Modern Life

Why is it so soul crushing depressing?

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Because stagnation isn't fun and that's what leftist policy leads to. Capitalism is exciting because it's like a game that's always changing.

Because you are looking to satisfy jewish goals that you believe are your goals.

Modern society is just as fun as any society if you know what to do with it.

Cuz you live in a "mouse utopia."

>Why is it so soul crushing depressing?
if that's how you see it, that's how it is.

Because you have nothing to look forward to. If you put your faith in Jesus, the problems of the day kinda melt away compared to the glory to come.

Because you haven't become the Overman. We will teach you if you ignore the Bolshivik-Alt-Right and shills and that esoteric fag who posts all day.

Whine some more while you sit in you temperature controlled area while you figure out what food you want to eat. Shut the fuck up.

A game that changes on the surface perhaps, but capitalism has been going strong for some 2000 years.

"The beautiful ones"

because you think to much.


It's because you're white

>Whine some more while you sit in you temperature controlled area while you figure out what food you want to eat. Shut the fuck up.

>Because you are looking to satisfy jewish goals that you believe are your goals.
Pretty much. We're indoctrinated to think we need certain things or to accomplish this and that. It becomes deeply ingrained in us. Hard to program out.

Go innawoods then. Live like your forefathers

Oh I do. No one else does. It’s trying to escape the insane asylum of modern day life and modern day thought can is the hard thing.

This seems more prolific.

>You live in civilized society so you aren't allowed to dislike things

Man I've been pissed off too. I used to have an RPG group that met every Saturday and now it's obvious no one wants to show up except me and two friends, but we can't play with only two people.

At this point I realize I just need to get a girlfriend but that's pretty much impossible for me.

I don't understand what the deal is everyone in modern society is so rude, even "friends" to "friends."

Checked, and cya at the resurrection user.

You need to ask yourself that question, not everyone feels that way.

Literally Jews.

>dark plague type of thinking
Just enjoy while you can maaaan


because you're too much of a pussy to actually go through with it. To actually be the person you want to be. You're unhappy because you're pretending to be someone you're not. Life's too short not to do what you want to do.

Isn't that spirit cooking witch?

Also Kardashian has a kid, that's not beautiful behavior.

I relate to this. I'm doing well for myself with a great job and good pay, but every friend and family member is always stressed and bitter. Nobody has time for anything anymore and it's become more acceptable to be angry at things than to keep them the same.

Do some gardening

You're searching for your mind
Don't know where to stop
Can't find the key
To fit the lock on your heart
You think you know but you
Are never quite sure
Your soul is ill but you
Will not find the cure

Your world was made for you
By Someone above
But you choose evil ways
Instead of love
You made me Master
Of the world where you exist
The soul I took from you was not ever missed

You think you're innocent
You've nothing to fear
You don't know me you say
But isn't it clear
You turn to me in all your
Worldly greed and pride
But will you turn to me when it's your turn to die

Lord of this world
Evil possessor
Lord of this world
He's your confessor now

>Ozzy Osborne
>Black Sabbath
Maybe it's time to find God user.

You don’t get out into the woods (nature) enough?

this. Don't let the jew use you. Be the jew. An entire generation has fallen into the jewish selflessness trap. Be selfish. It's okay. If everyone were selfish, there wouldn't be misery. You didn't have to artificially support selfish social welfare cases who just don't want to work. And it's their goddamn right. They are just exploiting the system. Milking it cos it works. Milk selfless people until they realize they are the ones in need for some serious selfishness. Also, clean your room.

According to Uncle Ted, that's the problem, he has no real goals to strive for so he feels unfulfilled. Society has replaced contentment with a man's nature and purpose with usefulness to the system.

If he didn't have a climate controlled building with an infinite supply of food, he wouldn't be bitching, he'd be looking for food, and that would give him happiness and purpose.

>Not experiencing yearly famine
>Not being drafted to fight a war
>Not getting genocided by invaders
>Not dying from shitting, cutting yourself a bit, breathing air, drinking water.
Soul crushing.

We see the modern world through a lens for the most part, it is of our choosing to do so.

Certainly, in our interaction on the city streets, we might encounter a number of peculiar and unusual sights but those as temporal as we journey onwards to our destinations.

It is up to you as an individual, to cultivate the paradise you see fit.

Understanding that the universe is the greatest of supercomputer and it comprises entirely of our minds, gives reason to refine our thoughts in noble ideas which are the precursor to noble action and life.

This. All I can do is stand in my happiness and watch everyone else find their own forms of hell. "... But it will not touch you."


This was a great epiphany I had. Truth may not be subjective, but our experience of it certainly is. You can look out at the world, but all you'll ever see is yourself.

Having a good friend, a true friend, is quite enough. It's not as easy to acquire that as you might think.

Life is comfy, if you chose to make it so. If you want a family, a job and a lot of friends, it is hell, I agree.

