Why do some grils like sadist male love interest?

Why do some grils like sadist male love interest?

Because they are useless whores that need to be punished.

Because deep down inside, all humans want to be dominated and talked down to. It's so hot when the mood is right.

Light masochism is very common.

Because they're hot af


Just found out there's going to be a second season next season, why the hell is no one talking about this?


The best scenario is turning the table on dominant people and dominating them.

>guy turns the tables on the girl
Boring, predictable.

>girl turns the tables on the guy

never reply to me again.

>Because deep down inside, all women want to be dominated and talked down to. It's so hot when the mood is right.

I fixed that for you

This. Openly domineering women are only midbosses that exist to serve their overlord while lording over lesser women.
But that NEETfu that seems like a wallflower but turns full "your son calls me mommy too"? That shit gets me denser than a collapsing star.

Why anyone would want a person without initiative or self-sufficiency is beyond me.

Why do some boys like sadistic female love interest?

>popular nagging bitch openly insults quiet glasses NEET, supposedly asserting her authority
>NEET ntr's the guy when the bitch is not around
>NEET's got that smile on her face when she knows she's got him by the balls
Holy fucking shit, I NEED more of this.

Cause when you get down to it, all slaves both need and deserve to be slaves. Both Eve and Adam fell for the sole reason of doing something retarded just because someone told them to, without bothering to make their own decisions.

There is literally nothing more unarousing than femdom.

Why do I want to be dominated by a cute girl?

Exactly my friend. Never underestimate how perverse a NEET girl is. She's read over 9000 doujins while the preppy girl has touched two dicks. Little miss "buy me this" has nothing on the filthy words NEETfu can utter with a completely straight face.
Next thing you know it, he focuses on trying to get her to come out of her shell for the upcoming con and the only way she'll do it is while dressed as an elf dominatrix matriarch (masked, of course) with him as her slave. Most likely ends up with her forcing him to cum in front of a crowd and her learning to leave her sheltered life... only in pursuit of increasingly risky ventures with her husband-to-be.

>why the hell is no one talking about this?
>why the hell

You are a funny man

So like, a doujin wherein
>beta neet faggot decids to try and rape the school idol girl
>tazes her, ties her up, and takes her to the sports shed
>unties her for fucking purposes
>she easily overpowers him and hard doms him
>he has to take it under threat of people finding out he tried to rape her
Well i'm diamonds now. If only nips didn't have fucking shit taste.

There's fat people. And body odors.

Thinking more on it...
To keep the NTR theme preppy girl could continually show up, more desperate than before. NEETfu would have corrupted him so good he can't even get hard with her. He can't even apologize because it's a bit obvious. Due to this ego blow she spirals downward and becomes a shut in, similar to the bitch that stole him from her. She lost sight of the idea of having anyone else because it was some antisocial faggot that did it. She soons follow the path of the NEETfu, becoming a true rival after spending months on exhentai and /d/. It becomes a battle of obsession versus introverted love.
Everything I write eventually leads to yandere...

Nah, most spoiled nagging bitches just move on to another sucker. The guy would have to be the school's male idol in order for her to feel anything.

It'd purely be a matter of pride at first. The only issue is that some shut in stole her (current) boyfriend. How can she lose to some flat, frail loser who doesn't even coordinate her outfits?

because masochism is a thing.

Because barely anyone discussed s1, sadly

hype for S2 boyz