/ptg/ President Trump General - God, Guns, Trump Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive @Palm Beach FL 3/2/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/VP/others @Billy Graham Funeral 3/2/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart DC for NC 3/2/18
>Full Billy Graham Funeral Service 3/2/18
>VP Pence @America 1st event in Detroit MI 3/2/18
youtu.be/b3jL7l91dCQ (audio only)
>TreasSec Wilbur on Dobbs 3/2/18
>TreasSec Wilbur on CNBC 3/2/18
>AF1 + AF2 departing for NC 3/2/18
>Marlon Bundo Hygiene 3/2/18
>BOTUS cant wait to read 3/1/18
>Marlon Bundo reads his book to fren 2/28/18
>This Week @State 3/2/18
>WH Opioids Videos 3/2/18:
youtu.be/so5BNX2e1CA (US Gen Surg Adams)
youtu.be/LYcQ6mF1dZc (Eric Bolling)
youtu.be/2MP2TIqbdV0 (Fire Chief Goonan)
>Pres Trump announces tariffs 3/1/18
>Press Trump @WH Opioids Summit 3/1/18
>FLotUS Melania @WH Opioids Summit 3/1/18
>VP Pence @DHS 15th Anniversary 3/1/18
>StateDep DepSec Sullivan @WH Opioids Summit 3/1/18
>WH Opioids Summit 3/1/18
youtu.be/BuWPzvU-Hqg (pt1)
youtu.be/UMbZtrTXFaU (pt2)

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



>Created 386,000 (18.2%) less jobs February 2017 through January 2018 than Obama did in February 2016 - January 2017 [1]
>February - January job creation numbers would be ranked 6th when matched against Obama's term and are the lowest since 2012 [1]
>Weakest job creation month in 83 months [1]
>Trade Deficit up $53.4 billion (11.6%) through November (latest data) versus 2016 and getting worse [2]
>The US Dollar is down "bigly" versus the Canadian Dollar, Mexican Peso, Euro, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, and most other currencies [3]
>The Dow Jones Industrial Average's growth for 1/20/2017-1/19/2018 was 12% below the prior year when adjusted for the dollar's weakness [3][4]
>Stock market is on pace for the worst year since at least 2008 [4]

Where's that "strong economy" Drumpfkins?

[1] data.bls.gov/timeseries/CES0000000001?output_view=net_1mth
[2] trade.gov/mas/ian/build/groups/public/@tg_ian/documents/webcontent/tg_ian_003364.pdf
[3] x-rates.com/historical/
[4] secure.marketwatch.com/investing/index/djia/historical

Gen Z going all out for prom

>In total, Trump has spent nearly 25% of his days in office at one of his golf clubs. It is impossible to know whether Trump golfs every time he visits one of his golf clubs because White House aides rarely confirm that he is golfing, and Trump has, at times, visited his golf clubs to eat a meal or meet with people.

Droughlurtfpt Brimpf

I remember wanting to drive from Germany to Mississippi but I think my navi fucked up because I ended up in Africa.

Are we expecting the Supreme Court to BTFO the PA redrawn districts? They shot down the libshits attempts to residrrict Arizona a few years ago, and they refused to let the redrawn NC districts go into affect earlier this year.
What do yoyu think happens with PA?


PA Gop appealed to the Supreme Court.and the Democraps have to have their response in by Monday. If the SC agrees to hear it like NC, it means the Democrat redrawn districts won't go into affect before midterms


If they shot down the NC Dems, why wouldn't they do the same to ther PA Dems?

Who's worse, Sup Forums or /mlp/?

Trump created more jobs than Obama did in the first year of his first term and in the first year of his second term.
>b-but muh Bush
But Obama.

Literally both aren’t white.

Sup Forums
I miss /mlpol/

Jokes on you, society already knows I'm a loser

>starting in 2009
>not 2008 when the bush recession started
nice attempt at misdirection, Hans


Aniki is dead!!!

Because John Roberts cares about the public image of the Court, and the PA redistricting has gotten a lot of news coverage.

>True, but none of this changes the fact that the Rust Belt has been reliably Democrat and will not be easy to carry. Especially since Democrats will start carrying Texas which is the bulk of our electoral votes.
Currently, whites vote as strongly R as Dems vote D. And they are still the majority of registered voters and 59% of actual voters.

>Boy next door-remove all kebab remix



This is ADVANCED Judaism. They count all his Mar-a-Lago or NJ trips as """golfing""" even though he's working most of the time he's there, like the time the White House was getting cleaned/debugged/deniggered.

i'm going to let you in on a secret. two, actually. i come in here and educate you faggots on china on a near-daily basis and have broke several stories involving 中国 for this general and Sup Forums overall. my real life job entirely deals with china and i have an in-depth knowledge of the country and regularly share my info with you all. i have done a lot of work for this general and you guys have done immeasurable damage to this general. i am motivated to ruin your lives. my second secret is that i'm going to oust you all and you will have never seen it coming. no doxxing, no direct targeting, no IP snatching, no. your parents, your friends, your coworkers, and if none of them then literally everyone else will be working indirectly to oust you. if you don't fix your life in the next 2 years you will be known to everyone as a loser. i will not disclose how this is going to work. in 2 years you will know.

i am doing my part to MAGA. and part of that is ousting the losers that hide away in their basements and putting their names out there. the jig is up niggers. fix your life now or else. this is your only warning.