Law of eternal return. Stop trying to escape right now (unless you have the money), and start fucking with it.
Fuck with it all and look to make escape money.

It's like being in prison for life. Are you going to be the bitch, the regretful religous cuck, the psychopath always in solitary, the loser trying to prove himself, or are you going to enjoy yourself and plan to escape at the same time?
>"Chaos is a ladder"

For example:

Choose something else!

There is a disparity between your expectations and your reality. I feel the same way. I think most people do.

>Also Kardashian has a kid, that's not beautiful behavior.
It's a reference to the mouse experiment where they created a utopia and they went insane. See youtube fascinating because it's what humans do.


This too. When i reach my goals the bitter, the envious around me try to bring me down to their level. Preachers of equality truely.
And when it comes to trying to find connection with them I feel like I’m talking to a bag of rocks.
I rather have to make them laugh. I’m sick of that. I’m sick of being me-plus. I just want an honest conversation about importance things but knowing how everyone’s so fucking touché the treat of violence is there. I can handle myself, but when it’s happened numerous times you get sick of it.

Because we're living in under a global capitalist society that completely disregards your race, culture, history, relationships, and everything that makes society as a whole. Everyone is just another asset. Another cog in the system to make as much money for (((them))) as possible. How do they keep you from revolting? They brainwash you with media and keep you busy with distractions and mindless consumption until they render you dependent on their fucked up system to survive. Everything about the world is designed for this. The school system, the ads, the work environment...
it's all so fucked up. we live in a brave new world bros

Eternal recurrence as the last judgement.
"The greatest weight.-- What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: "This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence - even this spider and this moonlight between the trees, and even this moment and I myself. The eternal hourglass of existence is turned upside down again and again, and you with it, speck of dust!"
Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus?... Or how well disposed would you have to become to yourself and to life to crave nothing more fervently than this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal?"

I’m not trying to escape anything, I’m always willing to be grounded in reality by facts, it’s just the people around me that seem want to base their life purely on subjective terms and anything other than that is considered wrong.

Don't become distressed by the things you cannot change, work on the things that you can.

I can assure you, it is the little ripples which meet with great waves...

The nature of systems is thus - take a hanging bag of weigh from the ceiling - if you continually hit it with force, it will stand still - instead, if you learn the nature of the system and are able to able the rhythm of it, in small frequent taps, you work with the energy, the resonance and not against it.

Able to move with the rythmm*

The third one is happening in your country right now, which will cause your other points to happen in near future

I don't know, keep watching people pretend something is going on in front of a camera and I'm sure it will get better.
It might be a even faster recovery if it's some colorful lines animated by some fat jap.

Because you're mentally weak and letting a Moldovan nutcracker whittling forum sway your outlook on the world

I understand all this. It’s like Nietzsche’s flat circule about time.
It’s everyone else I’m on about.

user your posts so far have been really enlightening. thank you for this.

No I’m not, I just want to see their perspective.

Whites have not killed enough of the filthy alien hordes this season, the blood gods are angry.

Praise Jesus!

jesus christ, now that is thicc!

Jesus, she T H I C C

But yes, you are actually very correct. War is long time overdue. Peace is not a humanity natural habitat.

My pleasure.

lift weights you miserable faggots

I've come to the conclusion that modenr life is fun if you can earn about 2000 € a month. But for me it's entirely life of materialism now, I've stopped caring about anything else because it's futile.


And I fucking told you!

Where you are now you can't even imagine what the bottom will be like
Only after disaster can we be resurrected
It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything
Nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart
This is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
Doesn't get any better than this
This is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
And it and it's ending one-minute at a time
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake
You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else
We are all part of the same compost heap
We are the all singing, all dancing, crap of the world
You are not your bank account
You are not the clothes you wear
You are not the contents of your wallet
You are not your bowel cancer
You are not your grande latte
You are not the car you drive
You are not your fucking khaki's
You have to give up, you have to give up
You have to realize that someday you will die
Until you know that, you are useless
I say let me never be complete
I say may I never be content
I say deliver me from Swedish furniture
I say deliver me from clever arts
I say deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth
I say you have to give up
I say evolve, and let the chips fall where they may
This is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
Doesn't get any better than this
This is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
And it and it's ending one-minute at a time
You have to give up, you have to give up
I want you to hit me as hard as you can
I want you to hit me as hard as you can

because of censorship, my life is shit, all I had was my shitty youtube channel, 30k subs and growing, then they purged it along with lots of other people

We can't even rant anymore. No free speech. I'm heartbroken.

Because you've been led to believe that there should be some greater meaning to it, that life is like a movie.

Peasants didn't have time for this navel-gazing.

It also encompasses Jung's concept of why we must not avoid the challenges of life, I believe. For they shall eternally return in new guises, for life truly does have meaning and challenges us to grow.

You got the short end of the stick and was born a male.

Fight Club is the most based movie ever. Fight Club and Office Space.

Because you're always busy.

