evil.
They will learn Gohan's name, but he will be honorable and earn it first by saving them all.
Give him time... once he wins the tournament Beerus will be his fanboy.
What is wrong with the writers at Toei? Toyotaro isn't a great writer but even he at least can remember basic plot details
Blame his balding genes.
Yes. He's still going to absorb the energy and transform. His eyes shine blue like the spirit bomb in his new form. His whole aura is blue. Jiren is going to reflect it and Goku's gonna absorb it and transform. He's already SSB+KKx20 while throwing it.
I know this is a long shot but, anyone here happen to have volumes 3-6 of the DB manga done by HAO scans? The links in the download page there are all dead for those 3 volumes.
They aren't familiar with the source material
Just so you know, everyone who's fought him so far has refereed to him as Gohan, because once they fight him, they respect him.
Look at how much respect he gets from the people that he kills. He destroys this guy's entire universe with ease.
>His eyes shine blue like the spirit bomb in his new form.
His eyes are gray and have vertical pupils. It's something completely new.
is that wordfilter back up?
This. It's also why they animated them doing the Naruto ninja run a few episodes back.
Toei has no clue what they're even animating.
Leaked footage. Jiren is a fucking beast.
So, Cabba, Caulifla, Kale, Piccolo, 17, 18, gohan and Ribrianne will get eliminated in the next 3 Episodes?
Considering that the final fight is coming.
The final fight between Goku and Jiren probably won't happen for another 10 to 15 episodes or so, so take that as you will.
Reminder that Ultimate Gohan got absolutely fodderized by a Golden Frieza that Gohan himself admitted was massively holding back.
>B-but he's TOTALLY SSB level, r-right guys?
No it's not I just said Kek intentionally hahahaha.
No one forgets Gohan after they understand how powerful he is.
He is just not very well known because he is mostly a pacifist
Even Freeza called him Son Gohan-san after their pretend fight.
Speaking of which, has Freeza ever reffered to Goku by "san" before?
>Goku uses the mafuba on Jiren
>It works
Why can't cool things happen in Super.
Frost actually being eliminated in one-hit just like he beat Krillin, then being erased was the #1 thing to happen so far in Super. Why can't they do more stuff like this?
Gohan took zero damage from that entire exchange
Goku doesn't deserve the respect that Gohan does.
Even Freeza wants to partner with Gohan, above anyone else, because he knows how based he is.
Jimeze even offered to teach him the Instant Transmission after the tournament... how that makes sense? does this confirm that Yardrats can teleport to different universes and that's why Jimeze is from U11 instead U6?
there was a... kaio? treating them as the low ningens they are, like Zamasu did: how was he allowed to continue holding his role??
Because they are friends now.
Goku Vs Jiren isn't the final fight. Goku is probably out in 110, and Jiren will most likely go down by 112. We still have way to many fighters left for it to end super soon, plus we are only 50% through
I'm pretty sure it happened but can't remember when
Everyone wondered how the hell Frost could actually help Freeza out since he was too weak to contribute anything and no one on U6 trusted Frost. Turns out he really can't help Freeza at all and Freeza just messed around with him for 20 minutes and Toei wasted everyone's time.
It would be neat if someone was autistic enough to go through all the episodes at the end of the tournament and compress the whole thing down to 40 minutes and time it all using the end of episode times.
Anyone so far gone that they actually speak weebanese?
What does freeza talk like, why does he say Watashi? Isn't that woman-like? Is he polite? Does he speak educated? How does Freeza talk?
>The five minute clip of Goku and Ribrianne staring at each other while Roshi struggles for his life becomes reality
Someone's already been doing that.
He could eliminate enemies with stealth. Duh.
Remember a lot of people already started doing that?
>literal Sun Wukong transformation
Might be cool.
Someone is literally already doing it youtube.com
I don't but someone has to make it backwards, with Freeza behind Frost
Yeah, Freeza speaks in a very polite and formal tone, like a very formal and polite businessman, which is meant to contrast with his sadism and ruthlessness.