I was too young to even remember Bush.

Have they finally stopped calling them vacations? Progress

I'm a Sessions supporter but he's starting to look quite bad with all his non-action, who could make a good replacement?

>I was too young to even remember Bush.

Yes. I also think public unions are about to be fed into the wood chipper that is Gorsuch and Kennedy.

>Somebody is using my gif

Scott Pruitt, but we need him to dismantle the EPA instead.

Sup Forums definitely. That place is essentially reddit now.

The girl is clearly white.


There is no better choice than Sessions.

Nope, Kennedy will swing for the unions, he votes for which ever side gives the citizen more rights.

>anime is killing /ptg/
Why does no one remember the misadventures of Rick Wilson?

It was always a containment board, user

can't believe I'm rooting for horse fuckers

Then be quiet while the adults are talking.

There is better choices.

>being in a place = doing nothing and wasting time
The press somehow finds new ways to ruin journalism.

I'd still like it to be Gowdy.

I am also too young to remember most of the Bush administration. Even the first term of Obama is fuzzy

>dyed nappy hair
>bridges nose
Lol unless she is such a wigger she is transforming IDK

So how come he voted against them in 2015? Stop concernshilling you retarded faggot. The public union case was 4-4 in 2015 and it will be 5-4 this summer.

finished building this today

>, he votes for which ever side gives the citizen more right

Then he'll vote to kill the unions doing forced dues.

if you have anything else from the episode you want made into a webm, let me know

Also the slowest job growth too, but that's not important because it doesn't help your narrative.
>Thanks Dodd-Frank Act


>unlimited Russian chicken works

Telling people to stop posting anime is garrunteed (You)s


>clearly white

ayy lmao

He just released his scathing remarks about how he will not vote in favor of them, Gorsuch is the deciding vote and he too hates what unions have become.

I don't have to defend Bush because I was never a supporter of his.
I support Trump, who inherited an economy where job growth has been declining after peaking in 2014.

Look at all 18 frames of that animation, wow.

Please fire Sessions so Rosenstein becomes acting AG. PLEASE

People easily forget but Trump started holding meetings on course to evade Obamas spying.

Well I hope you guys are right, Unions have trashed our economy...

You missed the leaked transcript. He's thoroughly sick of their kike shit.

I love getting (You)s to increase my karma count XD

do you have a permit for that snake?

"I think it could use a little spicing up"

I also hate the animu.

The Gookmoot hours are real as fuck right now

Nice one, user

Get off the proxy, Obamaleaf.

>looking at her for approval
God dammit they're so cute together.

Because those people weren't here originally


Trump is going after the (((unions))) and (((globalists))).
They will not survive.

>slowest job growth
Not slower than Bush.
>does worse than 5 of Obama's 8 years, which included 2 years of recovery from a Republican Recession (tm).
>blames it on Obama

>Rick Wifesson bantering back
Always make it a little more fun.

Get off the proxy, Obamaleaf.

Fire him too, they're both shit.

>Banks are responsibl-


who is this aryan


It’s one of the best /ptg/ trolling methods. Weebs are so autistic and low self esteem that they can tell help but reply. Then they start spamming anime to tell off the big mean normie and the thread devolves to complete dogshit.


Sup Forums has a raging inferiority complex. the pony fuckers just do their own thing.

*complete doujinshi

>does worse than 5 of Obama's 8 years, which included 2 years of recovery from a Republican Recession (tm).
Obama inherited Bush's economy. Trump inherited Obama's economy, which had the a slower and slower job creation per year after 2014. All Obama's fault. Just like 2009 was still Bush's fault, according to you.

pretty much. trolling them back, even slightly, can get you some great salt

can't wait till we have some counter meme, so I can start spamming it there

Surely they have better things to do

The associate AG is an Obama person and is stepping down soon anyway.

After that it's all department people that Trump has no control over. He can't fire all of them without causing a shitstorm for himself.


Tell me more

>TFW when too complex

Why can't we just fuckin' exterminate Obama holdovers?

>saved my pasta

Obama created 15K manufacturing jobs in 2016 and Trump 30K in one month...2016 GDP was 1.6% and 2017 was 2.3%...Obama created part time and shitty health care type crap where a landwhale types in data for seven hours so she doesn’t qualify for health coverage,...big difference and wages are now growing with quality of jobs and demand...statistics are for losers..

Did someone just said "Tigers"?

i can't hate on a man no matter the race trying to get some pussy.

>Republican Recession meme
Please, >what is Community Reinvestment Act
Turns out forcing banks to give loans to niggers for a house than cannot afford creates a market bubble
Also, that was a Democratic bill.

Lmao, Obama made less job growth than Clinton, which was president at America's highest crime rate.

>Sup Forums
>not autism
Using any Internet forum is autism imo.

/our Justice/

2009 was the first year Obama was president.

Hans, go to the archive and pull up a post mentioning the manufacturing index expanding and wage growth increasing in response to this guy.

>having things to do

What are you, some kind of non-abject failure?