You live in England mate....Is normal to be a depressed fag

Because normies aren't interested in science. If governments and private organizations actually funded science we would be a space faring civilization. And spaceships are fun, aren't they?

Never avoid the hardships of life
“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”
Back to Jung, the collective unconscious it seems are dominant in the modern age. Reliant on constant stimulate, free from bad thoughts.

Because modern society satisfies your material needs, but not your spirtitual needs. Therefore, you can afford the luxury to care about your happiness rather than your survival, only to realize the modern Western world has abandonned the structures that allowed people to feel spiritually satisfied.

>Why is it so soul crushing depressing?

it's not. i will soon be buying a stronger pc, download a bunch of games and just play them until 30.

>inb4 neet

heh, i will buy an apartment soon, and rent a part of it. then i will read evola and lovecraft and watch animu and play gaemz. and i will regret it one day, sure. but there is nothing to achieve anymore.

want to conquer that mountain?
well so do tens of thousands.

i expect a mcdonalds on mount everest soon, and those llama guides complaining about australian dudebros throwing trash everywhere and smoking weed. yep, modernity is boring.

just get money brah

Ey be careful, don’t make me go full Morrissey on you.

Because its designed to be that way.

>modern life

No, I'm pretty sure that's just life.
Read some Schopenhauer.

This. Fucking this. Once articulated it makes sense.


More of a Neitczhe type of guy. I do like him but Freddy has the power of an Thor Hammer when it comes to philosophy. I feel.

being invaded is not so scary anyway, just look at the poles they are doing fine

Lol, it's been getting the same way with me. I have several friends who are right about literal everything (Art, history, math, martial arts, video games) even though they've never done college and one even flunked out of highschool. The moment you say anything that doesn't go with their narrative they freak out and shout. It's not worth correcting them unless you want a big shouting match. It's so tiring to be around these people. I hate how sure they are of themselves when they really are the biggest idiots in the room.

Since 1914 the USA has had a loose form of central planning (via banking and regulation). That isn't capitalism in the sense that I use the word.

ha, says the fucking egyptian. your entire culture has been stolen by we wuzians and no one asks the native what is the truth kek

Because we can't help but take a look around.

Really look at the human garbage that surrounds you. Self-centered trash piles who would stab you in the back to make them or their kids' lives a little bit better. The twerking, selfie-snapping trap rap masses.

When you're unable to find good qualities in anyone around you, you start to actually wish for catastrophe. Because I would gladly have my life destroyed if it meant I could watch these mouth-breathing football-watching Facebook feed-scrolling zombies suffer and die.

Its boring. Its meaningless, and uncomfortable.

Life in the west has stagnated and there doesn't seem to be a way to fix it, so it drags on the same every day.

If there was some kind of unifying opposition like disease famine or invaders it would at the very least give us something to do. But instead we sit here and wait for the heat-death of the universe.

how is that relevant? did I ever say that egypt is a hub of cultural vitality and social prosperity? i fully realize I live in a shithole in every sense of the word.

>it's a game that is always changing

That isn't the majority's experience of it. The majority of people, especially in a more "stable" capitalism where you get to hold a career down with a company for decades, produces the monotony on the individual level that results in pop culture like Fight Club to express the feeling of aimlessness. But Fight Club is a very middle class film, a very bourgie sense of aimlessness. The narrator was an office worker, not an oil worker or a teacher, or even a garbage man or a worker in an Amazon warehouse. He was bored, not necessarily crushed by any of the specific forms of alienation that can occur in other fields of work. He needed something to live for, which was ultimately blowing up bank buildings and starting a cult.

Of course, those other forms of work can be very boring as well, but they can also be physically exhausting in a different way, or maybe even emotionally exhausting as a teacher having to deal with students that they may have actually been idealistic about teaching at one point. Managers and owners of capital may feel like they are doing exciting things, managing projects that create observable changes, both in economic development and in terms of their bank accounts. They get a score that is going up, but the basic worker knows what their score is likely to do. They know their probable career trajectory, what their retirement could look like, what they are going to likely be doing for the next decade. That isn't very exciting, and consequentially our culture doesn't focus on that. It focuses on us as consumers, how can your life be exciting through what you buy when the work day is done.


I dunno man.
>work 4 10 hour days, 2nd shift Mon-Thu
>3 full days off, including Fri-Sat
>make a decent wage. barely low-middle, but not living paycheck to paycheck.
>have longterm gf.
I can't complain right now. Maybe tomorrow things will go to pot, but today, things are pretty ok.

>I don't watch many movies

Technology and the relentless need for economic growth

>muh spiritualism
I've never seen a holy man who wasn't a cuck or an over sensitive sheltered bitch affraid of a little disruptive "negativity"

Also this.

>Technology and the relentless need for economic growth
= The only thing that will save us

Because you are not organized against the ethnic replacement of your people yet.

You still watch pornography
You don't work out
You use drugs, drink alcohol, smoke
You don't eat healthy
You spend too much time inside

Capitalism is what brought us here